《台灣海外網》刊出專文:為蔡英文論文門護航的施芳瓏也是假博士 http://taiwanus.net/news/press/2021/202109080159111995.htm
在蔡英文的論文門事件中,為蔡護航的施芳瓏被揭出(https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/ch/news/3800142 ),台北匯給倫敦政經學院的48萬英鎊,被指名給施芳瓏。這筆錢被質疑是蔡英文方面給施芳瓏的遊說款或報酬,以報答她在論文門事件中為蔡護航。
施芳瓏在海外台灣同鄉會的一次英文演講令人大開眼界,因其英文之爛(好像是火星上的外語),可登世界威尼斯記錄,但她就有膽獻醜,也可能是醜美不分,喪失基本的判斷能力。這個演講引起很多人質疑,施芳瓏的英文差到如此地步(她的英文講話視頻在這: https://www.taiwanus.net/news/press/2019/201910222227481835.htm ),怎麼能通過博士論文答辯呢,哪個口試委員能聽懂她在說什麼?
近日台灣評論家、一直質疑蔡英文假學位的曾淼泓博士在節目中提到( https://youtu.be/Hocz1s7lgcc ),他偶然從網上查到,直到2017年,施芳瓏都還是 PhD candidate(博士候選人),也就是她還不是正式博士。可是施芳瓏到台灣、在歐洲,都是稱Dr.Shih Fang-long(施芳瓏博士)。看來她一直為蔡英文護航的原因在這裡,她倆都是假博士,是惺惺相惜、假假相惜。
施芳瓏2017年到捷克的Masaryk大學參加『學生研討會』(Students Workshop),維也納大學在網頁上( https://tsc.univie.ac.at/recent-news/single-view-recent/article/students-workshop-social-movements-in-chinese-societies/?tx_ttnews[backPid]=192008&cHash=138dac521dc171218a8a5173d22ae624&fbclid=IwAR0gr_DdaAg6vR-6MHn_74E9z83bQKyZGdhNYTwWeMHnvUBer5nJa1BrCTU )介紹這次活動時,清楚地寫著:四位演講者,一位是正攻讀學位的博士生,另一位施芳瓏(Shih Fang-long)是博士候選人(PhD candidate)。如果他們寫錯了,那麼愛面子、爭虛榮的施芳瓏,早就會抗議這個『烏龍』,不會這麼置之不理。
You are here:>University of Vienna >Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies>Department of East Asian Studies>Vienna Center for Taiwan Studies
Students Workshop - Social Movements in Chinese Societies
During the week of 21 October - 24 October, China Studies Seminar at Masaryk University, Czech Republic will be holding a students´ workshop with a particular focus on Social Movements in Taiwan and Hong Kong. We would like to invite undergraduate and master students to attend the workshop. Those interested in attending are welcome to register via e-mail: [email protected]
Liang Chia-Yu University of Sussex (PhD candidate)
Lai Tsz Him Drew University (Ph.D. student)
Calida Chu University of Edinburgh (PhD candidate)
Shih Fang-long London School of Economics Leon Nelson Kunz SOAS (PhD candidate)
For a detailed program please click this link!
Organizer: China Studies Seminar Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts Brno, Czech Republic
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同時也有426部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅Susie Woo 戴舒萱,也在其Youtube影片中提到,🇬🇧你懂英式幽默的笑點嗎? 今天的影片我想帶大家一起來看英國人常看的脫口秀 The Graham Norton Show,👂聽懂英國腔同時了解英式幽默的笑點,也幫助你更了解英國文化喔! 🔔 我正在使用的 VPN 服務:Surfshark VPN ► https://bit.ly/2Wh0eKf (...
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出走他國展開新生活, 需要適應生活文化差異及處理經濟狀況等問題 ,移民代表要面對前所未有的壓力,中醫理論認為任何不良情緒都會傷肝,壓力大以致肝功能失調就會出現頭痛、多嘆氣、打嗝或放屁、胃痛、大便不調、失眠等症狀,所以記得留意自己和家人的心理健康,適時進行「疏肝」的事情減減壓,亦可按體質沖泡花茶飲用,花茶一般有疏肝解鬱、寧心安神的作用,還可以按個別需要挑選合適花茶紓緩症狀不適,餐廳常有供應的伯爵茶(Earl grey tea),是在紅茶內添加了佛手柑油,亦屬減壓之選。
玫瑰花 (Rose) — 性溫,疏肝解鬱、行氣活血。因為有活血功效,月經期間不宜飲用。
茉莉花 (Jasmine) — 性溫,理氣解鬱,紓緩胸悶不適。
桂花 (Osmanthus) — 性溫,溫肺散寒、暖胃止痛。
佛手 (Bergamot) — 性溫,疏肝理氣、養胃止痛。
菊花 (Chrysanthemum) — 性涼,清肝退火、明目、保健眼睛。
薰衣草 (Lavender)-性涼,清熱解毒、散風止癢、幫助入眠。
洋甘菊 (Chamomile) — 性寒,有安神功效,對風熱感冒及風濕疼痛有紓緩作用。
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Stay healthy in another country
Consume floral tea to soothe the liver and relieve stress
We have to get accustomed to a new environment, the cultural differences, and the financial situation when we migrate to another country. This also means we are bound to face a lot of pressure.
Chinese Medicine theories believe that negative emotions can hurt the liver, hence, diminishing the organ’s performance. Individuals would sigh frequently, burp or fart, and stomach ache and experience bowel problems and insomnia.
To keep us mentally healthy, we should soothe the liver regularly by drinking floral tea according to our body constitution. Generally, floral tea can soothe the liver, relieve stress, and calm our mind. There are also specific types with special properties. Earl Grey tea, which we can easily find in restaurants, is black tea infused with bergamot oil. We can consume it to relieve stress.
Rose - warm in nature, reduces stress, promotes qi and activates blood. As it can activate blood, it is not suitable for menstruating women.
Jasmine - warm in nature, regulates qi and reduces stress, relieves chest discomfort.
Sweet osmanthus - warm in nature, warms the lungs and dispels cold, warms the stomach and relieves pain.
Fingered citron - warm in nature, relieves stagnated liver and regulates qi, nourishes the stomach and relieves pain.
Chrysanthemum - cool in nature, clears the livers and heat, improves vision.
Lavender - cool in nature, clears heat and detoxifies, dispels wind and relieves itchy skin, helps to improve sleep.
Chamomile - cold in nature, calms the mind. It can relieve heat wind flu and rheumatoid arthritis.
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#男 #女 #我有壓力 #氣滯 #頭痛 #失眠
chinese cultural 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳解答
中國對立陶宛的脅迫不僅 #明確違反國際外交準則,更是對立陶宛主權明目張膽的攻擊。立陶宛所面臨的難民潮及來自中、俄等國的假訊息等複合式威脅,#正是威權政權打擊民主國家的縮影。
這封由 #歐洲福爾摩沙俱樂部 (包含歐洲26國、歐洲議會及加拿大) 共同主席及核心國會議員所寫的信件,#強力聲援立陶宛與台灣發展關係,同時 #籲請歐盟積極力挺,並 #請北約就立陶宛遭受來自中國及俄羅斯的複合式威脅表達聲援與支持。
MOFA would like to thank the co-chairs and members of the #FormosaClub in the #EuropeanParliament and national parliaments for their joint letter to the leadership of the #EuropeanUnion and #NATO expressing their solidarity with Lithuania, in light of the campaign of political and economic pressure targeting the country over its decision to allow the establishment of a Taiwanese Representative Office there.
The letter highlighted the PRC’s recall of its Ambassador to Lithuania and its demand that the country’s ambassador to Beijing also be recalled, along with what it referred to as “blatant economic coercion.” This includes an announcement halting all direct freight trains to #Vilnius, and a bar on exports of key raw materials to the country. The letter also noted attempts in Chinese state media to rally Russia and Belarus to “punish” Lithuania.
The co-chairs expressed their support for Lithuania’s right, as a sovereign nation, to develop economic and cultural ties with Taiwan and called China’s retaliatory actions “a flagrant violation of international diplomatic norms” and a “brazen attack on Lithuania’s sovereignty,” adding that Taiwan is a #LikeMindedPartner of the EU and a global leader in public health.
Michael Gahler Klaus-Peter Willsch #LordRogan Bob Stewart Georges Dallemagne Samuel Cogolati Julien Uyttendaele Marek Benda Michael Aastrup Jensen Jüri Jaanson Mikko Kärnä John McGuinness TD Lucio Malan Matas Maldeikis #JānisVucāns Waldemar Andzel Poseł na Sejm RP Paulo Rios Peter Osuský Boriana Åberg Eloy Suárez Lamata Andrey Kovatchev #StefanSchennach Gerald Loacker Ralph Schallmeiner Fiona Fiedler Senator Michael D. MacDonald Željko Pavić Pia Kjærsgaard Eric Bothorel Député Dr. Bősz Anett Smári McCarthy Enver Hoxhaj Sven Clement #RaymonddeRoon Wybren van Haga - BVNL Gábor Grendel Anja Bah Žibert Andreas Glarner-Seite
chinese cultural 在 Susie Woo 戴舒萱 Youtube 的精選貼文
今天的影片我想帶大家一起來看英國人常看的脫口秀 The Graham Norton Show,👂聽懂英國腔同時了解英式幽默的笑點,也幫助你更了解英國文化喔!
🔔 我正在使用的 VPN 服務:Surfshark VPN ► https://bit.ly/2Wh0eKf
(現在點擊連結 輸入優惠碼 SUSIEWOO 即可享有 3個月免費試用 以及 1.7折的優惠價喔! 🦈)
🎞️原版脫口秀影片 Try Not To Laugh on The Graham Norton Show | Part Seven ►
📣備註。 影片中提到的我們在英國學到 "我們不會成功" 是一個感覺,不是我們的父母這樣教導我們,而我認為可能的原因有:
1. 戰爭,英國長期的歷史中,戰爭造成一定的創傷,老一輩的英國人有很典型的 'stiff upper lip' ,類似控制情緒的意思,尤其面對負面的事情時。
2. 有人會說在過去樂觀且勇敢的人會選擇移居去美國,而留在英國的人相對比較容易擔憂以及孤僻。
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00:00 開頭
00:31 嫦娥與后羿
01:51 玉兔的傳說
03:05 吳剛伐木
03:36 亞瑟王傳說
04:41 忒修斯與牛頭怪
05:34 結尾
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#中秋節 #傳說 #說故事

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01:55 自製的體香劑 ► https://bit.ly/2XxFZbZ
02:22 效果很好的體香劑► https://amzn.to/3tNf6g0
03:17 效果很好且不含鋁► https://amzn.to/3lujDQx
🎤今天使用的麥克風 ► https://amzn.to/2XpY4c2
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