【(Talk)IEEE Consumer Electronics Society Distinguished Lecture by Joe Decuir】
IEEE Consumer Electronics Society
Distinguished Lecture by Joe Decuir
Title: "Getting to Low Energy in Consumer Devices: Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy Standard and Its Applications"
Speaker: Joe Decuir, Vice Chair, Bluetooth Architectural Review Board
Venue: ED210, NCTU
Time/Date: 15:30, June 11, 2013
Profile of the speaker:
Joe Decuir has contributed to the development of public engineering standards for connectivity since 1987, including TIA, ITU, ETSI, IEEE 802, USB-IF, WiMedia Alliance and the Bluetooth SIG. Joe has EECS degrees from UC Berkeley. His career includes Atari, Amiga, Everex, Microsoft and MCCI. He is currently a Standards Architect at CSR, where he is an officer of the Bluetooth Architecture Review Board.
His IEEE career includes 9 years as the Seattle Chapter chair of the IEEE Communications Society, 6 years as a Seattle Section officer and 3 years as a Region 6 Northwest Area officer. He is now a Distinguished Lecturer in the IEEE Consumer Electronics Society. He has 12 patents.
His goals for this presentation: What is Bluetooth Low Energy? How does it work? What is it good for? Where can I learn more?
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