[190171] 1571. Ian Daniel Kehoe - Secret Republic (2018)★★__Colin Medley
[190172] 1572. Batsch - Awkward Patch (2017)★★
[190173] 1573. James Yorkston & The Second Hand Orchestra - There Is No Upside (2021)★★
[190174] 1574. Lael Neale - Blue Vein (2021)★★__Lael Neale
[190175] 1575. Vitess - Mont Roucous (2021)★★
[190176] 1576. Glitterer - Didn't Want It (2021)★★__Rob Fidel
[190177] 1577. Marker Starling & Laetitia Sadier - Waiting For Grace (2020)★★__Colin Medley∿
[190178] 1578. Devon Sproule & Mike O'Neill - You Can't Help It (2013)★★__Paul Curreri
[190179] 1579. Bobbi Humphrey - Fajehzo (1977)★★★
[190180] 1580. Air Pocket - Colors For Marvin (1975)★★★
[190181] 1581. 自說自話的總裁:5500萬年前地球高燒,創造出的史前巨獸,現在可能正在復活 (2021)★★
[190182] 1582. 電影最Top:看完爛片洗洗眼睛!盤點2020年度十大國際佳片 (2021)★★‒
[190183] 1583. 餓模人:Mini Deformed 宇宙大帝 GOD SIGMA ゴッドシグマ ACTION TOYS (2021)★★
[190184] 1584. 阿姆微:Figure-rise Standard 七龍珠Z 究極孫悟飯 超級賽亞人 未來悟飯 (2021)★★
[190185] 1585. John Southworth - Ode To The Morning Sky (2014)★★
[190186] 1586. John Southworth - Hey I Got News for You (2014)★★__Cory Bruyea
[190187] 1587. Bunny - Face Your Own (2017)★★
[190188] 1588. Opal Onyx - Hollow Earth (2020)★★__Josh Lee, Helena Calmfors
[190189] 1589. Opal Onyx - Lovers Toil (2020)★★__Josh Lee
[190190] 1590. Evening Hymns - Arrows (2013)★★
[190191] 1591. Little Annie - Midlife Lazarus (2016)★★
[190192] 1592. Mantler - Fresh and Fair (2010)★★
[190193] 1593. Mauno - Helah (2017)★★__Tom Chick
[190194] 1594. Mauno - How Long (2017)★★
[190195] 1595. Mauno - Take Care (2019)★★
[190196] 1596. Two Wings - Peace-Fear (2013)★★__Daniel Warren
[190197] 1597. Kìzis - Amanda (2020)★★
[190198] 1598. Mich Cota - Kijà / Care (2018)★★__Surah Field-Green
[190199] 1599. Mìch Cota & Kìzis - In Our House (2020)★★
[190200] 1600. Sing Leaf - Easy on You (2020)★★__Jordan Borg
[190201] 1601. Marker Starling - Would You Believe In Me (Ricky Astrobal Remix) (2017)★★
[190202] 1602. Marker Starling - Playin' Along '99 (2017)★★__Simon Ennis
[190203] 1603. Marker Starling - No More Party Lights (2017)★★__Alvaro Giron
[190204] 1604. Marker Starling - The Smiling Hour (2017)★★
[190205] 1605. Marker Starling - I'm Willing (2016)★★__Janosch Pugnaghi
[190206] 1606. Marker Starling - Hue and Cry (2015)★★
[190207] 1607. Marker Starling - Uphill Battle (2015)★★__Chandler Levack
[190208] 1608. Alex Rex - Haunted House (2019)★★__Tom Chick
[190209] 1609. Alex Rex - Master (2019)★★__Tom Chick
[190210] 1610. Alex Rex - Latest Regret (2019)★★__Tom Chick
[190211] 1611. Alex Rex - Postcards From A Dream (2017)★★
[190212] 1612. Nicholas Krgovich - My Riverboat (2017)★★__Nicholas Krgovich, Stijn Daenens∿
[190213] 1613. Nicholas Krgovich - Country Boy (2017)★★__Nicholas Krgovich, Stijn Daenens
[190214] 1614. Nicholas Krgovich - Sunset Tower (2016)★★__Courtenay Johnson
[190215] 1615. Nicholas Krgovich - Along the PCH on Oscar Night (2014)★★__Peter J Brant
[190216] 1616. Trembling Bells - Christ's Entry Into Govan (2018)★★__Tom Chick
[190217] 1617. Trembling Bells - I'm Coming (2018)★★
[190218] 1618. Trembling Bells - Wide Majestic Aire (2016)★★
[190219] 1619. Trembling Bells - Sweet Death Polka (2015)★★__Eva Gnatiuk
[190220] 1620. Trembling Bells - Hallelujah (2015)★★__Tom Chick
ennis house 在 看得見的記憶 How Memory Sticks Facebook 的最佳解答
甚受全球歡迎的劇集《權力遊戲》(Game of Thrones)不單內容緊張,其美學設計更是考究。當中許多美輪美奐的場景,其實不是製作團隊憑空想像,而是有根有據。
劇中的彌林城堡(Meereen palace──the Great Pyramid),就是參照了美國著名建築師法蘭克‧洛伊‧萊特(Frank Lloyd Wright)的恩尼斯住宅(Ennis House)及蜀葵之家(the Hollyhock House)來設計。劇組設計師Deborah Riley稱雖然萊特的建築設計已近百年,但它們的獨特創意依然,他的建築不會令人想到某個特定時期,令劇組可以重新安排,打造出同時具有中世紀和現代感覺的場景。
萊特是美國史上最著名的建築師之一,他所設計的恩尼斯住宅,建於1924年,而蜀葵之家則建於1921年,兩者皆位於洛杉磯,而且均為瑪雅復興建築(Mayan Revival architecture)。
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