🔥China Threatens to Sanction Lockheed Martin Over Taiwan Arms Deal
-sanction: 制裁
-arms: 武器
🧐China said it plans to sanction Lockheed Martin Corp. over its role in a $620 million U.S. arms package for Taiwan, Beijing’s latest retaliatory gesture amid growing pressure from Washington.
-retaliatory: 報復的
-amid: 在…之中,意思同 in the middle of
💦Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian announced the move as a response to the Trump administration’s decision last week to approve an upgrade package for Taiwan’s Patriot surface-to-air missiles.
-Foreign Ministry: 外交部
-spokesman, spokeswoman, spokesperson: 發言人
⚠ “China firmly opposes U.S. arms sales to Taiwan,” Mr. Zhao said at a news briefing Tuesday. “In order to safeguard national interests, China has decided to undertake necessary measures and impose sanctions on the main contractor for this sale, Lockheed Martin.”
-news briefing 記者會、新聞發布會
-safeguard 捍衛
-undertake 採取
🌊The sanctions are expected to have limited impact since U.S. defense companies are broadly barred from making military sales to China, though Lockheed Martin has sold civilian helicopters to Chinese buyers through its Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. unit.
-be barred from sth: 被禁止從事
-civilian: 民用的
-(business) unit: 事業單位
China considers Taiwan a part of its territory and has refused to ______ using force to gain control of the self-ruled island democracy. Beijing repeatedly has criticized U.S. arms sales to Taiwan as _____ to Chinese national sovereignty.
A. eliminate/ amiable
B. exclude/ neutral
C. rule out/ harmful
華爾街日報訂閱超值方案 📰
專屬 #臉書社團,浩爾 #每日語音導讀
「留言+1」,就送你 #優惠碼 及 #導讀試聽!
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual,也在其Youtube影片中提到,第一個單字是 archbishop、a-r-c-h-b-i-s-h-o-p、archbishop 大主教,例句是:The archbishop has strongly criticized Trump. 美國白宮很多人在和平抗議,他們不滿警察亂殺黑人。結果,川普竟然對他們用催淚瓦斯、橡膠子彈,叫...
criticized意思 在 護台胖犬 劉仕傑 Facebook 的最佳解答
【 中國大動作驅逐外媒記者 】
中美兩國近來相互展開新聞戰,中國之前驅逐WSJ記者,美國則要求駐美中國國營媒體將被視為「駐外使團」(foreign missions),必須向國務院申報人員及財產資料。
China Banishes U.S. Journalists from Wall Street Journal, New York Times and Washington Post
banish這個字相對少用,當我們說中共驅逐外媒時,比較常用的是expel。banish/ expel 這兩個字意思接近。
另外也可能用deport/ oust 這兩個字,但deport 比較接近遣返,oust比較是趕走,意思上與驅逐還是不太一樣。
China said it would revoke the press credentials of Americans working for three major U.S. newspapers in the largest expulsion of foreign journalists in the post-Mao era, amid an escalating battle with the Trump administration over media operating in the two countries.
revoke 吊銷
press credential 記者證
revoke the press credential 其實就是expel /banish 的替換語詞。
escalating battle 是新聞英文常用的寫法,指的是戰爭情勢升高。
escalate (v)升高
平常捷運上的手扶梯就是escalator,電梯則是lift/ elevator。
跟escalating 同義的,還有intensify。
例句:intensifying the tensions between the two countries (兩國緊張情勢加劇)
It also ordered the three newspapers and two other media outlets—Voice of America and Time magazine—to submit information about staff, finances, operations and real estate in China.
The U.S. National Security Council, in a pair of tweets on Tuesday, criticized China’s latest action. “The Chinese Communist Party’s decision to expel journalists from China and Hong Kong is yet another step toward depriving the Chinese people and the world of access to true information about China,” the NSC wrote. In another tweet, the White House called on China to instead focus on helping the world combat coronavirus, which the NSC pointedly described as the “Wuhan coronavirus.”
call on 呼籲,也可以用urge代替。
deprive sb of st :剝奪某人某事
pointedly described 我翻成意有所指,也就是針對性地稱呼,大家可以想想有沒有更貼切的翻譯。
criticized意思 在 旅行熱炒店Podcast Facebook 的最讚貼文
葉卡琳特堡 Ekaterinburg
1. 1918年最後一任沙皇一家七口在這個城市被無辜殺害,處決現場現在矗立著濺血教堂(Church of the Spilled Blood),遺體被棄置處則成為有七座木造教堂的Ganina Yama園區,兩個地方都成為東正教徒朝聖的地方。有趣的是,後來沙皇一家七口都被東正教封為聖人,因此在紀念品店裡可以看到「全家福」的聖像畫,全家大小像一般家庭拍照那樣坐在一起,但每個頭上都多了一個光圈。
2. 葉爾欽博物館。促成蘇聯解體的俄羅斯聯邦第一任總統葉爾欽在似乎在俄羅斯人心目中風評不太好(相較於做了這麼多年,支持率還是絲毫未減的普亭),不過他的家鄉葉卡琳特堡還是為他建立了一座博物館。博物館本身建築就很引人注目,不過讓我更覺得震撼的是它表達出的強烈反思意識。展場開頭就毫不留情的批評,由於俄羅斯走上共產主義的道路,和人類社會的發展趨勢脫節了70年之久;但最後也沒有把葉爾欽英雄化,甚至把他晚年支持率掉到只有5%、以及背後的原因都寫出來(所以大家不要再嘲笑9.2%了啦,人家比上不足比下有餘呀XD)。這種誠實面對功過、不隨便神化個人並且讓參觀者自己去思考的設計我很喜歡,這和我拜訪的前一個國家正好形成強烈對比。
I thought this is just a random stop on my trip, but was later impressed by it. In addition to helpful English signs, decent transit system and scenic river walk, I found two interesting places in the city.
1. The last Year along with his family were executed here in 1918. A landmark cathedral "Church of the Spilled Blood" was later erected on the execution site, and now at the disposal site stand 7 wooden chapels, to memorize the Tsar, the queen and 5 children. What I found interesting was, since the entire family was later declared saints by Russian Orthodox Church, now at the souvenir shop you can find the painting of a "saints family", which is like a typical family photo but there is a ring around everyone's face.
2. Yeltsin Museum. The first president of Russia Federation and the person who pushed the button of the Soviet Union dissolution, Yeltsin received fairly negative criticism (compared to Vladimir Putin, whose support hasn't dropped since he came into power in 2000), but still his home city founded a museum for him. The building itself was eye-catching, but what amazed me was the reflective voice it conveys. At the beginning of the exhibit, the Soviet Russia was criticized that "it led the country astray for 7 decades"; at the end, Yeltsin was not deified either. His 5% support rate and its historic context were honestly presented. I really like this experience, as it leaves a visitor not a firm conclusion, but a room to think more. This is a huge contrast to my experience in the previous country.
喀山 Kazan
大家都知道中亞地區有五個斯坦國,他們的下面還有兩個斯坦(阿富汗、巴基斯坦),不過很少人知道其實俄羅斯境內也有個斯坦國:韃靼斯坦(Tartarstan),是由韃靼突厥人(Tartar Turks)人為主體的俄羅斯聯邦境內的自治共和國,首都就是喀山,他們獨特的文化傳統可以追溯到16世紀的喀山汗國(蒙古四大汗國中的欽察汗國瓦解後的產物)。因此在這裡既可以見到東正教堂,也可以見到規模與氣勢毫不遜色的清真寺,兩群人兩種信仰在這個城市裡並存著。我當初決定要來喀山,為的就是要來體驗這種獨特的文化氛圍。
Before arriving, I already had some expectation for this city, but it proved itself beyond my expectation.
Everyone knows there are 5 -stan's in Central Asia, and two more in their south (Afghanistan and Pakistan), but very few know there is one more -stan in Russia: Tartarstan Republic, an autonomous republic made of primarily the Tartar Turks, whose capital is exactly Kazan. It's cultural root can be traced up to the Kazan Khanate, one product after the dissolution of the Golden Horde Khanate. Therefore both Orthodox cathedrals and mosques can be seen in this city. Two people and two religions live harmoniously here. This is why I wanted to come here originally.
However, there are more surprises. Kazan doesn't live on its unique cultural root. Instead, it develops as a sports city and hosts an international game almost every other year recently. It is well-equipped with modern facilities, bilingual signs and English-speaking staff at visitor information centers. And I guess they never have to worry about what to do with arenas and fields after a game, as they are always hosting the next. It has also been a well-known college town, and is currently focusing on developing IT professionals. It never limits itself to its cultural heritages. Kazan had marketed itself as "the third capital of Russia". It's far from the third in terms of its population, but its ambition and competitiveness are indeed close to the two largest cities.
criticized意思 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最佳解答
第一個單字是 archbishop、a-r-c-h-b-i-s-h-o-p、archbishop 大主教,例句是:The archbishop has strongly criticized Trump.
美國白宮很多人在和平抗議,他們不滿警察亂殺黑人。結果,川普竟然對他們用催淚瓦斯、橡膠子彈,叫他們「讓讓」,我要走到白宮對面的教堂,拍 照。
川普這樣做,惹得大主教森 77,大主教痛批川普,把教堂拿來作秀、拿來騙選票!補充一下什麼是大主教。天主教把整個世界分成一個一個教區,就像台灣被分成一個一個縣市,而每個教區的首長,就是大主教,就像是桃園市長、台南市長這樣。這個大主教就是 archbishop。
第二個單字是 liken A to B,liken 是 l-i-k-e-n、liken A to B 意思是:覺得 A 跟 B 很像,例句是:French people has likened the death of Adama Traoré to the killing of George Floyd in the US.
法國也有警察殺黑人。2016 年時,就有黑人被憲兵壓制,之後死亡。這次美國的抗議,掀起了法國人的傷痛跟共鳴,他們覺得,兩位黑人都是被公權力殺死,情況很相似。當你覺得 A 跟 B 很像,就可以說 liken A to B。
第三個單字是 Incognito、i-n-c-o-g-n-i-t-o、Incognito 無痕模式,例句是:Google continues to track your internet activity even when you’re in "Incognito" mode.
Google 瀏覽器有個無痕模式,在這個模式下,你搜尋了什麼糟糕的東西,都不會被存下來。欸聽起來不錯耶,可以偷看一下謎片?登登登登,代誌無這簡單!在無痕模式下,你的相關數據還是會被 Google 寄出去!寄給你造訪的網站、你老闆、你學校、或是網路公司。現在就有一件法律事務所,要告上法院,說 Google 的無痕模式騙很大。無痕模式就是 incognito。
https://www.businessinsider.com/google-sued-for-tracking-users-in-incognito-mode-2020-6 https://www.foxbusiness.com/business-leaders/facebook-zuckerberg-disgust-trump-post-george-floyd
第四個單字是 ravage、r-a-v-a-g-e、ravage 蹂躪,例句是:Coronavirus-ravaged Mumbai braces for its first-ever cyclone.
印度的孟買正在努力防疫,結果熱帶氣旋跑來亂!已經有 10 萬人緊急撤離,其中包括武漢肺炎的病人啊。也就是說,病患無法好好隔離耶,真擔心病毒會傳染得更快啊... 孟買被武漢病毒蹂躪,這個蹂躪就是 ravage。
最後一個單字是 caremonger、c-a-r-e-m-o-n-g-e-r、caremonger 關懷互助的人,例句是:Caremongers India has helped connect volunteers with the people who most need their help.
印度有個臉書社群,叫做 Caremongers India,意思是「關懷互助的印度人」,這個社群很大愛喔!封城會帶來很多問題嘛,比如說老人家很難取得食物跟藥品,而這個臉書社群就彼此互助、解決問題。這些關懷互助的人,就是 caremonger,而這種散播關懷、散播愛的善良舉動,就是 caremongering。
簡單複習:archbishop 大主教、liken A to B 覺得 A 跟 B 很像、Incognito 無痕模式、ravage 蹂躪、caremonger 關懷互助的人。
恭喜你!今天學了 5 個新單字,還聽了 5 則國際大事!希望你可以訂閱我們的 podcast,然後為我們留 5 顆星的評價。如果有什麼意見,歡迎留言,也可以到 IG 搜尋賓狗單字,私訊我聊聊喔~謝謝收聽,下次通勤見 ❤️