台灣位於 #民主陣營對抗專制政權的第一線,堅持民主自由價值,且對於國際社會的安全與繁榮,扮演不可或缺的角色。我國政府 #將持續提升自我防衛能力,捍衛台灣人民得來不易的民主與自由,並與美國及其他理念相近國家深化合作,共同促進台海及印太區域的和平、穩定及繁榮。
MOFA welcomes the assurances from both US President Joe Biden, during his interview with ABC, and State Department Spokesperson Ned Price during a press briefing, on the US commitment to Taiwan.
Taiwan plays an indispensable role in the collective security and prosperity of the international community and will continue to upgrade our defensive capabilities to maintain the hard-won freedoms and democratic institutions of the Taiwanese people. We will continue to work with #LikeMinded partners like the US to ensure the peace, stability and prosperity of the Indo-Pacific region.
In the course of the interview, President Biden stated that there was a fundamental difference between Afghanistan and Taiwan and that the #US will honor its sacred commitment to its partners, including Taiwan.
Price responded to a question on comparisons made by third parties between the situation of Taiwan and Afghanistan, stating that the US continues to support a peaceful resolution of cross-strait relations consistent with the wishes and best interests of the Taiwan people. He added that the US has an abiding interest in peace and security across the Taiwan Strait central to the security and stability of the broader Indo-Pacific.
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過93萬的網紅Ytower Cooking channel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,烏龍麵DIY 與 清湯烏龍麵 Udon Soup with DIY Udon Noodles 手打烏龍麵 ( Handmade Udon Noodle Soup ) 材料 中筋麵粉400公克、鹽水190公克 (鹽水:400cc水加入40公克鹽,煮均勻再放冷即可。) Ingredients 40...
- 關於consistent穩定 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳貼文
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- 關於consistent穩定 在 In consistent with-Dcard與PTT討論推薦|2022年11月|網路名人 ... 的評價
consistent穩定 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
我收藏了蔡依橙、Emmy推薦的《#世界大局地圖全解讀》系列第3集 MAPPING THE WORLD Vol.3
這系列的書是彩色印製、圖表分析,特別大本,拿起來沈甸甸翻開來閃亮亮值得收藏,分析全球國際議題,由法國「國際風險分析與預測中心」創辦人Alexis Bautzmann以及 法國地緣政治研究學者Guillaume Fourmont 撰文編著國際關係與戰略的分析。
這本還很特別的有獨家專題「#印太戰略小北約」,是 #蔡榮峰 撰文的,他是國防安全研究政策分析員,也是在 #菜市場政治學 有專欄的作者~
身為法理建國的支持者,來分享一下我知道的國際法與國際政治的關係好了(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)
臺澎國際法法理建國連線創辦人黃聖峰 有在 台澎小堅果 直播聊到:
👉🏻國際法的形成與運作 https://wp.me/pd1HGm-4Z
👉🏻主權的概念形成與發展 https://wp.me/pd1HGm-5k
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
收到宅配我回家以後立刻翻到p.191 看到 #四方安全對話(QUAD)第一屆峰會,是由美國、日本、印度、澳洲,於2021.3.12以視訊進行的對話,來探討如何面對中國帶來的挑戰,以聯繫印太地區穩定。
⚠️先來個 #國際法小知識 回顧:
腦力激盪之前,請大家先看這個🔗 https://youtu.be/lss2OdMhi90
#美國 🇺🇸承認PRC政權為中國主權國家合法代表政府是在1979.1.1,美國駐華大使館就搬到北京;中華民國政權在此刻以後不被美國承認,僅被看作是治理台灣✨的政權而已。
🇺🇸美國的立場 《#台灣關係法》歷史脈絡 https://www.facebook.com/100047156705396/posts/281658133416075/
🇺🇸美國的立場一直都是台澎領土主權歸屬未定 https://www.facebook.com/100047156705396/posts/297467095168512/
🇺🇸美國立場聲明1955.02.16關於中華民國治理台澎行為的性質,國務卿 John Foster Dulles 表示:
在 1945 年,中華民國被委託治理(福爾摩莎與澎湖群島)
“[i]n 1945, [t]he Republic of China was entrusted with authority over (Formosa and the Pescadores), ”
Our Foreign Policies in Asia, DEP'T ST. BULL., Feb. 1955 at 329
🇺🇸2014.09.22 ZIVOTOFSKY V. KERRY 一案實體答辯,國務院代理法律顧問 MARY E. MCLEOD 表示:
“The United States recognizes the People’s Republic of China as the sole legal government of China, but it merely acknowledges the Chinese position that there is only one China and that Taiwan is part of China. J.A. 154. Because the United States does not take a position on the latter issue, the Department concluded that listing either “Taiwan” or “China” would convey a message consistent with the President’s recognition policy—either option involves a geographic description, not an assertion that Taiwan is or is not part of sovereign China. ”
#日本 🇯🇵 承認PRC政權為中國主權國家合法代表政府是在1972.9.29,此時與中華民國政權代表的中國簽訂的《#中日和約》在法律上就是實質停止了。
🇯🇵日本的立場 1972.09.29日本對台澎主權的立場及對中國主張台灣為其領土一部分的立場,日本政府 表示:
“it fully understands and respects the P.R.C. government's stand that [Taiwan is a part of its territory] and that [the Japan government] maintains its stand under the Potsdam Proclamation.”
Joint Communiqu6 of the Government of Japan and the Government of the
日本政府對台澎主權歸屬的立場,內閣總理 池田勇人 表示:中華民國不具有台澎主權,僅具有過渡性質的施政權。台澎主權歸屬應由簽署 #舊金山和約 的同盟國決定。
#印度🇮🇳 承認PRC政權為中國主權國家合法代表政府是在1950.4.1,是在《舊金山和約》生效 之前耶!難怪印度會在《舊金山和約》簽署前表態,這時候印度認為的中國主權國家是由PRC政權為合法國家政府代表了喔!
🇮🇳1951.08.23印度對舊金山和約中未明定將台灣主權歸還中國表示抗議,印度政府 表示:
“[T]he Government of India attach[es] the greatest importance to the Treaty providing that the Island of Formosa should be returned to China. The time and manner of such return might be the subject of separate negotiations but to leave the future of the Island undetermined, in spite of past international agreements, in a document which attempts to regulate the relations ofJapan with all Governments that were engaged in the last war against her does not appear to the Government of India to be either just or expedient.”
India Refuses To Be Party to Treaty, Memorandum of India
#澳洲🇦🇺 承認PRC政權為中國主權國家合法代表政府是在1972年。
🇦🇺澳洲去殖民化建國可看這篇 https://wp.me/pd1HGm-aY
1. 台灣不是中國
2. 不是中華人民共和國政權代表的中國的
3. 台灣也不等於中華民國政權
4. 台澎領土主權歸屬未定
//即使美國不出兵,只要戰火波及日本國土,使日本的國家安全受到威脅,出現「周邊有事」的情況,讓日本被迫出兵自衛,美國也一樣會被捲入戰事之中。而為了因應這樣的可能性,日本一連串與安保條約有關的和平安全法制裡,就包括了「重要影響事態法」。// - https://www.upmedia.mg/news_info.php?SerialNo=60128
2017年美國聯邦政府發表《#國家安全戰略》(National Security Strategy)報告,正式點名中國為戰略競爭對手,美中競爭關係檯面化,讓不少人用「#新冷戰」一詞來形容當前國際局勢。
我看到p.195 放了一張「台灣防空識別區」,那個框整個框到中國沿岸,我查了一下其實這是「中華民國防空識別區」才對,ROC防空識別區會這樣畫,是為了把金馬(中國領土)包進去。
👉🏻1955.02.10關於中美共同防禦條約是否影響台澎主權之歸屬,參議院外交關係委員會主席 Walter F. George 表示:
“Senate approval of the Treaty would neither strengthen nor weaken the Chiang Governmen's [sic] claim to sovereignty over Formosa, the international status of which is yet to be decided.”
Senate Approves Formosa Treaty, N.Y. TIMEs, Feb. 10, 1955
👉🏻1955.02.07關於中華民國治理台澎行為的性質,國務卿 John Foster Dulles 表示:
“General Chiang [Kai-shek] was merely asked to administer them (Formosa and the Pescadores) for the Allied and associated powers pending a final decision as to their ownership.'”
New Formosa Bid, N.Y. Times, Feb. 7, 1955, at Al
✨各國立場資料整理網站在這🔗 http://www.rotpnetwork.tw/reference.php?LAN=TW
最後,「島鏈的形成與戰略幾何學」在 p.197彩色圖好漂亮!大推推~
consistent穩定 在 PTT Gossiping 批踢踢八卦板 Facebook 的最佳貼文
蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen:『最新一期經濟學人的封面報導,提到台灣是「地球上最危險的地方」,引起許多對於台灣安全議題的討論。
The cover of this week’s issue of The Economist
, which calls Taiwan “the most dangerous place on earth,” prompted a great deal of discussion on our national security.
The article highlights the threat that China’s military expansion poses to the Taiwan Strait and surrounding areas. I hope the Beijing authorities come to realize that the PLA’s actions in this regard contradict their own proclamations of China’s “peaceful rise” and are only driving greater international concern.
But though Taiwan does face a real threat from China, I want to assure everyone that our government is fully capable of managing all potential risks and protecting our country from danger.
Over the past few years, we have stayed on top of shifts in international supply chains and developed closer economic and security ties with our global partners. We have also actively worked to strengthen our national defense, especially our asymmetric capabilities. Taiwan is fulfilling our responsibility to uphold regional peace and stability. Our position remains consistent—we will neither bow to pressure nor act rashly when we have support. This approach has earned us international recognition as a responsible force for good in the Indo-Pacific region.
Taiwan stands on the front lines of democracy worldwide. As long as the people of Taiwan remain united and uphold our core values while responding prudently to regional developments, we can overcome the challenges posed by authoritarian expansion. I trust that our like-minded partners, having seen the risks involved, will rise to this challenge and work together to maintain peace and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific.
consistent穩定 在 Ytower Cooking channel Youtube 的精選貼文
烏龍麵DIY 與 清湯烏龍麵 Udon Soup with DIY Udon Noodles
手打烏龍麵 ( Handmade Udon Noodle Soup )
400 grams all purpose flour, 190 grams of salt water
(Salt water: 400cc water add 40 g of salt, boil evenly and for the moment put it away to cool. )
1. 容器中放入過篩的中筋麵粉,緩緩倒入鹽水。
2. 用手指快速混拌成均勻鬆散顆粒狀,再壓揉成糰。
3. 把作法1的材料放入塑膠袋中,左右前後按壓使麵糰延展,靜置鬆弛15分鐘,重覆此動作4~5次,至麵糰成光滑狀,最後鬆弛30分鐘。
4. 桌上撒上適量中筋麵粉,取出作法3的麵糰放在桌上桿成0.3公分厚的四方形麵皮。
5. 在麵皮上撒上多量的麵粉,折成三折。
6. 用刀切成寬0.3公分寬的麵條,以手撥散即可。
Preparation Method
1. Sift the flour through a sieve into a container, then slowly pour in the salt water.
2. Quickly mix it with your fingers until it becomes homogeneous, loose, and granular, then knead it into a dumpling.
3. Take the material from the first step and put it into a plastic bag, pressing down on the dough all around extending it. Rest for 15 minutes, and repeat this action 4~5 times, until the dough becomes smooth and glossy. Lastly let it rest for 30 minutes.
4. Sprinkle some flour on the table, then remove the three times kneaded dough and put onto the table and mash it down with a roller into a squarish looking dumping about .3 centimeters thick.
5. Sprinkle some more flour onto the dough and fold it over inwards to form 3 layers.
6. Using a knife slice it up into noodles .3 centimeters wide. Use your hands to pull them apart.
* 麵粉過篩可避免結塊,也更容更和鹽水混合均勻。
* 作法1應先倒入9分的鹽水,視麵粉狀態再加入其餘鹽水。
* 作法2應快速拌合成均勻鬆散顆粒狀,讓每一粒麵粉均勻吸水,使麵糰穩定。
* 麵條愈粗,需要的煮熟時間愈長;麵皮厚度一致、麵條切的寬度一致,麵條粗細才會均勻,煮熟的麵條口感才會一致。
BOX making secrets
* By the sifting flour, lumps can be avoided and it is easier for the salt water to mix.
* First, put in one ninth part of salt water, then depending on the flour, add in the remaining salt water.
* Second, quickly mix it up until it is loose, granular and uniform, so that every grain of flour is evenly absorbed, stabilizing the dough.
* Noodles that are thicker need to be cooked longer; Uniform dough thickness. Noodles need to be cut to a consistent width and thickness so that when they are cooked, the taste will be consistent.
清湯烏龍麵 (Handmade Udon Soup Stock)
1 portion handmade Udon, suitable amount of chopped green onions.
Soup Stock Ingredients
Thin fish flakes and kelp broth, 36cc of light soy sauce, 18cc of Mirin rice wine, 2 grams granulated sugar, 20cc of wine, 2 grams salt
1. 蔥花用紗布包裏,以涼開水搓洗去除辣味,擠乾備用。
2. 取湯鍋放入多量水煮滾,放入手打烏龍麵煮滾,轉水火續煮約12分鐘至麵條熟透,撈起用涼開水洗去表面多餘澱粉,瀝乾再放入大碗中。
3. 所有湯汁材料煮滾,倒入作法2的麵碗中,撒上適量作法1的蔥花即可。
Preparation Method
1. Put the chopped onions into the cheese cloth bag, douse it with cold water to remove the spicy bitter taste, squeeze it dry and set it aside.
2. Fill a pot with water and let it come to a roiling boil. Add the handmade Udon noodles in to boil. Increase the heat and continue boiling for about 12 minutes until the noodles are cooked. Remove and use cold water to rinse away excess starch on the surface. Drain and then put into a large bowl.
3. Boil all soup ingredients and pour into bowls. Finish off by sprinkling moderately with green onions.
【Facebook Ytower Fan Page】 https://www.facebook.com/ytower01/
【YTower Food Network - 3 minute cooking lesson】 https://goo.gl/XDRl12
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找In consistent with在Dcard與PTT討論/評價與推薦,提供in consistent with ... 比如:consistent performance(穩定的表現);consistent support(一貫的支持)。 ... <看更多>
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網球 穩定 度練習三個關鍵|Tennis Consistency 3 Keys To Improve Your Consistency In Tennis. 619 views · 2 years ago ...more ... ... <看更多>