譚新強:不可輕視拜登 更不可輕視美國
拜登治疫有功,民望不錯,現支持率53.6%,遠比特朗普同期的40.4%高,所以有足夠動力促使國會通過1.9萬億美元的緊急刺激方案。且得勢不饒人,拜登連消帶打,繼續推銷高達2.3萬億美元的基建方案,同時亦建議把企業所得稅提升至28%。共和黨人當然極力反對,批評計劃中包含大量浪費。民主黨方面,參議員桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)、沃倫(Elizabeth Warren)和眾議員奧卡西奧—科特茲(Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, AOC)等,則批評方案仍未到位,需要更宏大綠色經濟計劃,亦應增設針對億萬富翁的「財富稅」(wealth tax),但亦有較傳統民主黨人如前財長薩默斯擔心過度刺激經濟,引發通脹重臨,經濟變得過熱,反而縮短經濟增長期。
美多管齊下 今年GDP增長或達7%
治疫有進展,加上接近現代貨幣理論(Modern Monetary Theory, MMT)的極度寬鬆貨幣政策,再加上接近全民基本收入(Universal Basic Income, UBI)的財政刺激政策,美國經濟強力反彈,預測今年GDP增長或高達7%,或比中國還要高!上月美國新增職位超過90萬份,失業率降至6%,估計年底前可回落至5%以下。市場確有點擔心通脹,10年債息一度回升至1.75厘,但現已回落至1.65厘。一如聯儲局主席鮑威爾所說,通脹長期低於2%目標,通脹預期不可能一下子改變過來,即使短暫超標也不用擔心,反而是好事。2月PCE報1.4%,PPI升至2.8%,但只反映經濟剛重開,不少供應鏈出現短暫供不應求情况,例如半導體芯片。不少人本預測美元,在財赤大增下,必大幅貶值,但今年美匯指數不跌,反微升了2%。美國最擅長的股市就更厲害,拜登上任至今,標指已升了6%,比最吹水的特朗普同期表現的4%還要好。早說過民主黨執掌白宮時代的股市表現比共和黨更好!
更重要的是拜登的所謂「美國救援計劃」(American Rescue Plan),並非只是一個短期拯救方案這麼簡單,部分為福利政策的結構性改革,包括為單親媽媽提供長期援助,對少數族裔幫助最大,有人甚至預測可減少貧窮人數30%!分為8年的基建方案,長遠作用應更大,不止將翻新日久失修的公路、橋樑、隧道和機場等設施,更將大力推行電動車與充電樁網絡,同時提升電網和再生能源。部分計劃亦包含大量增加教育和科研經費。
主流傳媒如《紐約時報》,已開始吹捧拜登正帶領着一場影響深遠的「大政府革命」,推翻從40年前開始的所謂「列根革命」,列根當年在就職演講中說:「Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem」。今天面對疫病大流行和全球氣候變化等問題,不可能倚賴個人或企業來解決,確需要強大和有遠見的政府來領導政策,其實更需要全球合作。
股市很難講,什麼都有可能,亦未必與實體經濟有太大關係。但按過去經驗,美國最擅長(中國相反)的正是打造愈來愈長,可以長達10年,甚至20年的大牛市。去年牛市終被疫情打斷了,但反彈亦超預期般迅速,未到年底已創新高。我無意估頂,但美國充滿流動性,且投資者永遠樂觀,不少人已在討論會否再現一次「咆哮的二十年代」(Roaring Twenties)?雖百年前的世紀泡沫最終也爆破,更招來大蕭條,但黃金十年,如小說《大亨小傳》(The Great Gatsby)中的燦爛派對,所有人紙醉金迷,活在當下,誰管過後的「宿醉」(hangover)有多痛苦!
在2001年,「股神」巴菲特(Warren Buffett)提出了一個他認為是市場價值的最佳指標──股市總值兌GDP比例,自此被稱為「Buffett Indicator」(BI)。巴菲特的建議非常簡單,如BI跌至70%至80%,買入股票的中長線贏面非常大;但當BI升至200%時,他形容危險程度就有如玩火。BI有點像諾貝爾經濟學獎得主席勒(Robert Shiller)的周期調整市盈率(Cyclically Adjusted Price-Earnings Ratio, CAPE),有參考價值,但未必能幫你發達。BI在1999至2000年科網股1.0泡沫期,一度短暫升至200%,不久之後就爆破(巴菲特也是事後孔明)。2008年全球金融危機前夕,BI反而只約140%。
我近日剛想起BI,無獨有偶,前天竟看到馬斯克(Elon Musk)向「女股神」Cathie Wood垂詢有關BI問題:「標普500總市值兌GDP比例已達150%,總市值BI更高近230%,市場是否已亮起紅燈?」近日Wood手風雖不太順,但仍不失其大好友風格。她答案兩點,分母和分子,分母的GDP產自工業革命年代,早已過時,不能準確量度數據年代的生產力進步,因此嚴重低估了GDP數值。我也有同感,但總不能說說就算,必須有完整理論和數據支持。分子方面,Wood認為現今科技經濟已逐漸成熟,有盈利支撐,且增長快速,跟2000年時不可同日而語。她更提到通脹溫和,證明盈利質素變得非常高,言下之意即是股市合理估值,可較從前的水平高。
大政府革命倘成功 美貧富懸殊將拉近
(4) Wood漏了最重要的一點是美國企業雄霸全球。數據年代,美國Big Tech的全球優勢,可能比石油年代的埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)、通用汽車(GM)和波音(Boeing)更大。FAAMNG等企業的盈利來自全球,增長快速,賽道仍很長。所以根本以美國股市總值跟美國本土GDP作比較,已很過時,意義也不大。要比的話,可能要以全球GDP減去中國GDP作為分母來計算。
兩三年前,不少中國科技龍頭企業如阿里(9988)、騰訊(0700)、華為、字節跳動和小米(1810)等,雄心勃勃,都有衝出國際,跟美國Big Tech一較高下,爭奪全球巿場霸權的壯志。不幸經歷不公平的貿易和科技戰,和不停的無道德底線抹黑,已形成對中國企業極不利的國際環境。
被美國打壓的企業如華為和字節跳動,中國比較支持。較莫名其妙的是對尚未被美國真正開火的科技龍頭如阿里和騰訊等,自己反而有點過敏,已急急展開反壟斷調查。近日美國最高法院,極少開金口的大法官托馬斯(Clarence Thomas),也提出有可能需要把Big Tech監管如公共事業。但為時尚早,即使有監管,美國也絕不會愚蠢到真的搞死FAAMNG等科技龍頭企業,他們對美國的全球霸權太重要了。
[譚新強 中環新譚]
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過15萬的網紅pennyccw,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Credit to baldheadkid Hot-shooting Allen Iverson had 31 points and eight assists as the Philadelphia 76ers took advantage of Shaquille O'Neal's a...
「clarence thomas」的推薦目錄:
- 關於clarence thomas 在 Eddie Tam 譚新強 Facebook 的精選貼文
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- 關於clarence thomas 在 iThome Facebook 的最佳解答
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- 關於clarence thomas 在 Clarence Thomas Full Opening Statement (C-SPAN) - YouTube 的評價
- 關於clarence thomas 在 Why Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas Really ... - Forbes 的評價
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據《華盛頓時報》(Washington Times)報道,托馬斯周一向大科技公司發出警告說,高等法院——甚至國會——很快就可能要介入,解決社交媒體公司「在任何時候,以任何理由或沒有任何理由」監管言論自由的行為。
clarence thomas 在 iThome Facebook 的最佳解答
針對川普過去以總統身分在推特封鎖別人而引發的違憲官司,本周最高法院駁回該案,原因是川普已經下臺,案件已過時,不過,該案卻衍生了另一個更大的議題,大法官Clarence Thomas表態,Twitter、臉書與Google這些數位平臺的獨占能力等同於電信業者以及公用事業,應該要受到同樣的規範
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Credit to baldheadkid
Hot-shooting Allen Iverson had 31 points and eight assists as
the Philadelphia 76ers took advantage of Shaquille O'Neal's
absence and defeated the Los Angeles Lakers, 105-95.
Iverson shot 12-of-21 from the field and had four steals as the
76ers won for the fourth time in their last seven games after
beginning the season with five consecutive losses. The 1997
Rookie of the Year is shooting 49 percent from the field this
season after managing just 41 percent last season.
Jim Jackson recorded 16 points, nine assists and eight rebounds
for Philadelphia, which stopped a three-game losing streak
against Los Angeles.
"The key to the win was how we sustasined our momentum," Jackson
said. "Collective efforts, concentration, rebounding and a lack
of unforced turnovers will help carry us over."
Elden Campbell had 19 points, seven rebounds and five blocked
shots and Philadelphia area native Kobe Bryant also scored 19
points for the Lakers, who have lost two of their last three
games after beginning the season 11-0, the best start in club
history. O'Neal missed his fourth straight game with an
abdominal strain.
"I wanted to win, but rebounding really killed us," Bryant said.
"With us being a successful team, every team is coming after us.
We just could not get it done on the defensive boards and in the
end it really hurt us."
"It's a big difference when you've got a guy driving down the
lane all the time laying the ball up," said Los Angeles point
guard Nick Van Exel. "That's when you really miss the big
Iverson began and ended an 8-1 third-quarter spurt that gave
Philadelphia the lead for good. His driving layup made it 61-59
with seven minutes left and his reverse layup gave the Sixers a
67-60 advantage with 4:45 remaining.
"The whole second half was the key. We just played great in the
second half," Iverson said. "I think the guys that came off the
bench gave us a great spark. It was something we desperately
needed because we kept coming up short in all of these games.
And we've been in every game."
Philadelphia center Eric Montross had seven of his season-high
12 rebounds in the third period, when the 76ers outscored the
Lakers, 24-16.
"Montross was terrific, especially in the third quarter," said
Philadelphia coach Larry Brown. "He played with a lot more
confidence. If he continues to play like this, he will continue
to get minutes."
"I'm trying to let the game come to me," Montross said. "I just
have to be within the flow. That is a bigger part more than
anything else. Nobody expected us to win. We played unselfishly
and outrebounded them."
Rookie Tim Thomas contributed 11 points and six rebounds in 14
minutes and Clarence Weatherspoon added nine and eight as the
Sixers outrebounded the Lakers, 51-35, depite playing without
leading rebounder Derrick Coleman. Coleman, who is averaging 9.2
boards, missed his third straight game with an irregular
heartbeat and may not return until January.
The Sixers maintained a 75-68 lead after three periods but the
Lakers drew within 80-78 when Bryant sank a three-pointer with
9:31 remaining. Iverson answered with a basket and a
three-pointer before Terry Cummings followed with a turnaround
jumper, giving Philadelphia an 87-78 advantage with 8:02 left.
Robert Horry's three-pointer cut Philadelphia's lead to 92-86
with 5:09 left. But Iverson's driving layup capped a 6-0 spurt
for a 98-86 lead with 3:29 remaining. Weatherspoon's dunk gave
the Sixers their biggest lead, 100-87, with 2:40 to go.
"It's been tough jumping out on teams and then they make their
run and we're not able to recover from it," Iverson said.
"Tonight we just played solid defense and took what they gave us
on offense and we were able to control the tempo."
Campbell scored 10 points in the first quarter, which ended at
26-26. Philadelphia had a 19-4 run over the first and second
periods, ending with Iverson's 17-footer for a 46-34 lead with
5:49 left in the first half.
Horry, who had nine points and nine rebounds, made a hook shot
to cut the deficit to 46-36 and trigger an 11-0 run. A layup by
Eddie Jones capped the burst and drew the Lakers within 46-45
with 3:24 left before halftime.
"They outrebounded us, that was key for them," said Jones, who
had 14 points. "They got their confidence early rebounding the
ball and getting easy transition baskets."
Van Exel made a three-pointer with 37 seconds to go and Los
Angeles took a 52-51 edge into halftime.
clarence thomas 在 pennyccw Youtube 的最佳貼文
Credit to baldheadkid
Allen Iverson scored nine of his 26 points in the fourth quarter as the Philadelphia 76ers notched their first victory of the season and their first win in Houston in nearly nine years, 114-100 over the Rockets.
Iverson, who also handed out 15 assists, hit a 10-foot jumper to cap a 15-2 run that gave the 76ers a 99-92 lead with 6:15 to play. The Rockets cut the deficit to 101-97, but Iverson drained a three-pointer with 3:48 remaining and Houston got no closer than seven the rest of the way.
"We executed at the end, whereas previous games we didn't do that," said Iverson, who committed no turnovers. "This is a confidence boost for us. We played with control when we got the lead in the fourth quarter and we played solid defense all game long."
Jerry Stackhouse scored 17 points and Terry Cummings added a season-high 16 in 17 minutes off the bench for Philadelphia (1-5), which ended an eight-game slide in Houston, winning there
for the first time since January 7th, 1989. Larry Brown notched is first victory as coach of the Sixers, who shot 62 percent (49-of-79) from the field.
"We played as well as we could possibly play," Brown said. "Everybody just played great. This is huge to beat a great team like Houston on their home court."
"We're getting better," Cummings said. "The last few games, we were in it with about five or six minutes to go and let it get away. Tonight, we executed at the end."
Clyde Drexler scored 23 points and Charles Barkley added 19 for Houston (3-3), which had won the last 11 meetings with Philadelphia. Olajuwon chipped in 14 points and 15 rebounds but made just 6-of-19 shots as Houston shot just 44 percent (36-of-81).
"This was an embarrassing loss," Olajuwon said. "They played well and made some tough shots, but we also missed some easy baskets. The good news is that it's very early, and we have the opportunity to recover."
Sixers rookie forward Tim Thomas suffered a bruised tailbone in the first quarter on a drive to the basket when he was knocked to the floor by Rockets guard Matt Maloney. Thomas, whose head
and lower body were immobilized, was motionless for 10 minutes before he was taken off on a stretcher. X-rays were negative and he is expected to fly with the team to Dallas for Thursday's
Houston owned a 90-84 edge on a dunk by Kevin Willis with 10:42 to play. But Philadelphia's Clarence Weatherspoon, who scored 14 points, sank a 15-foot jumper 17 seconds later to spark the
15-2 burst. The 76ers outscored the Rockets in the final period, 32-14.
"You can't give up 32 fourth-quarter points and expect to win," Barkley said. "We just couldn't get over the hump. We've got to play better defense."
Weatherspoon made 6-of-8 shots and Cummings was 7-of-8 for the Sixers, who lost their first five games of the season by an average of 10.8 points. Jim Jackson scored 15 points and
Derrick Coleman finished with 14 and eight boards as Philadelphia beat the Rockets for the first time since January 8th, 1992.
"When you give up 62 percent shooting at home, that's not winning basketball," said Rockets coach Rudy Tomjanovich. "You've got to be a defensive team to win in this league. We just didn't do it."
The Rockets are at .500 for the first time since they were 16-16 on January 12th, 1993. The last time they were at .500 in November was 1992, Tomjanovich's first season as Houston coach.
The game was tight throug the first three quarters, with neither team able to gain a double-digit lead.
Drexler, who had seven assists and six rebounds, scored 11 points in the third period to help Houston to an 86-82 edge heading into the final period. But Drexler was held to three points in the fourth as the Rockets dropped their second straight home game.
"This is very disappointing. We have a very good team, but we're not playing well," he said. "This team has to learn to smell the blood and put them away."
Barkley, a former Sixer, pulled down nine boards as Houston outrebounded Philadelphia, 40-32.
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The Philadelphia 76ers defeated the Chicago Bulls for the first time in over four years, ending a 16-game series losing streak
with a 106-96 victory behind 31 points from Allen Iverson.
The 76ers had not beaten the Bulls since December 8th, 1993, a span that included seven home games. They have had three coaching changes and four 50-loss seasons since that victory,while the Bulls have averaged 63 wins and have won the last two
NBA titles.
Derrick Coleman scored 10 of his 18 points in the third quarter, when the Sixers took control. Iverson, who finished two points shy of his season high, added nine in the final period, when the Sixers fought off a rally by the Bulls and opened a 19-point lead. Philadelphia has won four of its last six.
"This game will give us a little bit more confidence," Iverson said. "It gives us confidence because if we can beat the world champions, there shouldn't be any reason why we shouldn't feel we can beat every team we play against. Some nights we're going to have off nights shooting the ball but if we play defense, we'll be in every game."
Scottie Pippen scored 22 points -- two in the second half -- and Michael Jordan added 20 for the Bulls, who were coming off a convincing home win over Seattle and lost for the first time in three games since Pippen's return. Chicago dropped to 7-11 on the road.
"When you go on the road, you got to take care of the ball, especially against teams that are trying to make a name for themselves," Jordan said. "I, myself, made a lot of mistakes out there and I certainly can take the blame for this one."
Playing in front of a record crowd of 21,104 at the CoreStates Center, the Sixers overcame Pippen's 20 first-half points for a 52-51 lead. Iverson scored 17 points on 6-of-9 shooting.
A layup by Randy Brown pulled the Bulls within 64-61 with 6:18 left in the third quarter before the 76ers went on a 13-3 run. Rookie Tim Thomas had a three-pointer and Coleman had a jumper and layup before a jumper by Clarence Weatherspoon made it 77-64 with 51 seconds to go.
"We didn't take care of the basketball in the fourth," Jordan said. "Little stupid mistakes cost us the game. We're a better basketball team than that. You have to say a game like this is a learning experience for us. We didn't take care of the ball, especially when we got it down to within three."
"What stood out is when they scored nine straight to start the fourth quarter, we just dug in," Sixers coach Larry Brown said. "Early on (in the season), we tried to win as individuals. Tonight it seemed, when they made a run at us, we continued to be a team and played the right way."
Jordan and Pippen were limited to a combined 4-of-17 from the field in the second half. Pippen was just 1-of-6 as Thomas did a credible job on the perennial All-Star.
"The second half we had to play a perimeter offense," Pippen said. "We settled for that instead of being smarter and trying to go inside. My conditioning is not at the point to where I should settle for outside jump shots."
Before we had Theo and before Derrick's presence, we weren't a good defensive team, so we couldn't withstand runs by other teams and that was because we couldn't get any stops," Coleman said. "Now, we can get stops. That's made us a better team." "We can't say, 'This is a great thing because we beat the Bulls,'" Ratliff said. "We've got another game coming up and we have to play just as well against those guys. We're not going to go all out and celebrate or have a party or things of that nature just because we beat the Bulls."
Dennis Rodman grabbed 20 rebounds for the Bulls, who also shot 46 percent (38-of-83) and held a 51-39 rebounding edge. But Chicago committed 29 fouls and 21 turnovers.
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Clarence Thomas holds a pretty dim view on Facebook, Twitter—and much of the rest of social media. He and the other eight Supreme Court ... ... <看更多>
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