行經聖城耶路撒冷 有太多的感動 不僅這座城市的背後 背負的曲折的歷史 也因為我的四代基督教家族
從耶穌背負十字架走過的道路 被釘十字架之地 被埋葬之地 到大衛王興建的聖殿
有太多值得深思 值得啜飲
Visiting Jerusalem, the holy city, is a meaningful journey for me. Not only cause of the heavy complicated history behind, also cause I’m from a 4 generations Christian family. To see the Bible in your eye, walk through where Jesus had been crucified, he was buried and resurrected, breathe the heated air around the king David city and western wall, taste the tension but harmony between the Jews, Armenians, Christians, Catholic, Muslims. It’s a city that you got so much to feel, to see and to digest. #jerusalem #isreal #history #christian #holycity #digest #see #feel #breathe #crusified #jesus #church #culture #amman #theworldjourney #believe #westernwall