【Elephants vs Flies: Building a $100M Business】
Conventional wisdom defines ~$100M in annual revenue (or an equivalent metric depending on the business) as the coveted benchmark before a startup can consider going public. But to get there, it's crucial to first understand what type of "animals" you are hunting.
Let's look at two ends of the spectrum:
Hunting 1,000 Elephants @ 100k each
Most of the giant SaaS businesses we all know and love today such as Salesforce attribute the bulk of their revenues to a relatively handful of large corporate customers. With this class of customers, building a $100M business entails only locking in 1,000 customers at $100k each. It may sound like a sizable chunk of money, but a contract of this size amounts to pennies on the dollar for many Fortune 1000 companies.
That said, the challenge then comes when trying to navigate the long, complex, and often meandering enterprise sales cycles. Large corporates are also less likely to work with seedling startups, with untested products/services, as even minute-long outages can mean millions of dollars lost.
Hunting 10M Flies @ $10 each
In order to get 10M active users, you're probably looking at a ballpark of ~100M downloads or general users of your product/service. Obviously, factors including but not limited to churn, engagement, and conversions will impact the ultimate arithmetic, but needless to say you'd need to be catering to a hefty # of users achieve $100M in ad revenue.
This will likely entail a degree of virality and network-effects, likely driven from some sort of social element or user-generated content, which also collectively lead to strong SEO.
Both cases--and everything in between--are certainly simplistic in nature. And every company and industry has its nuances. But overall these examples provide founders a holistic, back-of-the-envelope framework that enables them to think about long-term objectives and map out the trajectory, necessary milestones, and key hires in reverse.
Image credits: Point Nine Capital
-Jun Wakabayashi
Analyst, AppWorks
AppWorks Accelerator is now accepting applications for its next AI/blockchain only batch (AW#19): http://bit.ly/2J8CAG8
「element capital」的推薦目錄:
element capital 在 台灣物聯網實驗室 IOT Labs Facebook 的最讚貼文
Google 新成立 AI 工作室,尤其要解決數據與人才問題
作者 雷鋒網 | 發布日期 2017 年 07 月 28 日 8:20 |
Google 最近在 AI 上的動作有點多。月初時宣布成立新基金 Gradient Ventures,專門投資 AI 公司;而 27 日,Google 又宣布成立一個新的工作室 Launchpad Studio,為 AI 公司提供發展所需的資源。
人人生而平等,但創業公司卻生來不平等。AI 創業公司尤其喜歡數據,並想努力獲得足夠的數據,但這往往是他們缺乏的。新工作室就希望透過專門的數據集、仿真工具和幫助開發原型產品,來滿足這些需求。
Launchpad Studio 的另一個賣點,是被選中的公司可得到 Google 員工的幫助,比如工程師、智慧財產權專家和產品專家。
Launchpad Studio 是 Google Developer Launchpad 的一部分,後者一直在全球範圍內開展加速器業務。據稱,目前 Launchpad 網路在全球 40 個國家有業務,與一萬多家初創公司合作,在全球培訓了超過 2,000 名導師。
AI 工作室的想法並不新鮮,有「Android 之父」之稱的 Andy Rubin 就成立了 Playground Global,能為初創公司提供一系列服務,幫助獲得頂尖人才,打磨產品,並與大型科技公司競爭。
在 AI 方面,雷鋒網報導過機器學習的專家 Yoshua Bengio 聯合創立的孵化器 Element AI,已經有了 1.02 億美元的 A 輪融資。Bengio 是最著名的 AI 研究者之一,本身就能幫助吸引頂級機器學習人才,效果不會比 Google、Facebook 差。
當然,Launchpad Studio 也有自己的人才優勢,比如 Peter Norvig、Dan Ariely、Yossi Matias 和 Chris DiBona 等專家。不過與 Playground 和 Element 不同的是,Launchpad Studio 實際上不會對公司進行投資。
現在 Google 對 AI 創業公司的支援真是全方位的,有關注早期投資的風投部門 GV(前稱是 Google Ventures),有更注重後期投資的 Capital G(前稱為 Google Capital)、有專注 AI 的基金 Gradient Ventures、有 AI 公司最不可缺少的雲端計算平台 Google Cloud Platform,還有如今的工作室。如果真被 Google 看上,資源應該不缺。
現在 Launchpad Studio 已開放申請,地址是這裡。Google 沒有限制公司規模多大。不過工作室現在只在舊金山有點,後續會在紐約、多倫多、倫敦、新加坡,甚至是以色列等國家和地區設點。