第一期 Regular 溫習重點
Paper 1: Reading
Writer's attitude: WSOO
Main idea: TSCS
Direction +/-
Sentence structures 1: 長句重點用句構學拆解
Sentence structures 2: 關於作者立場句構剖析
Paper 2: Writing
Argumentative & Discursive Writing 思維及框架
Introduction Standard Approach 四部曲
Introduction Advanced Approach
Body 闡述法1
Writing Enhancement 長、短文分析
Role awareness + Reader awareness (2X, tone, 代入角色)
Schooling and eLearning 倒轉鐵三角
Features of a successful app
Theme: The Internet & Smartphones
5 functions, 4 advantages, 5 problems 思維完整及完美歸納
Body 框架秒速成段法
Paper 3: Listening
Feature Articles 格式重點
Paper 4: Speaking
Debate 題:First speaker 框架
Debate 題:每輪發言 "表達意見" 框架
Debate 題:拋波、接波、轉話題高階框架
Language Enhancement + Writing Enhancement - Advanced language items
debate格式 在 遵理學校 Kenneth Lau Facebook 的最佳貼文
Paper 2: Writing 溫習策略
主攻各 Elective Modules 的相關筆記如下:
1. Short Stories:
- Regular Book 4
- All-round Book 2A
- Ultimate Intensive Book U1 (P.3-9)
- Ultimate Intensive Book U2 (P.53-61)
2. Drama:
- Regular Book 4
3. Poems & Songs:
- Regular Book 5 (P.91-105)
- All-round Book 1 (P.149-169)
4. Sports
- Ultimate Intensive Book U1 (P.19-34)
- 去年 S.4/5 Regular Book 5
- Regular Book 1 & Book 4 (有少少作用)
5. Social Issues:
- Regular Book 1
- All-round Book 2B
- Ultimate Intensive Book U1 (P.103-116)
- Ultimate Intensive Book U2 (P.63-72)
- Intensive - Social Issues 課程 Book S1
6. Debating:
- Rgular Book 1
- All-round Book 2B
- Elite - Writing 課程 (Book 1)
- Ultimate Intensive Book U1 (P.59-68 + P.113-116)
- Ultimate Intensive Book U2 (P.41-52)
7. Workplace Communication:
- Regular Book 1
- All-round Book 2A
- Ultimate Intensive Book U1 (P.89-102)
8. Popular Culture:
- Summer Book S1
- Regular Book 1 & Book 4
- All-round Book 2A & 2B
- Ultimate Intensive Book U1 (P.77-88)
Short Task 的溫習資料在:
- Ultimate Intensive Book U2
- Ultimate Intensive Book U2
Regular Book 1
這本書較多東西要記,記緊一篇5☆☆文章必須顧及C、L、O三方面,這段時間,對議論及討論性文章的結構先有充份掌握,不論是基本結構還是較高階的結構。之後可選擇性記一些句子,包括 introduction、body (elaboration) 及 conclusion。如果有時間,可參考 Idea Bank 或範文集記少少有用的論點。如果你有上 Elite - Writing課程,可同時溫習相關筆記。修讀Workplace Communication的同學可參考本書相關的部分。
這筆記對以下 Elective modules 較相關:
1. Debate(如有報讀 Elite - Writing 課程,請取相關講義參閱)
2. Social issues(如有報讀 Intensive - Social Issues 課程,請取相關 SI講義參閱)
3. Popular culture(如有報讀升 S.6 暑期課程,請取相關 S1 講義參閱)
4. Workplace Communication
5. Sports Communication(如有報讀去年 S.4/5 課程,請取相關 Book 5 講義參閱)
記:P.4-13, 17-21, 28-29, 34, 40, 49-50
概念參考:P.30-33, 35-37, 41-48
應用:Workplace Communication
Book 4
在這本筆記中,你必須掌握故事寫作的起承轉合四個基本部分的必備原素,大家必須明白每部分的結構、原素。每個部分都有必用詞彙、實用 phrases 或 idioms 讓大家提升語文。另附大量例子參考,甚至將一些有用的內容記一記,以便抄橋。另外,請將第四期送的 Writing Clinic - Short Stories & Drama 的範文略讀。這本書也輯錄了 Drama 必考資料。
這筆記對以下 Elective modules 較相關:
1. Short Stories(如有報讀 All-round Intensive 課程,請取相關 2A 講義參閱)
2. Drama
3. Popular Culture(如有報讀升 S.6 暑期課程,請取相關 S1 講義參閱)
4. Workplace Communication(如有報讀 All-round Intensive 課程,請取相關 2A 講義參閱)
5. Sports Communication(如有報讀去年 S.4/5 課程,請取相關 Book 5 講義參閱)
明:P.13-14, 30, 38, 44-46
例子參考:P.21-29, 35-37, 39-43, 47-50, 143-146
選擇有用詞彙或 phrases 記:P.15-20, 31-34, 53-78, 137-142
Drama 資料:
明:P.150, 151, 153, 154, 155, 157-158
debate格式 在 台大英文辯論社NTU English Debate Society - Facebook 的美食出口停車場
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