It’s not easy to be a terrorist, those guns are really heavy, the sun in the desert is really hot, we almost fell to death because riding off-road vehicles is really dangerous... these are not cool at all. The only thing that makes us happy are the four belly dancers...
Asiaboy & Lizi 禁藥王 栗子Lizi
《Hello Hater》Youtube 高清版MV: https://youtu.be/xyos93gW5e4
The Making Of《Hello Hater》幕後花絮 Youtube高清版: https://youtu.be/RCV8qTt4ktY
《Hello Hater》數位音樂下載 Online Music Download:https://lnk.to/HelloHater
Lyric Version《Hello Hater》動態歌詞版 Youtube高清版 : https://bit.#hellohater
《Hello Hater》Shorts 高清版:https://youtu.be/mdm_crIL6NA
欲網購黃明志最新實體專輯《亞洲通才》及歷年專輯和周邊商品請到。Purchase Namewee Latest 《Asian Polymath》 , Others Music Albums & Merchandises Please log in to https://namewee4896.com/
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#Namewee #黃明志 #HelloHater
同時也有16部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過285萬的網紅Namewee,也在其Youtube影片中提到,I found that many foreign audience cannot understand the meaning of my English lyrics?. Malaysian and Singaporen friends, pls help me to translate it ...
dangerous歌詞 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Pay tribute to the classics.
我們以致敬Joy Division的《Unknown Pleasures》唱片封面拉開序幕,這似海浪的黑底白線條,其實是人類發現的第一顆脈衝星 CP 1919的脈衝信號,當時引起軒然大波,人們欣喜若狂以為是外星人發出的訊號,以為找到了人類不孤單的證據?最終被證實只是來自2千光年之外,狐狸星座一顆垂死的恒星發出的規律脈衝信號,沒錯! 就是那麼遙遠與孤獨,如同我們“活在摩天動物園”看似繽紛,卻還是感到孤獨。
“傳說在伊甸 原始的愛沒有欺騙”(歌詞)
我們以Nirvana《NEVERMIND》唱片封面的嬰兒與蘋果來象徵伊甸園,後來蘋果被咬了一口我們則是翻玩了《Apple Logo》,象徵文明正在進化,也象徵著純真的善良開始有了些變化。
站在金字塔頂端插上巨大”紫旗”的紫棋,金字塔形狀聯想到了Pink Floyd《The Dark Side Of The Moon》,折射出來的彩虹象徵跨性別的愛與和平。
鄧紫棋在愛麗絲夢遊仙境,騎著巨大的兔子,被巨大手抓住則是致敬經典電影《金剛》,因白色巨手狠狠擠壓滲出血則是致敬Green Day 2004年的反戰專輯《American Idiot》唱片封面,兩旁的惡魔抓住紫棋的左右手,絕望地呈現瑪麗蓮曼森《Holy Wood》經典封面。
“單純的一群小白豬 被名和利薰陶擺佈…一個個紅得快速 卻餓得變了排骨” (歌詞)
翻玩披頭四經典唱片封面,這群天真的小白豬,為了符合媒體、大眾審美觀,進了醫美診所,都變成了”排骨” ,失去了獨特的靈魂與自己原有的模樣。
從龜兔賽跑版本的大笨鐘,來到了重頭戲,致敬翻玩「流行樂之王」(King of Pop)Michael Jackson的《Dangerous》經典封面,最有趣的是,我們把原本唱片封面畫面裡的元素,全部換成了中華元素:青花瓷、福祿壽、雷峰塔、鳳凰、舞獅、仙鶴、石獅、廟宇常見的龍鳳雕刻…
我們翻玩了Nirvana《In Utero》的唱片封面,看似天使也像惡魔的造型。
穿梭進入大門後,最後來到了Metallica《Master Of Puppets》的經典唱片封面,百般波折雷電交加,這趟奇幻的音樂冒險總算劃下了句點。
Joy Division《Unknown Pleasures》;
《Apple Logo》;
Pink Floyd《The Dark Side Of The Moon》;
Grant Wood《美國哥德式》;
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》;
Green Day《American Idiot》;
瑪麗蓮曼森《Holy Wood》;
The Beatles《Abbey Road》;
Michael Jackson《Dangerous》;
Nirvana《In Utero》;
Metallica《Master Of Puppets》;
*Tribute to (in order of appearance):
Joy Division《Unknown Pleasures》;
《Apple Logo》;
Ang Lee《Life of Pi》;
Pink Floyd《The Dark Side Of The Moon》;
Grant Wood《American Gothic》;
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson《Alice in Wonderland》;
Movie《King Kong》;
Green Day《American Idiot》;
Marilyn Manson《Holy Wood》;
Movie《The Texas Chain Saw Massacre》;
The Beatles《Abbey Road》;
Aesopus moralisatus《The Tortoise and the Hare》;
Michael Jackson《Dangerous》;
Nirvana《In Utero》;
Metallica《Master Of Puppets》;
dangerous歌詞 在 Namewee 黃明志 Facebook 的精選貼文
I found that many foreign audience cannot understand the meaning of my English lyrics😂. Malaysian and Singaporen friends, pls help me to translate it lah...
這次MV拍攝的主題是“歐洲杯”,所以請來了很多歐洲的辣妹和帥哥來演戲,裡面有的在大馬工作的,有的則是疫情期間滯留在這裡沒辦法離開的“遊客”😅。MCO期間要拍攝本來就是很難的事情,尤其這是一首比較大的製作,我們全程都是被警察追著跑的,連電影局都來看著我們拍... 但放心我們都很乖地遵守SOP。甚至在拍攝前付了整萬馬幣給整個團隊包括演員都去做了病毒檢測(Swab test) 才敢開拍,我們已經盡力了。。。也請大家在家裡好好照顧自己,祝馬來西亞MCO 3.1愉快。
Thanks musician, crew, production team, actors, actress, venue and everyone who help us to complete this MV under such a difficult situation of the epidemic Cumdy Cumdy Production SaBee levendadewz 陈舒颐 @feniasworld @kyklamashka_ @yuri_caiyun @teenaik93 @brownie_08_06 @ammetta_supermodelmalaysia @djmimi7593 @krmlgn @lera_holikova @sysy2387 @ibkinx @gerald_cph ODD Dance School,And our most honorable sponsor Me88 Marketing
Btw, People are asking why we are using SGD in the mv? Because it is too “dangerous” to use Ringgit in this kind of mv mah... 😂
【You Know Who Is My Father】Youtube高清版:https://youtu.be/1FWGNXsbJ0E
【You Know Who Is My Father】Online Music Download 數位音樂下載:https://lnk.to/YouKnowWhoIsMyFather
The making of【You Know Who Is My Father】幕後花絮 Youtube高清版 :https://youtu.be/vFoisYPO-Tc
Lyric Version【You Know Who Is My Father】動態歌詞版 Youtube高清版 : https://youtu.be/80-BS_kPA54
Thanks Sponsor! Me88 Marketing
Asia’s Most Trusted Platform,
Play safe, play me!
#playme #eurocup #mosttrusted
#YouKnowWhoIsMyFather #SendMeLocationLah
欲網購黃明志最新實體專輯《亞洲通才》及歷年專輯和周邊商品請到。Purchase Namewee Latest 《Asian Polymath》 , Others Music Albums & Merchandises Please log in to https://namewee4896.com/
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#Namewee #黃明志
dangerous歌詞 在 Namewee Youtube 的最佳解答
I found that many foreign audience cannot understand the meaning of my English lyrics?. Malaysian and Singaporen friends, pls help me to translate it lah...
這次MV拍攝的主題是“歐洲杯”,所以請來了很多歐洲的辣妹和帥哥來演戲,裡面有的在大馬工作的,有的則是疫情期間滯留在這裡沒辦法離開的“遊客”?。MCO期間要拍攝本來就是很難的事情,尤其這是一首比較大的製作,我們全程都是被警察追著跑的,連電影局都來看著我們拍... 但放心我們都很乖地遵守SOP。甚至在拍攝前付了整萬馬幣給整個團隊包括演員都去做了病毒檢測(Swab test) 才敢開拍,我們已經盡力了。。。也請大家在家裡好好照顧自己,祝馬來西亞MCO 3.1愉快。
Thanks musician, crew, production team, actors, actress, venue and everyone who help us to complete this MV under such a difficult situation of the epidemic #CumdyCumdyProduction #SaBeelevendadewz #陈舒颐 #feniasworld #kyklamashka_ #yuri_caiyun #teenaik93 #brownie_08_06 #ammetta_supermodelmalaysia #djmimi7593 #krmlgn
#lera_holikova #sysy2387 #ibkinx #ODDDanceSchool #gerald_cph,And our most honorable sponsor
Btw, People are asking why we are using SGD in the mv? Because it is too “dangerous” to use Ringgit in this kind of mv mah... ?
【You Know Who Is My Father】Youtube高清版:https://youtu.be/1FWGNXsbJ0E
【You Know Who Is My Father】Online Music Download 數位音樂下載:https://lnk.to/YouKnowWhoIsMyFather
The making of【You Know Who Is My Father】幕後花絮 Youtube高清版 :https://youtu.be/vFoisYPO-Tc
Lyric Version【You Know Who Is My Father】動態歌詞版 Youtube高清版 : https://youtu.be/80-BS_kPA54
欲網購黃明志最新實體專輯《亞洲通才》及歷年專輯和周邊商品請到。Purchase Namewee Latest 《Asian Polymath》 , Others Music Albums & Merchandises Please log in to https://namewee4896.com/
Namewee 黃明志 Telegram Channel :
Namewee 黃明志 Official Facebook Fan Page:
Namewee YouTube Channel Link:
#Namewee #黃明志

dangerous歌詞 在 Lisa hui 許靜雯 Youtube 的精選貼文
作詞作曲編曲: Lisa Hui
主唱與和音:Lisa Hui
音樂後期與歌詞視頻製作:Lisa Hui
音樂製作:Lisa Hui
緣分帶來了好奇與完美的期待, 可是次次沒到結局就徹底失望。世界這麼多人? 為何卻與你相遇以及陷入愛的危險旅程以及危險懸崖?
這首曲子的特別就是Rnb與暗黑的Rock元素再加上中國風。一開始的鼓聲是Lisa打開對愛情的心窗大門,讓你牽著她的手帶她飛,離開她心裡的黑暗世界。只要溫柔的親吻Lisa額頭,她就肯和你走出她幽暗心靈世界。男人都是多心的愛人, 就算你多心, lisa也不需要你的改變, 只要你可讓Lisa日日開開心心,日夜愉快,就算最後這段感情全是謊言讓lisa傷痕累累,,Lisa都願意冒這個險,伴隨這短暫人生的快樂,享受這段溫存。
最後音樂的結尾也是鼓聲的結尾,就是Lisa把自己再次關進了門裡。代表這一切美麗的愛情是不存在的, 都是自己Lisa騙自己,所以音樂的尾聲是代表在她雖然把門關上了,當然,憤怒歸憤怒,可是那些愛情的回憶就跟曲子的結尾一樣,一直會在心底揮之不去。
Lyrics, Composer and Arranger: Lisa Hui
Lyrics video production: Lisa Hui
Music production: Lisa Hui
Take my hand and fly me? Can you fly Lisa? Fate brings curiosity and perfection expectations, but every time it reaches the end, I am completely disappointed. So many people in the world? Why would I meet you and fall into a dangerous journey of love? Looks like Lisa want to go to the cliff?
Lisa doesn't want any of your promises, because promises are beautiful and heartbreaking lies. Who can make sure that they will come to the end? In fact, as long as you make Lisa happy every day in the process of falling in love... Can you fly with Lisa forever? The special thing about this song is that Rnb and dark Rock elements set off the rhythm of Chinese style percussion. The drumbeat at the beginning was when Lisa opened the door to love, let you take her by the hand and lead her to fly away from the dark world in her heart. As long as you gently kiss Lisa's forehead, she is willing to walk out of her dark world with you.
Men are hearty lovers like Casanova. Even if you are a Casanova, Lisa does not need your change. As long as you can make Lisa happy daily day and night, even if the relationship lasts with all lies .
Lisa is willing to take this risk, accompany you through the happiness of this short life, and enjoy this tenderness.
The end of the music is also the end of the drums, meaning that Lisa shut herself in the door again. It means that all this beautiful love does not exist, it is Lisa who lied to herself, so the end of the music means that although she closed the door, besides her anger, the memories of those love are still the same as the end of the song music, which has been echoey waving in her heart that won't go away and will stay forever.

dangerous歌詞 在 masa - masa Youtube 的最佳貼文
English comment is after Japanese.
back numberの「エメラルド」をカバーさせていただきました。
back number - エメラルド (TBS系 日曜劇場『危険なビーナス』主題歌)
00:00 タイトル(Title)
00:03 イントロ(Intro)
00:25 1Aメロ(1-Verse)
00:54 1Bメロ(1-Bridge)
01:11 1サビ(1-Chorus)
01:40 間奏(Interlude)
01:44 2Aメロ(2-Verse)
01:58 2Bメロ(2-Bridge)
02:15 2サビ(2-Chorus)
02:44 間奏(Interlude)
02:52 Cメロ(3-Verse)
03:07 大サビ(Last_Chorus)
03:37 アウトロ(Ending)
Thank you so much for watching!
I did a cover of "Emerald" by "back number".
This was the theme song of TV drama "Kiken na Venus(Dangerous Venus)".
It's with a strong beat and so cooool song!
I arranged way to play so that I can make this rhythmic sense by only acoustic guitar.
And, the last chorus modulates, so I used the glider capo this time.
Thanks my friends!
*Original is HERE!
back number - Emerald (Music Video)
#back_number #エメラルド