#TGIF! 參加咗刺激嘅佳士得fine &rare葡萄酒拍賣會,好緊張呀!邊試住法國布根地Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé Bonnes-Mares Grand Cru2012年及2007年, 邊睇住大家競投這布根地最古老嘅名牌酒莊之一,覺得酒體十分經典及優雅之餘,多咗份此起彼落嘅生命力!Happy Friday! 😍🍷
Attended exciting Christie’s fine & rare wine auction! Watching the bids for these awesome Burgundy wines from Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé Bonnes-Mares Grand Cru (one of the oldest & renowned domaines in Burgundy) while sipping 2012 & 2007 vintages, u can taste the classic & elegant style plus adding a hint of vivid notes cos of the bidding pace! Happy Friday!😍🍷
#wine #winwauction #christieshk #burgundywine #bonnesmares #domainecomtegeorgesdevogues