Being, space without edges - Mooji
Let’s have a look how the 8 Limbs of Yoga that weave from our yoga sessions, silent sitting to yoga nidra.
ps. Kids Yoga Version tree for easier understanding.
Adult version :
The 8 Limbs of Yoga
1. Yamas - Self restraint.
Non Violence (Ahimsa) , Honest, Non stealing, Moderation and Non Attachment
2. Niyamas - Coming to terms with yourself.
Cleanness, Contentment, Self Discipline, Self study, Have Faith
3. Asana - Posture and Movement (Listen to your Body)
4. Pranayama - Breathing techniques (Breath or Life Force)
5. Pratyahara - Detachment, be aware of the breath and mind activity (Senses/Thoughts/Emotions)
6. Dharana - Steadying the mind (Concentration)
7. Dhyana - Contemplation (Meditation)
8. Samadhi - Secret Garden 🪴
What is Yoga Nidra?
Yoga Nidra, or sleep yoga is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping induced by a powerful guided meditation.
The stages of body scan and breath awareness alone is a practice to calm the nervous system, a nourishing way to reset, leading to less stress (ie. help to release tension) and promote better health and wellness, while developing greater self awareness.
With Yoga Nidra guided meditation, and your own direct experience, you could relate to the above 8 limbs.
Have Faith in all your direct experience, all is well.
Thank you for sharing your Being with me.
All my best, Grace
dhyana and dharana 在 Victor Chau Yoga Facebook 的精選貼文
Inner Strength comes when you truly know who you really are and be at peace with it.
It is, however, extremely difficult first to know who you are and secondly, be at peace with it. How many times have you made a wrong choice between you thought you needed A but in fact you actually need B in your life?
The practice of yoga is not just about doing poses, let alone all these fancy poses you see on Instagram. In fact, when you hear people say, I practice yoga, they usually mean #asana, which is only one lime of the #eightlimbsofyoga. Asanas prepare our body for a higher level of practice so that we can sit still and be still, which in turns lead us to #dharana (concentration) and #dhyana (meditation).
When you develop a meditation practice, your mind will become still (not empty, unlike popular belief that you need to empty your mind to meditate). When you are still, you can see who you are and then you can decide whether you can be at peace with it. Should I do something about it? Or do nothing. This is where power comes about. This is where empowerment takes place.
This, unfortunately, takes a long long time. There’s nothing #insta about it. There’s no “if you want to do this, practice this” about it. It will probably take much much long in order to see who you are than trying to do say a #handstand, #hollowback, #ekapadabakasana or a deep #wheelpose.
If you’re a regular yoga practitioner, bear in mind that the poses do much more than just improving flexibility or alleviate your back pain. If you’re a yoga teacher, it is important that you know why you teach,
My #empoweredflow #yogateachertraining with @yogaroomhk (May, Jun, Jul) is now filling up. Check out link in bio for more info.
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