【2018年GMBA萬聖節派對: 回到童年的迪士尼】
2018 GMBA Halloween Party: Back to Our Childhood Memory
這次的活動選在Frank Taipei,一個受歡迎且擁有欣賞101的絕佳夜景的酒吧,藉著地利之便,參與派對的學生超出預期的踴躍。 我們有來自GMBA的學生、台大其他系所的學生,GMBA校友、朋友和家人總共80多位來賓。 每個人都竭盡所能的變裝,比方說有扮成公主、邪惡女王、希臘眾神、甚至還有阿拉丁神燈精靈,大家改造服裝的創意著實令人讚佩。在學期即將邁入尾聲之際,今天的活動對於我們這一群來自不同年級、不同國家的學生來說意義非凡,因為我們又再一次跟GMBA這個大家庭的家人們一起歡欣慶祝過節!
文: GMBA辦公室
英文: GMBA二年級趙琳
#NTU #GMBA #萬聖節
The annual Halloween party the GMBA hosts is one of the best loved traditions among students. This year’s theme was Disney Inferno, based on the series of cartoons and movies near and dear to our hearts that accompanied us growing up. The idea of dressing up as our favorite characters filled everyone with excitement, as did the opportunity to celebrate the holiday at Frank Taipei, a popular bar boasting a splendid view of the Taipei 101 building.
The turnout was impressive and surpassed our expectations. We had over 80 guests, hailing from both GMBA and other programs at NTU, as well as alumni and friends and family. The amount of effort everyone put into their costumes was truly commendable. We had princesses, evil queens, Greek gods, and even genies! As the biggest event of the semester thus far, it was a fantastic opportunity for students from different years and countries to mix and mingle as we all celebrated this beloved holiday together as one big family!
Chinese / NTU GMBA Office
English / Michelle Chao, 2nd-year student of NTU GMBA