曾在曼谷住在通羅(Thong Lo)一帶的人,應該都曾經去過一間商場叫做The Commons,同一個團隊為了延續經營理念,在Saladaeng(沙拉當)這一區,又建立了另一個獨特風格的商場。
The Commons Saladaeng 是以八個連續山形的紅色版做為他們主要的建材,此地曾是曼谷第一條鐵路的經過的地方🚂,而當時在這有一個紅色屋頂的車站,為了融合歷史和現代,設計團隊就把The Common Saladaeng做成紅色閣樓的概念。
Thong Lo (通羅)和Saladaeng (沙拉當)的The Commons都是凱倫泰泰很喜歡跟朋友聚會的地方,各位如果對位於Thong Lo 的The Commons有興趣的話,網路上已經有許多文章和影片介紹,凱倫泰泰今天就著重在Saladaeng這裡的The Commons。
The Commons Saladaeng是一間2020年1月才全新開幕的商場,但可惜過沒多久遇到疫情後,就鮮少有遊客來過此地😭,這裡共有3層樓,G跟2樓則是進駐了餐廳,咖啡廳,還有不同知名美食的攤位,3樓則是多功能空間,和一些手工藝品和文創的商店。
The Commons Saladaeng裡面進駐了一些曼谷知名的餐廳,以下是一些凱倫泰泰個人喜歡也推薦的美食店家:
👉 Draft Land Bangkok : 沒錯,這一間台灣之光在曼谷也有分店,亞洲第一間 Cocktails on Tap (現釀雞尾酒)在這裏也找的到牠們的蹤跡,泰泰嚐過他們不少口味,滿合胃口的!
👉 Crackhouse: 這一間是以”蛋”為主題的餐廳,他們的蛋堡超級好吃,個人非常的愛,可以說是泰泰每次來必吃的一攤,最推薦的是他們菜單上的 “Big Crack”。
👉 Guss Damn Good: 這一間是凱倫泰泰的冰淇淋最愛,冰箱裡面都堆滿他們家的冰,來至美國波斯頓的品牌,每一個口味都有他們獨特的名稱,包裝也都非常繽紛,每一個口味都非常好吃,甜度適中,個人最愛的永遠是那經典的龍眼蜂蜜口味 (Naughty Honey)。(凱倫泰泰有機會會特別介紹這一間冰淇淋)
👉 Soho Pizza 這一間曾在駐曼谷外籍人士最愛的Pizza之一,在這裡享用可以單獨買不同口味來嘗試,很夠味好吃!
👉 The Lobster Lab: 如果喜歡吃龍蝦潛艇堡的可以嘗試這一間,雖然價格不便宜,蛋是新鮮,肉肥滿!
👉 Fowlmouth: 如果你是田納西Nashville辣味炸雞的愛好者,那不要錯過這一間火紅的炸雞店,他們家可是用獨門配方下去醃雞肉,喜歡這口味的炸雞可是一吃就愛上,而且越辣越過癮!
👉 Taproom: 這一間精釀啤酒在這裡開分店就對了,裡面每一樣美食,能配上一杯現拉的精釀啤酒就是讚,每次來都當然要來一杯! (提醒您,喝酒不開車,開車不喝酒,未成年請勿飲酒)
⏰⏰The Commons Saladaeng的營業時間為每天早上08.00-21.00。
🚈🚈如何前往: 可以搭BTS線到Sala Daeng站四號出口,或是MRT線Si Lom站2號出口都可以抵達,走路大約8-10分鐘。
🌍🌍Google 地圖: https://g.page/thecommonssaladaeng?share
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damn good餐廳 在 米國郎愛台灣 Facebook 的最讚貼文
女:I’ve told you thousands times that I wanna go to your country soon. There’s no future here babe. We can have so much better life in New York or whatever cities in America. (我跟你說好多次了,在這裡沒有未來,我們可以在紐約或是美國任何一個城市有更好的生活!)
男:I don’t understand. Taiwan is so perfect. It’s the place we met each other and fell in love with each other. Most importantly, it’s the safest country in the world right now. Why are you pushing me away from this wonderful place? Don’t you love Taiwan? (我不了解,台灣這麼完美,我們在這裡遇見彼此然後相愛,最重要的是,現在這裡是全世界最安全的地方,為什麼你要逼我離開?你不愛台灣嗎?)
女:I do. But life here is so boring and hopeless . I work so hard but I only get half of your pay. This is not fair! I wanna make more money, have my own business, be my own boss, start a new life and make my American dream come true! Aren’t you coming with me? (我愛,但這裡的生活太無聊又沒有希望,我這麼努力工作卻只領你薪水的一半,這太不公平了!我想賺更多錢,想有自己的生意,當自己的老闆,開始新的生活,實現我的美國夢!你不跟我走嗎?
男:Is that why you’re dating me? To fulfill your god damn American dream? This’s so ridiculous. I wake up every morning and see the beautiful sky and colorful trees out of my window. For me, it’s definitely not boring. I feel so energetic and full of hopes Every day! You have no idea what you were saying. The life in New York is not like what you’re thinking. The brutal weather is annoying. The streets are dark, and the trees are so boring. To live there makes me wanna run away of it so bad every second. And that’s why I’m here. I love Taiwan, it’s my home baby. Please don’t be in such negative vibes. We can figure it out together.(這就是你跟我約會的原因嗎?為了實現你的美國夢?這太荒謬了!我每天起來看見窗外美麗的天空和繽紛的樹木,對我來說一點都不無聊,我覺得滿滿的能量和希望,你不知道你在說什麼,紐約的生活不像你想的這麼好,惡劣的天氣很煩人、黑暗的街道和了無生氣的樹木,住在那裡每一秒都讓我想逃離那個地方,那也是我為什麼會在這裡,我愛台灣,這裡是我的家,請你不要有負能量,我們可以一起解決問題.
女:You love Taiwan so much that you won’t come to New York with me? I thought we’re so in love and you’d go anywhere I go. Seems like I was wrong. I love you honey. But truth always hurts. If you stay in Taiwan, you won’t have a good career. You’ll get stuck in Taiwan with your shitty teaching job. You’ll be a loser English teacher forever. That’s what you want for life? (你這麼愛台灣愛到不跟我去紐約嗎?我以為我們很相愛我去哪裡你就去哪裡,看來我錯了,我愛你親愛的,但事實總是殘酷的,如果你待在台灣,你不會有好的職涯,你會困在台灣做很爛教書的工作,你會永遠是一個失敗的英文老師,難道這是你想要的生活嗎?
男:What’s wrong with being an English teacher? I enjoy my work and all my students like me. I’ve got a lot of self accomplishment at this job. I don’t like you being insulting. I’ve saved some money and we could have our own restaurant somewhere, have our own business and you do your own boss here. It’s not necessarily to go to New York for that. (當英文老師有什麼問題?我熱愛我的工作且所有學生都喜歡我,在這份工作裡我獲得很多成就感,我不喜歡你這麼無禮,我存了一些錢,我們可以在這裡開我們的餐廳、做自己的生意、自己當老闆,真的不需要跑去紐約做這些事情!
女:But it’s my dream....(但這是我的夢想...
男:Live here, or leave me. It’s all your choice...(要住這裡,還是離開我,你自己決定...)
大家猜猜女生的回答是什麼🤔好多次在台灣看過台灣女生跟外國男朋友吵架,但大部分都是外國男朋友想回母國台灣女生哭著請男生留下來,第一次看到這麼愛台灣的外國男朋友還求台灣女生留下,讓我都忍不住想衝向前說hey, you got lucky to have this man you know ,但我只是個局外人不小心目睹整段過程,異國戀真的很不容易,希望他們對未來有共識一起幸福快樂,最後我也必須說:I love my colorful Taiwan too!❤️❤️❤️
damn good餐廳 在 時光之硯 Facebook 的最佳貼文
【一天分享一首歌之第22天】〈See You Again〉/ Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth
昨晚在異鄉的餐廳,牆上的電視放起了這支MV,我才發現即使對歌不甚熟悉,但那在戲院中忍不住激動的情緒,連帶著過去看他們歷險(一起長大!)的記憶都被召喚了。等到MV最後,果然一如當初在戲院裡,看到那兩個跟我猜想完全一樣的字:「For Paul」。明知是故意的,還是覺得,這樣一部電影當然值得看。同樣地,這樣一首歌當然值得分享了。
Wiz Khalifa - "See You Again" ft. Charlie Puth
It's been a long day without you, my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
We've come a long way from where we began
Oh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
When I see you again
Damn, who knew?
All the planes we flew
Good things we've been through
That I'll be standing right here talking to you
About another path
I know we loved to hit the road and laugh
But something told me that it wouldn't last
Had to switch up
Look at things different see the bigger picture
Those were the days
Hard work forever pays
Now I see you in a better place
How could we not talk about family when family's all that we got?
Everything I went through you were standing there by my side
And now you gonna be with me for the last ride
It's been a long day without you, my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
We've come a long way from where we began
Oh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
When I see you again
First you both go out your way
And the vibe is feeling strong
And what's small turn to a friendship
A friendship turn into a bond
And that bond will never be broken
And the love will never get lost
And when brotherhood come first
Then the line will never be crossed
Established it on our own
When that line had to be drawn
And that line is what we reach
So remember me when I'm gone
How could we not talk about family when family's all that we got?
Everything I went through you were standing there by my side
And now you gonna be with me for the last ride
So let the light guide your way, yeah
Hold every memory as you go
And every road you take will always lead you home, home
It's been a long day without you, my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
We've come a long way from where we began
Oh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
When I see you again
When I see you again
When I see you again