Thanks to Brazilian online traveling platform "Almost Locals" for the interview. The article about ONCE studio & my food art journey is now published online in the link attached. :) Here you can see the English translation of the article:
感謝巴西的旅遊網站Almost Locals 的深度專訪! 界紹了ONCE studio 玩食工作室 , OUNCE magazine 以及我在葡萄牙的"玩食故事"給巴西的讀者們。無比的榮幸!文章全文為葡萄牙語,在此附上英語翻譯:
Meet the artist who transformed Portuguese food in art
Leslie Wang is 25 years old, is from Taiwan and is completely charmed by Lisbon. Much of this spell is due to the Portuguese food. It is that Leslie, graduated in graphic design at an American university, from adolescence draws everything she eats. What was a hobby, about a year ago became work and Leslie just launched in Lisbon the first edition of 'Ounce', a work that blends art and gastronomy and that results in a delightful script.
Leslie arrived in Lisbon in March to participate in a group exhibition organized by her teacher at Studio Gallery Teambox. It was soon conquered by the local cuisine. And without much effort. "The first thing I ate here it was a toasted sandwich. It was so simple and so delicious, "she recalls, citing the traditional hot Portuguese sandwich which is often finished off with a dollop of butter and oregano.
It was the cue for Leslie start designing Portuguese dishes and not stop more. Her work amazed the chef José Avillez - owner of some Lisbon restaurants, including Belcanto, awarded two stars in the respected culinary guide Michelin. Avillez asked Leslie to draw the entire menu of Belcanto, other chefs knew her, other works were going on in Portugal and then Leslie found a Portuguese inspiration for "Ounce".
"It was an exhibition in Cascais and I saw some old Portuguese newspapers prior to the photograph, which were illustrated. It was so beautiful, "she said, saying the concept was in her head and then she had the idea of gathering a small magazine a few restaurants that have won in Lisbon. She presented the project to chefs and owners of coffee shops and the like and soon landed supporters. "People in Portugal are very creative, very open-minded," he says.
Part of Leslie are about Landeau and its unforgettable chocolate cake (we have already spoken of it here); the cafes of Corallo, a house where the owners have coffee plantations in Sao Tome and Principe; the cool coffee Copenhagen Coffee Lab, the newly opened Danish cafeteria in Lisbon; the Tavern Rua das Flores and its snacks that value Portuguese tradition but with a modern twist. And yet one so many others.
The magazine's name is a play on the Leslie studio name, Once Studio, and with the measure used for recipes - 'ounce' are ounces, a variety of weight measure used in the United States, among other countries. Interestingly, the artist is not much to look at the pots. "I cook on paper," she says.
The work was released in a special edition with only 150 copies that are for sale in the restaurants that were included in the magazine, and some places of the LX Factory, as the bookstore Ler Devagar. Each copy costs 10 euros and Leslie hastens to explain: "It's not really a magazine, it's art. It's not something you'll want to throw away. "
The Portuguese season is not Leslie’s the first "adventure". In 2014, she went to Bolivia to do volunteer work for a few months and ended up staying seven, also working for restaurants, illustrating menus or creating and executing decoration projects. "The food is great, the view is amazing but it's the people I want to stay," she says.
Article by Flávia Motta
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調理時間:200分 (発酵時間計90分、冷やす時間計30分、焼く時間20分含む)
【材料】 6個分
----- 生地 -----
強力粉 100g
薄力粉 100g
砂糖 30g
ドライイースト 5g
塩 4g
溶き卵(Mサイズ) 1/2個分
お湯(40℃) 80ml
無塩バター 30g
無塩バター(折り込む用) 100g
強力粉(打ち粉) 適量
----- シナモンフィリング -----
グラニュー糖 50g
溶かし無塩バター 20g
シナモンパウダー 小さじ2
くるみ(無塩・ロースト) 30g
----- アイシング -----
粉糖 80g
水 大さじ1
1. シナモンフィリングを作ります。ボウルにシナモンフィリングの材料を入れ混ぜ合わせます。
2. 生地を作ります。別のボウルに無塩バター以外の生地の材料を順に入れて混ぜ合わせ、粉気がなくなったらボウルから出します。
3. 無塩バターを加えて捏ね、なめらかになったらボウルに入れてラップをかけ、オーブンの発酵機能を使い、40℃で40分程発酵させます。(一次発酵)
4. 袋に無塩バターを入れ、麺棒で15cm角の正方形に伸ばし、冷蔵庫で15分程置きます。(ベンチタイム)
5. 3が2倍程の大きさになったらガス抜きをし丸め直し、ボウルに戻しラップをかけ冷凍庫で15分程置きます。
6. 打ち粉をした台にとじ目を上にしてのせ、麺棒で25cm角の正方形に伸ばします。4をのせ、無塩バターを包むように折りたたみ、刷毛で打ち粉をはらいます。とじ目を指でつまんでしっかりと閉じ、打ち粉をし、麺棒で生地がなじむように全体を押さえます。
7. 打ち粉をし、長さ40cm程に伸ばし、刷毛で打ち粉をはらい、奥1/4、手前3/4を折りたたみます。刷毛で打ち粉をはらい、半分に折りたたみ麺棒で全体を押さえます。生地を90℃向きを変え、もう一度くりかえします。
8. 麺棒で15cm角に伸ばし、ラップに包んで冷凍庫で15分程置きます。
9. 打ち粉をした台にのせ、麺棒で30×20cmの長方形に伸ばし、左右の端を5mm程切り落とし、奥2cm程を残して1を塗り、くるみを散らします。手前から巻き、巻き終わり下にし、スケッパーで6等分に切ります。
10. アルミカップにのせて形を整え、ラップ、濡れ布巾をかぶせて、常温で生地の層が見えてくるまで、50分程発酵させます。(二次発酵)この間にオーブンを230℃に予熱します。
11. 濡れ布巾、ラップを取り、溶き卵を刷毛で塗り230℃のオーブンで15分程焼き色が付くまで焼き、粗熱を取ります。
12. アイシングを作ります。ボウルにアイシングの材料を入れ混ぜ合わせます。
13. スプーンで11にかけ、アイシングが固まったらお皿に盛り付け完成です。
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