總理K.P. Oli提出解散國會並獲總統Bidhya Devi Bhandari批准後,尼泊爾的政局再起波瀾。Oli今天下午發表聲明,並將一切歸咎於黨內的反對勢力。
Oli與Pushpa Kamal Dahal(習稱Prachanda)同為尼泊爾共產黨(Nepal Communist Party)黨魁,事實上,尼泊爾原有兩大共產黨――聯合馬列(The Communist Party of Nepal-United Marxist-Leninist,簡稱CPN-UML)與毛主義中心(The Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist Centre,簡稱Maoist毛派),Oli所屬的CPN-UML與Prachanda所屬的毛派在2018年5月17日進行實質合併,然而,兩派多少還是存在著角力。而今年因為疫情的發生,許多民眾對政府不滿,政壇也因此傳出要拉下Oli的聲音。
defends中文 在 Fernando Chiu-hung Cheung 張超雄 Facebook 的最佳貼文
——民陣宣布 10 月 20 日舉辦大遊行
Abolish anti-mask law, setup independent commission of inquiry, and rebuild Hong Kong police force——Civil Human Rights Front Calls for Rally on 20 October
(Please scroll down for English translation)
民陣決定在10 月 20 日於九龍區舉辦大遊行,並已向警方申請不反對通知書。民陣呼籲香港人,星期日齊上齊落,用人數和腳步向惡法說不!
2019 年 10 月 14 日
日期|10 月 20 日(星期日)
時間|1.30PM 集合
路線|九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利花園 至 高鐵西九龍站
#緊急法 #禁蒙面法 #香港人反抗
#五大訴求 #缺一不可
Hong Kong people has been united to uphold the five demands and resist the authoritarian government since the anti extradition protest.
However, the police force in this city has also been escalating their use of force, and continue mass arrest as well as abuses of their power. The Hong Kong government defends the shortcomings of police officers, and moreover, bypasses the constitutional role of the legislature to enact an anti-mask law by its emergency powers. The anti-mask law deprives freedom of expression among Hong Kong citizens, and threatens everyone’s personal safety while exercising their rights to freedom of assembly.
People of Hong Kong will not compromise, against the fact that Carrie Lam abuses her power to spoil the police force and repress our rights. We demand abolishing the anti-mask law. We also urge the government to set up an independent commission of inquiry to investigate police brutality alongside its abuse of power by professional and impartial manner, and propose resolutions to rebuild our police force. Otherwise, hardly can our five demands be realised, and Hong Kong be restores to justice and fairness.
We call for a rally in Kowloon on 20th October. We have submitted application for a letter of no objection from police commission. We urge everyone in Hong Kong to stand up again, and say NO to the anti-mask law by our size of rally and our feet!
Civil Human Rights Front
Details of the rally:
Date: 20th October 2019
Time: 1:30pm
Route: Salisbury Garden, Tsim Sha Tsui to West Kowloon Station
【民陣 TG】 t.me/CivilHumanRightsFront
【民陣 Twitter】 https://twitter.com/chrf_hk
民陣被捕法律支援熱線:6549 9452
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defends中文 在 翻譯這檔事 Facebook 的最佳貼文
剛剛發現一位著作甚豐、值得閱讀的法律學者Cass Sunstein。搜索他言論的同時,偶然又驚見「超譯大師」洪蘭荼毒《快思慢想》的刀痕,再記下一筆。雖然並不意外,驚的仍是她不斷挑戰無腦翻譯下限的能力。
//Another scholar and friend whom I greatly admire, Cass Sunstein, disagrees sharply with Slovic’s stance on 【the different views of experts and citizens】, and 【defends the role of experts as a bulwark against “populist” excesses】. Sunstein is 〔one of〕 the foremost legal scholars in the United States, and 【shares with other leaders of his profession the attribute of intellectual fearlessness】.
另一個我很景仰的學者兼朋友孫斯坦(Cass Sunstein)完全不同意史洛維克【對專家和老百姓的看法】,他〔捍衛專
家的角色就像抵抗民粹主義進攻的堡壘一樣〕。孫斯坦是美國〔最著名的〕法律學者,而且【無畏與其他同領域領袖分享看法】。// (《快思慢想》修訂版,洪蘭譯)
1. different views被吃掉。前幾段說得很清楚:
2. 原譯中文有語病,誤導讀者以爲是他(孫斯坦)像堡壘一樣堅定地捍衛著專家的角色。還有 excesses 怎麼變「進攻」?這是國小作文造句嗎?宜改為:
3. foremost 和「著名」意思不同。為了呼應下一句話,宜改爲:
4. 這句是瞎譯的極致,不用多說明了,有一點英文理解力的讀者請自行品嘗洪氏「瞎謂鮮」 😂: