【尋花問柳】Romp Among The Flowers 🌺
During a consultation on Monday, a young client got very upset, “I kept telling my family to recite the Buddha’s name to eradicate their negative karma. Sometimes they listen, but most of the time they don’t!
I set up such a dignified-looking altar at home, but my elderly parents plainly refused to do any chanting and said it was not important to believe in the Buddha! Teacher, look at how stubborn my parents are! They have severe negative karma, thus they can’t listen to the Dharma!”
I replied, “Your home altar is indeed one of the most dignified-looking among those I have seen in these few years. Indeed when one closes one’s ears to the Dharma, his karmic obstructions are aplenty.”
I took a look at the client’s Bazi again.
“You patronize prostitutes before?
The client’s eyes widened, “Yes!”
“And it lasted for a good many years. You also went KTV to hug and fondle women?”
“Teacher, there’s bound to be such entertainment due to work...”
“You obviously enjoy it, so don’t act pathetic in front of me. Does your family know?”
“Of course not! My wife also doesn’t know!”
This is flouting the 7th offence from the Laws of the King of Hades: Roving among the Flowers - buying and selling of a sexual nature. The sexual misconduct sins of the eye, ear, mouth, body and mind have been committed.
And of course, the sin of false speech too.
Disregarding the health of your wife and indulging in promiscuous acts, and what happen if you infect your wife with a STD? This is letting your desires going to your head and losing your humanity.
Your forest of merits gets damaged, and one retribution of severe sexual misconduct is no one listens and believes you when you speak the Dharma.
You ravage in the flames of anger and suffer from anguish when the person you speaks to is the one you care most. And this is the most piercing pain you are inflicted with as a result of your misdeeds.
You may have stopped these misdeeds but you have yet to atone for your sins.
Thus as long as you sincerely repent:
All evil karma I did in the past,
Came from beginningless greed, anger,
and delusion,
And was made by my body, mouth and mind.
I now repent of it all and reform.
Confess each and every one of your sin in detail to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Do it soon and often till you see the repentance phenomena. Then perhaps you are still in time to salvage all the lost blessedness!
Repentance song: https://youtu.be/jpJo-kg7Qdk
ear piercing pain 在 Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行 Facebook 的最讚貼文
【打耳洞日記】其實我一直想要穿上耳骨(upper helix) 的位置很久了🙉 可是軟骨癒合的時間是四到十二個月,一直旅行的我根本沒有辦法好好顧耳朵😅 結果這次到印度瑜珈之旅看到一位德國女生打上耳垂 (upper lobe) 覺得超級好看!於是回來幾天後馬上跑去穿!
畢竟耳垂最多三個月就可以復原了,剛剛好接軌七月的大堡礁潛水🐟 本來位置都畫好了👀 結果等到躺在椅子上老師才說我的軟骨位置太前面,我其實已經沒有位置在耳垂上打第三個洞🙀 必須打軟骨!
從照片上看來是有位置的👂 可是其實軟骨跟肉的「接觸」是不可以打的。不然耳針會在軟骨與肉中間摩擦會讓癒合時間增加,並可能感染😫 回家後我讀了一堆文獻也確實如此🤓 結果就變成打在下耳骨 (Lower helix ) 上了!
所以事後有點後悔... 既然都要打耳骨,那麼還不如其中一個打在我一直想要的上耳骨😞 唯一給自己的安慰是下耳骨好像比較薄,也許會復原比較快?但是問我耳科醫生的朋友他說時間不會差很多...😭 *槌地*
Ps. 話說耳槍打耳洞真的非常不好!雖然耳垂是唯一可以用耳槍打的位置,但是好的穿洞地方絕對都是用針!我第二個耳朵就是用耳槍,結果到現在三不五時常常發炎!
而且我這個地方都只用醫療用的 Titanium 耳環👂 我完全沒紅腫,也沒癢!跟以前用的材質真的差很多!真的是一分錢一分貨。尤其我本身很敏感(請不要送我18k 以下的耳環不然我會流膿😛)因此這次特地花了比一般多兩倍的價錢去打洞。等不及換耳環,這樣看起來會好看些😆 目前睡覺好痛苦啊!!
Pss. 大家是比較傾向於耳洞還是刺青?? 😈👹👾
#耳洞 #龐克少女 #中年危機
So... Was gona get two upper lobe pierced👂 Somehow during last minute the piercer said I didn't have enough space on my lobes😲
Before I knew it, I agreed to two lower helix piercings in my cartilage 🤦 I was quite against cartilage piercing due to much longer healing time...😑 3 months vs. 1 year🙎
Looking back... I should've just gotten upper helix done instead if I were to gona do cartilage piercing anyway🙄
Luckily I paid premium for this dude, he's one of the best in Adelaide😼 So hopefully I will heal up just fine👀
So... First pair of piercings at 10 yr, second pair at 20yr, third pair at 30yr😛 Probably will complete my ear at age 40 for that upper helix piercing I've always wanted 😂
Sigh... Sleeping is a pain right now having both cartilages pierced 😫 Can't wait to change to prettier earrings in few weeks time😝
#makeover #lowerhelix #notupperlobe #needlepiercing
Ps. 人家很認真準備開始重新經營 Instagram 📸 拜託大家來 follow 我唷🙏 www.instagram.com/travelwithwinny ⬅️🙆 歡迎提出任何意見!謝謝!❤️