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Consumer Choice Center 嘅朋友發起 #defundWHO
//The World Health Organization (WHO) has been downplaying and covering up the dangers of COVID-19. Patients’ lives are lost because the WHO failed to detect, warn, and implement a suitable global response early enough for public health threats.
The overly politicized body has a history of failing patients. The shortcomings during the Ebola crisis six years ago did unfortunately not lead to an improvement of the WHO’s readiness. Our lives are too precious to be jeopardized by the behavior of apparatchiks cozying up with Communist China.
Already, many international leaders have begun to openly discuss the larger inefficiencies and issues of transparency and accountability that have plagued the World Health Organization in recent years.
But while the failures of the WHO have only recently gotten publicity, this has been a long time coming.
For years, the WHO has wielded its significant power and resources on misguided anti-vaping, obesity efforts while neglecting what should be its core priority: responding to global health crises and outbreaks.
It has been revealed that the WHO spends up to $200 million per year, or $28,500 per staffer, on travel costs alone, more than the budgets of combatting AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria combined. Not to mention they've been known to host extravagant galas and conferences that do not further global public health.
We witnessed this during the Ebola epidemic in western Africa in 2013-14, where the WHO was too slow to respond and inadequate in health policies, and we're seeing it in realtime with COVID-19.
The WHO and its Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus have cozied up to the Chinese Communist Party since the beginning of the outbreak and praised their failures. Even as late as January 19th, the WHO parroted the Chinese Communist Party’s narrative that human-to-human transmission of the novel coronavirus was very unlikely. Furthermore, best practice advice from Taiwan, which has been smart and quick containing COVID19, has been continuously ignored in order to appease the Communist leaders in Beijing.
Now is the time to send a clear signal that the WHO needs to be transparent and accountable for its failures.
In 2017, Consumer Choice Center led the efforts in calling on the United States and member nations to cut funding to the WHO to realign their priorities toward health emergencies such as the very real pandemic we currently face.
The WHO has failed in its principal mission and it needs to be defunded. These funds should be used to establish a transparent and patient-centric global public health emergency response body.//