👉在世界貿易組織「食品安全檢驗與動植物防疫檢疫措施協定」(AGREEMENT ON THE APPLICATION OF SANITARY AND PHYTOSANITARY MEASURES)(也就是俗稱的SPS協定)中,第二條第三項明定:「會員應保證其檢驗與防檢疫措施不會在有相同或類似情況之會員間,包括其境內及其他會員境內之間,造成恣意或無理的歧視。檢驗與防檢疫措施之實施不應構成對國際貿易的隱藏性限制。」
該協議本文不長,僅短短十三條,但其中第六條有關「緊急事件處理」寫著:「 雙方同意建立重大檢疫檢驗突發事件協處機制,及時通報,快速核查,緊急磋商,並相互提供協助。」
我支持我國政府將此事提交 #WTO爭端解決機制 (dispute settlement)。事實上,這跟我今年三月份在蘋果日報上的呼籲完全一致。
dispute意思 在 Kevin 英文不難 Facebook 的最佳貼文
(提示:Q1、A1 各一個)
P.S. 答案在最下面,不要偷看
Q1. Is it available to search or make a quarantine hotel reservation through other websites or platform?
A1. All the information of quarantine hotels is subjected to this website. Kindly remind that do not book any quarantine hotel through other websites, platform, or any booking information that provided by unknown agency for fear of being had or consumer dispute.
Q1:Is it "available" 聽起來怪怪的。available 通常跟「空檔」有關。例如,The professor is only available in the afternoon. 這裡應該用一個接近「能否」的單字,所以用 possible >> "Is it possible to search or make a quarantine hotel reservation..."
A1:"Kindly remind that do not..." 我其實滿常看到大家誤用 kindly。記得,remind 的意思是「提醒」。我對你說 "kindly remind" 意思就變成「我要你提醒...」
我會把 kindly remind 改成 Please remember >>> Please remember not to book... 如果要 kindly remind 那就加 we >> We kindly remind you that...
dispute意思 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最佳貼文
#EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事 #Wheresthebeef?
1⃣ Where’s the beef?
2⃣ What is Sarah’s beef with me? / have (a) beef with sb.
3⃣ What is Carolyn’s beef today?
4⃣ Margaret is always beefing about how messy the house is.
5⃣ beef up
Now that we’re done with cows, it’s time to talk about their main product—beef. Americans love to eat beef, so you can be sure beef is a big part of their vocabulary.
聊完牛之後,我們來聊聊牛肉吧。美國人非常愛吃牛,所以跟 beef 這個字有關的詞,想必也是很多。
One expression everybody is familiar with is 1⃣“Where’s the beef?” This phrase was first used in a Wendy’s TV commercial in the 1980s. In the commercial, an old lady asked “Where’s the beef” when given hamburgers from another fast food restaurant. The commercial was so popular that the phrase became part of the language, meaning “Where’s the substance?” It’s often used in politics, but can be used in other areas as well. Ex: I like the writer’s style, but where’s the beef?
下面這個片語大家應該都耳熟能詳:Where’s the beef? 這個片語首次出現在80年代的溫蒂漢堡電視廣告。廣告中的老太太拿到其他家速食餐廳的漢堡之後,問了對方:「牛肉在哪兒?」這個廣告在當時大受歡迎,連這句話也成了慣用語,指「重點或實質內容在哪裡?」經常出現在政治圈,也可以用在一般場合,如:I like the writer’s style, but where’s the beef?(我喜歡這個作者的寫作風格,不過缺少實質內容。)
The word beef itself also has lots of meanings in colloquial American English. 2⃣ One meaning is “disagreement, dispute or feud.” Ex: What is Sarah’s beef with me? You can also say “have (a) beef with sb.” Ex: I hear Mike has (a) beef with Steve. 3⃣ A similar meaning of beef is “problem or complaint.” Ex: What is Carolyn’s beef today?
在非正式的美語中,beef一字有很多意思,其中一個意思是「意見不合,爭執,世仇」,如:What is Sarah’s beef with me?(莎拉到底跟我有什麼仇啊?)你也可以說 have (a) beef with sb.,如:I hear Mike has (a) beef with Steve.(聽說麥克跟史蒂夫有仇。)beef另一個類似的意思則是「問題,抱怨」,如:What is Carolyn’s beef today?(卡洛琳今天又有什麼意見了啊?)
4⃣ As a verb, beef can also mean “to complain.” Ex: Margaret is always beefing about how messy the house is. 5⃣ But the verb phrase “beef up” has a completely different meaning—“to increase or strengthen.” Ex: After violence at the protest, the government decided to beef up security.
beef也可以當動詞,指「抱怨」,如:Margaret is always beefing about how messy the house is.(瑪格麗特一天到晚抱怨家裡很亂。)不過,動詞片語beef up就是完全不同的意思,指「增加或強化」,如:After violence at the protest, the government decided to beef up security.(從那場抗議發生暴力事件之後,政府就決定加強警力。)
🔔 按下「搶先看」,每週五【美國大小事】,由 Judd 編審分享最即時美國新鮮事!想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉嚴選
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dispute意思 在 dispute意思2023-精選在臉書/Facebook/Dcard上的焦點新聞和 ... 的美食出口停車場
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