國外規定須於上課前一個月完成兩次線上考試. 而台灣部分由於報名時間關係,至少需要於上課前一周內完成兩次線上考試. 而補考時間會安排於課程的第一天或第二天課後時間. (根據國外規定,課前未完成線上考試學員,將無法參與實作課程,所以希望台灣的學員,在我們比較放寬的限制中,能保留總部對我們的信任)
由於之前考量到系統剛上線,我們並未嚴格要求,但之後我們希望學員必須於課前一周內完成線上考試. 考試結果都會在你考完試後就會發送成績給學校及該堂課的講師,講師會知道學員是否有進入考試系統完成考試. 所以請同學認真看待.
目前亞洲區有中文講師.所以課堂上大幅減少了以往中文翻譯時間,所以講師能將內容中非常重要的觀念及更多的補充提供給學員.但複習部分,並非講師都有時間講解,還是視每次上課狀況去調整. 也因為學員都已經於上課前重覆聽過理論課程數次,所以不耽誤手法教學進度,和影響已經聽過課程數遍的學員學習,講師將視情況安排課程時間.
(大多數學員,聽過線上課程的成績都非常良好,以往沒有線上課程時的學長姐們.即使只有一次機會,也都非常優秀,國外講師也非常信任及讚譽有加. 對於之前課程中雖然有一兩位學員線上考試無法通過,但成績都並未太差,大多經過第一天課堂上講師的詢問後,都是有認真聽過線上課程. 所以還是希望不尊重課程的學員認真看待課程並尊重其他學員. 線上課程的觀念將會影響你的實作課程操作,改為線上聽課也是希望學員能有更多時間了解觀念,幫助實作課程能更容易了解及學習.)
Thank you for registering the Vodder course!
In order to maintain the conscientiousness and the high quality requirements of the course, we hope that the students can comply with all class specifications.
All contents of the course are copyrighted. Please do not take slides and photography during the course.
This year, the theory part has been officially changed to online lectures, but online lectures also give students more time and more opportunities to listen to classes repeatedly. The written test has changed from one written test in the class to test at home and have two opportunities.
Students will receive the course and exam passwords after registration. And whether all the passwords are open for use, the system will send periodic notifications to the instructor. Because there are students in these classes, the password has never been opened the day before the class, and of course, they have never listened the theoretical course, so the school continues to send notifications to remind the instructor and insists that we strictly implement the regulations.
Relevant information about the theoretical review and re-test during the course:
In-class test:
You must complete the online exam twice a month before the class. In Taiwan, due to the registration time, you need to complete the online exam at least a week before the class. The in-class test will be scheduled on the first or second day. (According to regulations, students who have not completed the online exam before class will not be able to participate in the practical course, so I hope that Taiwanese students, in our more relaxed restrictions, can retain the trust of the headquarters.)
The written test re-examination in the classroom is the last opportunity. Please again take the course seriously!!!!
Students must complete the online test within one week before the practical class. The test results will be sent to the school and the instructor of the class after you have finished the online test. , The instructor will know whether the student has entered the examination system to complete the exam. So please take the test seriously.
Theoretical review:
At present, there are Mandarin instructors in Asia. Therefore, in the classroom, the translation time has been greatly reduced, so the instructors can review the very important concepts and provide more supplements in the class. But in the review part, not all instructors have time to explain. It depends on the situation of each class. Because the students have already listened the theory repeatedly before the class, so instructors will not affect the learning of the students who have already listened the theory several times. The instructor will arrange the course time according to the situation.