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Welcome customers to the store and answer their enquiries
Work as a team to achieve sales targets
Maintain store image through changing design and displaying new arrival products in store
Closely coordinate with logistic team to process new arrival shipments and comply with inventory control procedures
Help daily shop operations
Assist in marketing activities as required
F.5 or above
At least 3 years solid experience in sales role, especially in retail sales
Good command of Cantonese, Mandarin and English
Team player with strong communication skill
Mature, independent, self-motivated and proactive personality
Results driven and team-oriented with positive and engaging attitude
At least 14 days Annual Leave
Birthday Leave
Discretionary Bonus
Employer MPF Contribution 6%
Life & Medical Insurance Marriage Leave and Paternity Leave
Training and Development Programs
Employee Wellness Programs and Staff Discount
G/F, 196 Tsat Tsz Mui Road, North Point, Hong Kong
查詢電話: 2564 6622
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Facebook: Dainese Hong Kong
Mewe: Dainese Hong Kong
employer responsibilities 在 駐英台-景觀筆記 Facebook 的最佳貼文
🔎第一階段: 準備作品集、履歷
🔺Part 2.景觀設計師準備作品集的5個小建議
特別是應屆畢業生, 如果一個作品集裡,透過各種不同的設計案,展現你能操從大到小的尺度、規劃、設計到 細部大樣、符合英國法規與環境的景觀工程與植栽設計,甚至是環境影響評估報告。即使能呈現的環節深淺不一,但已顯示出你完整的景觀專業訓練。
1️⃣ ’’表達你的想法’’和’’圖面漂不漂亮’’一樣重要
有時候會因為投履歷的策略不同,而需要不同的作品集,像如果是需要海投公司,廣泛性的呈現各種尺度、技能的作品技能會比較吃香; 但如果是投特定領域的公司,作品都呼應某個領域就是很好的策略(他們會覺得你就是那個對的人)。
最好吸引人的案子一定都放前面,在英國投履歷的話也可以把英國的案子放前面一點 ,或是由你自己想講的''故事''脈絡決定順序。
除了案子的屬性分類外,若是學校作業,建議加上”academic work”,以和真實工作經 驗的案子有區隔。另外整份作品集裡要兼顧全面性,展現自己能操作的各種尺度、工 作階段和嫻熟的軟體與手繪技巧等。
🔎 STAGE 1: Preparation of Portfolio, CV
🔺Part 2- 5 tips for preparing your design portfolio
The most crucial aspect that needs to be displayed in your portfolio isn’t about showing how great your design is, but to showcase your diverse range of skills and abilities to be employed. In short, your portfolio isn’t about what you want to show, but what your employer wants to see.
In particular, fresh graduates should demonstrate competency through exhibiting design projects that display a broad spectrum of skills and thinking such as: Scale (large to small), project stages (planning to detailed design), proficiency to design and plan in line with British regulations, environmental engineering, planting design and even environmental impact assessment reports. Even if the depths of each project presented is different, it should adequately show your good grasp on the landscape professional training you have had.
1️⃣ Content and Visual Aesthetics are equally important!
Apart from all forms of graphical expressions, what are your thoughts as a landscape architect? After all, landscape architects are neither 3D renderers nor graphic designers/illustrators. What are the responsibilities and ambitions of a landscape architect? Is it just about the diagram looking nice? Can the diagram and simple concise text explain your project’s context, ethos, purpose and storyline logically? Remember, every diagram and word has to earn its worth on the page.
2️⃣ Tailoring your Portfolio to suit different needs.
If your objective is to mass apply for a job, a portfolio that presents a wide range of work, depths, skillset would suit better. However, if you are applying for a specific company or a job with a specific skillset, tailoring your portfolio to respond to the needs of the employer would be a better strategy (They will think that you are the right person for the job)
3️⃣ Strategizing the display order of your works.
Organize the most attractive projects to the front of your portfolio. If you are applying a job in the UK, you can put projects that are based in the UK at the front OR you can organize the flow of the works according to the narrative you wish to express.
4️⃣ Diversify & categorize your portfolio.
Other than diversifying your selection of works, it is recommended that you tag school work as “academic work” to distinguish between professional practice and university work.
Also, your portfolio should be comprehensive and showcase the competency of your abilities such as proficiency in handling different project stages, software and sketching skills or even photography!
5️⃣ Portfolio’s File & Layout size
Most companies will state the maximum file size (commonly 10-15mb) or limit the number of pages of the portfolio. The intention is for applicants to objectively focus and effectively present key points that will allow your application to be memorable. Having a portfolio that is an archive of your work history will leave no impression.
employer responsibilities 在 全職獵人FullTime Headhunter Facebook 的最佳貼文
林作x全職獵人久保Job Application Email範例
以下範例可以作為各位寫Job Application Email的參考。
好多讀者詢問:Job Application Email跟Cover Letter 以後,兩者的差別在哪?
簡單來説, Job Application Email 是 Cover Letter 簡化的版本。文中的都是Cover Letter 裏的精華,用最少的篇幅和最精簡的方式寫出來。
也可以說,Job Application Email 就好像出席一場派對。 在場的人數非常多, 沒有太多的機會去深入認識。 大家通常在互相交換卡片之後,不會有時間聊太多。可是在短短的時間,卻可以對於對方留下第一印象。如果對方沒有閃亮點,亦不會和你再聯絡。 這跟 Job Application Email 一樣,你要在短短的一、兩分鐘内讓HR還有Recruiter 對你有興趣,不然他們有可能Cover Letter 跟履歷都不看,直接跳過去下一位應徵者。
Cover Letter 就好像出席一場極速約會。 在這種場合裏,需要在時間限制之内,通常三到五分鐘,跟對方交談。鈴聲響起之前,你還是要透過對談跟不同的方式吸引坐你對面的那一位再獲得她的青睞,才會有後續的機會。你需要戰略性的,在有限時間針對性的表現自己最有優勢的地方,然後稍為鞏固這個印象來吸引她。可是你又不能表現得太飢渴也不能太隨遇而安。可是也要適當的留白,增添神秘感, 讓她有更想要認識你的衝動。 Cover Letter 就像這樣, 要表現卻不能太超過。要適當的留意下白,不然面試的時候會沒有發揮的機會。
下面這個Job Application Email例子,屬於我們頗為正常的一份。裡面一切的個人資訊已經被編輯,但屬於一個真實案例,客戶是來自於酒店業,是一位工作年資大約10年的才俊,他希望能夠到一個在香港屬於最大的平台,從事他這些年來專門負責的工作,於是找了我們幫忙:
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to apply for the captioned position. Having spent X years building up a work profile with one of the industry leaders, I believe I am a strong candidate for the position with my years of varied experience in this industry.
I graduated from the XXX with a First Class Bachelor of XXX degree in 20XX, majoring in XXX. During my studies, I was awarded College Head’s List for my outstanding academic performance, an honour bestowed to only around X students per year out of a year of XXX. Upon graduation, I joined my present employer, XXX, being my first choice.
I relish new challenges. To that end, and to broaden my horizons, I was chosen as the only Hong Kong candidate to move across to their XXX branch in order to help further honing my skills and experience. My work experience at XXX has given me a truly international exposure. Wishing to be be exposed to the the biggest market for XXX, I then applied to be internally transferred to the XXX branch, named the Best XXX and one of the Top XXX in the World. Despite the different staff naming systems in XXX and XXX, being currently a XXX in XXX, not only did I move from one of the smallest portfolios in XXX
Umbrella of XXX to possibly the biggest, but also was I given bigger responsibilities, managing a significantly bigger budget as well as leading a bigger team of staff.
The overriding personality trait of mine is that of a buckled down attitude. In my level of position, I believe such an outlook is key to doing our job well, and it is what I inculcate into the many members of staff I have helped to train over the years. Indeed, this attitude leads me to always stay focused, be happy to admit mistakes, get rid of negativity in and around my team, be hard-working and be keen to learn. I believe my qualities would certainly make me a valuable asset of your company.
Please find the attached resume and do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further information. I am looking forward to discuss my attributes and experiences with you at an interview, and I look forward to hopefully contributing my skillset to you in the future.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Yours sincerely,
這一封Job Application Email吸引的原因有幾個:
1. 平時HR經常看到的只是簡單兩句的Email,等同浪費機會,白寫。每一份文件都是展現自己的機會,所以必須把你的故事講出來。
2. 但對比於Cover Letter,必須更簡單地去講,不能完整,更不能囉嗦。所以這裡,真的就只能勾勒出你的經歷,把最厲害的一點講出來,把最亮麗的工作履歷秀出來,其他的一概省略。
3. Email和寫信實際上沒有什麼文法上的分別,正式求職的就更不應該有分別,所以第一段和最後一段,開頭和結尾都必須很保守。
4. ‘Best’, ‘biggest’, ‘top’, ‘only’ 這些字眼,不能吝嗇。你不自信,不炫耀自己,別人也就沒有必要把你看得更高。當然,不單是把這些字眼拋出來,更要包裝整個quality有多麼特別突出。這就要交給我們了。
#Candidateprofilestructuring #林作全職獵人久保