Continue ReadingWant to be successful
Learn to start simple
Then quit hard
Gonna do it today
Or wait for 3 more months. Same value.
People really learn when they do it.
But the problem is people like to wait to be ready.
It's not bad. Wait for me to be ready.
But sometimes it's too much
Too prepared too much
The Word is ready in imagination
The Standard is too high.
The result.....
"it's difficult to get started"
Like someone who wants to have a good shape.
Thinking about wanting to exercise
I'm not ready. Wait.....
Must be ready. Must be ready. Clothes are ready.
Must have headphones. MUST HAVE BLUETOOTH.
Need shoes with air. Need to carry weight.
Study and find information for over a month to buy all.
First day of fitness
Lift the iron....
" s cuddle! So heavy "
" Damn! Tired "
Been running for a few days
"it's hard to start, easy to quit"
Been preparing for a long time
Meet the real thing. I feel discouraged.
As well when I wrote this page
A lot of people tell me
You have no experience yet?
You need to go to class first
To know the main one
I want to.
But I can wait to write.
Waiting to go to study and write first.
I will open the page soon.
Finally aiming there
I haven't done it in 1 years.
I haven't done it in 2 years.
See you at cuddle times.
Walk and talk to me.
Hey, you're lucky.
Page written and someone follows
"what the hell are you lucky"
(speaking in mind)
I'm getting simple. Easy to do.
Stupid, dizzy.
Then live and play and don't quit.
Done with the lesson.
If you meet any crisis, study.
Try to fail, learn, improve.
So that I keep improving.
No, I think I have to go to class first.
Or what limitations do you create?
So much that I can do.
Most of the self-made millionaires
Starting from simple and easy
There are no conditions.
It's like driving.
An adult said to me
Fuck you read the book driving
1 months, I understand the basics.
YOU READ 3 more months
Or 1 years
It doesn't make you understand more.
The opposite of you shoot and read.
You are getting more confused.
What kind of gear is this? Steering wheel, turning light.
So confused
Plus knowledge bite to eat
Well, I know a lot.
Must follow the main thing I know.
Whatever is wrong, I think about it.
Just too much academic
So it became a disease. Life is hard!
Won't be easy
The only way to know
Well do it for real fast!
Then I surrender to suck in the first round
Continue thinking, study more.
And keep getting better next time
This is real learning
Then we will know that
The reason I have been studying almost died.
Damn it was barely used in the beginning
Because it takes understanding
It's not the knowledge that I can read.
Understanding is caused by doing so often.
Embedded in the subconscious mind
In fact, it's everything in life.
Never had the first time. Perfect.
Toddler baby
Small kids practice recite multiplication formula.
Big boy training bike riding
To be good at it
There is only one way.
Do it until you are good.
Not a good read!
And perfect but no start
I only do it and improve to perfect.
Some adults have forgotten.
Adults are too smart
So smart that I think that I am.
Can think of it the first time to perfect
Then go do it
I forget the natural way.
The result is....
How can I think about it?
Think for a month
Thinking for a year
And waste of time thinking about it.
That we know a lot (just waiting for the day to do)
Think so that I didn't do it.
Thinking until it's outdated.
Until one day, I see other people doing what we can think.
For a year
That day I got up and did it
The result is feeling so hard
Then found myself...
I really don't know anything.
" I'm like someone who reads books.
About driving a boat for years
Read it for a long time. Come in.
I think I understand the water stomach.
The Ocean is better than anyone "
But when I got it
Really going to stand on the boat
He found out that he was pregnant.
The vast ahead of it
"I really don't know anything"
Little did I know that the migrant crew.
In spite of these crews are less than 1 months.
But I look specialized
With Wind, sun, rain.
And sea waves
Like I was born for this
He puked a little
With a drunken at the cray frame
The crew laughed at him
Like seeing a clown
Crew who worked for 15 days
Walking to console them.
It's normal, boss.
I came first day, I am also.
You get on the boat often, you will get used to it
To look away.
On the horizon in front
It will be better soon, mister.
Look out for the instructions.
In an empty ocean.
With heavy symptoms
The Picture is still busy and the symptoms are getting heavier.
So he decided to walk off the boat.
Turn around and look at the boat he came down
That's getting away
Away from me.
Until the boat is smaller and smaller.
Secret to the horizon. Fire.
He fell down and vomit again
And think in my heart...
In fact,
He thought he sure knew it
True true
Before that, he never understood anything.
Until today standing on the boat
Prince of sales
"a society of possibilities"
Today is the last day
Before closing
For iclass return
Sign up until 24.00 pm