【#精選詞彙單元 Vocab 079】救援全民醫療外的無國界醫生
The article highlights how COVID-19 is impacting the world as we see it as well as the world that we don’t see. People who are excluded from society, like those without identification, without access to water and electricity, without access to healthcare because of geographical location, poverty, not to mention displaced by regional conflict are the worst hit. Those who were struggling before COVID 19, will be the hardest hit in this pandemic. This is why universal healthcare plays such an important role. MSF, aka Doctors without Borders, is an international independent medical humanitarian organization that provides medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemic, disaster, or exclusion from healthcare. MSF has been providing assistance since 1971 around the world. In 2016, MSF established a branch office in Taiwan, and as of last year (2019) they have formally established themselves as the MSF /Doctors without Borders Taiwan Foundation.
更多無國界醫生資訊: https://www.msf.org.tw
原文章討論: https://www.15mins.today/blog/ep-984-msf-what-the-coronavirus-pandemic-can-teach-us-about
This episode is sponsored by Médecins Sans Frontières/ Doctors Without Borders Taiwan Foundation
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conflict例句 在 通勤學英語 Facebook 的最佳貼文
【#精選詞彙單元 Vocab 064】日本印鑑文化
The pandemic in 2020 has changed many aspects of our lives. In Japan, it did not only affect the economy, but also their office processing. Japan, like Taiwan has a culture that require paperwork such as memos be confirmed or checked off with a personal seal/chop. Since the Japanese Minister has called on citizens to stay at home during the pandemic, he asked the government to change the custom of using seals to promote remote work. At the same time, the government require small businesses applying for subsidies to hand in the paperwork in person at unemployment offices, which is in conflict with the Prime Minister’s intentions of promoting remote work. This custom was imported from China from over a thousand years ago, where citizens were required to legally register their name to use on important documents.
原文章討論: https://www.15mins.today/blog/ep-850-japan-taking-another-look-at-ancient-seal-custom-to-push
利用15分鐘跟讀精選詞彙單元,即刻加深記憶, 文章例句朗朗上口!
官網: www.15mins.today
更多跟讀單元: https://pse.is/E8BNC
Apple Podcast收聽: https://pse.is/DLMCK
conflict例句 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最讚貼文
每天早晨可以做和英語相關的學習很多。為減少頭腦的記憶成本,我喜歡用傳統的書寫方式,將今天要做的事情一項項用英文或中文寫下來,想練口說的人可以嘗試用未來式講出來(晚上睡覺前再做一次,用past tense;沒做的呢?嘗試說 I haven’t pp.....because...)。我也會嘗試看一點英文,幾分鐘都好,但要做學習記錄(如下)。有時也邊刷牙 or 整理頭髮時邊聽 podcast (中英文的都可,聽中文的話可以邊聽邊想裡面講的東西,如何用英文表達 e.g. 關稅、美中貿易大戰)。
學英文的方法真的很多,台灣的學習環境已不算差。第一步驟還是: start doing it,再來就是 make it a habit,最後 stick to it。其實讓英文融入生活,一點也不難。
今日王老師の早晨私人學習 notes (今日自Foreign affairs 雜誌整理,分享私人筆記而非教學用,恕無中譯):
1. The United States should make the defense of openness the overarching goal of its global strategy. (OS: overarching goal 在 collocation 和學寫課教了好多次,好例句來著)
2. An openness-based strategy would represent a clear departure from the principles of liberal universalism that have guided US strategy since the end of the Cold War. (Os: represent a clear departure...好美的句子,GRE 填空句子常看到的熟字僻義,記下來和學生分享....that have 一定有人寫 that has, 記下來當 agreement 的例子)
3. As new forms of conflict emerge, traditional forms of cooperation are unlikely to keep pace. (背起來吧,emerge 很 keep pace 用得美美的、記下來在文法課解釋 as 和 when 的差異時當例句之一)
4. Thanks to the separation of powers within the US government, no one foreign policy camp could accrue too much influence. (OS: 恩。。這個 camp 用法在學寫課講過、accrue 的用法練習產出)
5. Their recognition need not—and, indeed, must not—entail the acceptance of closed spheres of influence, emerging either by design or by default. (OS: 帶學生模寫、分析這句話的邏輯、層次、結構、need not 用法)
conflict例句 在 conflict例句-在PTT/MOBILE01上汽車保養配件評價分析 的美食出口停車場
2022conflict例句討論推薦,在PTT/MOBILE01汽車相關資訊,找conflict中文,conflicts of interest,conflict of interests在YouTube影片與社群(Facebook/IG)熱門討論內容 ... ... <看更多>
conflict例句 在 conflict例句-在PTT/MOBILE01上汽車保養配件評價分析 的美食出口停車場
2022conflict例句討論推薦,在PTT/MOBILE01汽車相關資訊,找conflict中文,conflicts of interest,conflict of interests在YouTube影片與社群(Facebook/IG)熱門討論內容 ... ... <看更多>