📢Mighty News🚩
📣Open Source Design Forums|Workshops on COVID-19|Call for Pandemic Prevention Projects‼
📌In the face of the global COVID-19 pandemic, every country is doing its best to fight the disease. Although Taiwan has successfully curbed the spread of COVID-19, many countries are still facing dire situations, and this is when we can make a difference as MAKERs🛠
📣防疫開源設計論壇|系列講座 |防疫作品發表徵件募集‼
📌全球面臨COVID-19 疫情肆虐,全球設計師、自造者們與時間賽跑,透過社群、網路與他人協作,採用開放、開源的方式分享自己的設計,用最快的方式修正、驗證自己的想法實作,最後結合大家的力量分散式的生產,將防疫用具傳送到需要的地方🛠
✨指導單位👉 經濟部工業局
✨主辦單位👉 資策會、 IDEAS Hatch物聯網自造基地
✨協辦社群👉 Fablab Taipei
✨合作單位👉 瑞昱半導體股份有限公司
fablab taipei 在 Anchor Taiwan Facebook 的最佳解答
【 May Ecosystem Events | #生態圈大小事 #每月請鎖定 】
"All things seem possible in May!" - Edwin Way Teale 👴
It is ecosystem time! Let's explore what is happening around! 🔥
Full list ☞ https://bit.ly/2VK9aVu
▸ 5&7║ Mighty Net HW Express 商業簡報策略實戰營
▸ 8║ 3d列印於covid19國內外防疫應用分享會
▸ 16║ Asia Pacific Social Innovation Summit
▸ 19║ PicCollage Open House 線上徵才活動
▸ 20║ Anchor Roundtable: Women in Venture (VII) *More info coming soon
▸ 20║ 創業小聚#113|智慧醫療再升級!落實「遠距醫療」的關鍵與解套 <兩人同行,6折優惠!>
▸ 22║ Ground Zero: How to turn your Side Hustle into your Main Gig
▸ 29║ MOX x TSS: Pathway to South East Asia
Might Electronic 邁特電子 Fablab Taipei Talent Circulation Alliance 人才循環大聯盟 PicCollage 拼貼趣 創業小聚 Meet Startup The Hive Taiwan The Hive MOX - Mobile Only Accelerator Taiwan Startup Stadium 台灣新創競技場
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fablab taipei 在 Anchor Taiwan Facebook 的最佳解答
【 March Ecosystem Events | #生態圈大小事 #每月請鎖定 】
📅 A brand new month is approaching! Check out what are the events happening around Taiwan. (Full list ☞ https://bit.ly/2T9n8xu)
▸ 6 ║ Tsukuba Mini Maker Faire 分享會 - Masato Takemura /竹村真人 ║ Fablab Taipei
▸ 7 ║ Open Data Day Taiwan 2020║ Wikidata Taiwan OpenStreetMap台灣
▸ 7 ║ Become your own boss║ TUTEEMI STARTBOARD Honduran Association of Taiwan
▸ 10║ The Future of Urban Mobility║ Yushan Ventures, Inc.
▸ 11║ SparkLabs Taipei DemoDay 3║SparkLabs Taipei
▸ 18 ║ Anchor Roundtable: Women in Venture (VI) *More info coming soon║ Anchor Taiwan
▸ 26║ 2020「投資人有約」春季媒合會/Spring Matchmaking event║ Findit平台 經濟部中小企業處 ☞ https://findit.org.tw/stockMatchResult.aspx
▸ 28║ Girls in Tech:Hacking for Humanity 2020║ Girls in Tech - Taiwan
👇Comment below if we missed any interesting events 👇
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🎯 Anchor Taiwan | Tech x Culture x Venture
🚀 Taiwan Innovation Sprint | Hardware | Sustainability | www.anchortaiwan.com
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fablab taipei 在 Fablab Taipei 創辦人開講,後疫情時代的Maker社群發展現況? 的美食出口停車場

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fablab taipei 在 Fablab Taipei - Home - Facebook 的美食出口停車場
Fablab Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan. 15348 likes · 13 talking about this · 1834 were here. Fablab Taipei是個推廣使用數位製造工具的開放空間, 鼓勵實作與知識共享的 ... ... <看更多>