▋小學生的英文讀本 / 橋樑書單推薦,音檔也幫你們找好啦!
以下介紹的主要是小學生適讀的英文橋樑書,難度各有不同,大部分書目都找得到音檔,不管是原書附送的免費音檔連結,或是要花錢買的有聲CD / 線上有聲書,試聽連結通通都幫你們整理在文中了,就算不跟團買書也歡迎參考。不用謝 : )
如果書單裡面有你家小書蟲的愛書,請分享共讀經驗,也歡迎大家推薦其他優質英文橋樑書、許願不在書單中的其他橋樑書 / 讀本,許願成功就有機會加入下禮拜 6/22~6/30 的三民中英文童書團喔!
_____英文分級讀本 / 橋樑書精選書單_______
★Usborne English Readers 英美雙發音有聲分級讀本
內容改編自經典童話、各國神話、伊索寓言、文學名著,在英文閱讀程度的同時培養人文素養,還附送音檔、閱讀測驗和學習資源下載,我五星級推薦!分為Starter Level / Level 1/ Level 2/ Level 3 共四個難度等級,每個等級都有10幾本書目,可包套或零買。
★ Dog Man 超狗神探 (260L-550L)
★ Nate the Great 大偵探奈特(280L-570L)
★ Press Start! 遊戲開始!(450L-540L)
★ The Princess in Black 公主出任務(480L-520L)
★ Magic School Bus 魔法校車(480L-520L)
★ Dragon Masters 馴龍大師(490L-600L)
★ Isadora Moon 伊莎朵拉(500L-600L)
★ My Weird School 我的瘋狂學校(540L-700L)
★ A to Z Mysteries 字母謎團(490L-660L)
★ Captain Underpants 內褲超人(570L-890L )
最後同場加映一套我愛的大師名作套書「Roald Dahl Collection」,如果家有高年級、國中或閱讀程度很好的孩子,以上橋樑書都對孩子太簡單,不妨更上一層樓,挑戰經典的長篇兒少小說。
★ Roald Dahl Collection 羅德達爾經典故事集 ( 600L-1080L )
👉繼續閱讀英文讀本與橋樑書推薦 完整版分享文:https://reurl.cc/4aQnKK
📣6/22~6/30 三民中英文年度童書團預告:與三民網路書店合作的年度中英文童書團,書種豐富、價格甜美,除了學齡前幼兒的中英文繪本,這團也會加入不少小學生適讀的英文橋樑書和讀本,讓小書蟲在漫長的暑假和居家防疫期補滿書櫃,國外朋友也歡迎跟團。預計下週一6/21公布重點書單,6/22上午10點開團。
dog man線上看 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳貼文
新加坡阻斷措施 - 第九天
When we moved house last year, I specially allocated a room to be the husband’s work room.
A man is the head of the household.
To me, it is very crucial to use Feng Shui to strengthen the man’s authority at work, money-making abilities and his status at home. During my Feng Shui audits, I have done the same for some of my male clients.
We used to stay with his parents and at that time, he could only use the dining table to do work.
He is a man who likes quietness.
When he worked at home in the night, the noises from the TV, the incessantly barking poodle, the cries from his niece and nephew or their playing would often leave him in a bad mood and lower his productivity.
Hence in March last year, I made up my mind and flatly told him, “We will move out at end of the month.”
He was caught by surprise and asked why my sudden decision.
Instinct. It was time to walk out.
I do not leave a way back once I make a decision.
When I said I would move in April, I kept to my words, giving my in-laws a shock as well.
Choosing the house, getting Shifu to audit the Feng Shui, buying furniture, moving house, these were all done in a matter of four weeks.
To me, when a decision needs to be made, it has to be made swiftly. There’s no need to be wishy washy.
Just like doing Feng Shui audits and analysing Bazi, I must be fast, firm and accurate.
My in-laws’ home was not very well-planned. If we are still staying there, given the current work-from-home situation due to Covid-19, it would be a real headache to accommodate eight persons and one barking dog.
Honestly speaking, looking back at my decision one year ago, I am also impressed by my own decisiveness at that time.
The husband is obviously much happier after our house move.
He says he is happy because I am happy. Well, I am happy because he is happy. 😄
Now that we work from home, every morning after his bath, he would hole up in his home office room for a few hours before I would see him.
I can tell that he is very pleased and satisfied at having his own work space. During his childhood, he had never have a space that he could work at.
Yesterday, a Dharma sister told me that I was very quick and serious in producing my Youtube videos
One of the reasons is that my home doesn’t really have any recreational area. We have no TV or sofa, since we don’t watch TV. That saves us money and space.
I work in my living room which is spacious and the Feng Shui set-up done by my Shifu increases my productivity and boost my inspiration.
When humans have many entertainment choices, we are bound to get distracted.
I am very clear on what I want. I can do without all other unnecessary things so as to reach my goals faster and earlier.
Now the husband can do his work and video calls in his home office. I can do my own work and online Bazi/Feng Shui consultations at my own desk. We do not disturb each other, as we work and live happily in harmony.
A harmonious family breeds prosperity.
After living here for one year, my income has increased three folds and currently, there is no plunge due to the epidemic.
Last week, a client told me not to poke fun at my husband although it was cute.
I laughingly told the husband, “See, I have created such a great image of you on my Facebook that even my female client feels bad for you!”
I did several Feng Shui adjustments to his work room, both inside and outside. He was not aware of them. I did not tell him about it.
Good home Feng Shui should not be easily detectable to the untrained eye. Once people step inside the home, they will feel cosy and linger longer without knowing why, yet enjoying the energies that nourishes their bodies and minds.
We do not fight often and upon moving here, we quarrel even less.
If there is a cockroach flying in the air, he will be in charge of screaming while I am in charge of catching the pest.
If there is a lizard taking a stroll in our home, I take over the screaming while he takes charge of catching it.
I say we really do make a perfect match for each other, right? Right.