家裡的蠟燭只有小孩生日趴剩下的兩根 2 與 5....
另一半說:「永遠25 不是很好嗎?」
這些都不是所謂的‘心想事成’或‘順利’, 但在這個非常時期,世界各地的家人朋友們可以平安健康今日就可以滿足了。
First birthday at home in while. I join the scores of people that have had to celebrate in lockdown😅.
The cake we ordered couldn’t get here today due to a backlog of in the delivery chain all over the country. So in the morning we ordered a piece of cake with our breakfast. We only had left over candles at home leftover from our little one’s birthday😆 (number 2 and 5)
Hubby said,” Isn’t it good to be forever 25?”
I guess.
There’s so much to be thankful for anyway. Family and loved ones are healthy and we have enough to eat and a purpose in life.
Best of all, our Father in heaven is with us through it all.
Happy birthday to me, and I wish that all of y’all will find joy in whatever circumstances you’re in.
best birthday cake delivery 在 SugarCraver Facebook 的最佳解答
🇹🇭นานมากแล้วที่เราไม่ได้กินเค้กเรดเวลเวทเลยยย เพื่อนส่งเค้กวันเกิดย้อนหลังมาให้จากร้านนี้ @leelanuch_official เพิ่งรู้จักเลย แต่เห้ย อร่อยยย! เนื้อเค้กมอยสท์ดี และพิเศษที่มีเบอร์รี่เจลลี่ตรงเลเยอร์ โดยรวมเปรี้ยวหวานอร่อยยย! แนะนำให้กินแบบอุณหภูมิห้องหรือเย็นนิดๆพอ ถ้าเอาออกจากตู้เย็นแล้วกินเลยอาจจะไม่ฟินเท่า @sugarcraver
🇬🇧It’s been sooo long that I haven’t had any red velvet. My best friend sent me this red velvet birthday cake from @leelanuch_official which I never heard of before but gotta admit they bake a really nice and perfecfly moist red velvet! The unique part is the berry jelly sheet in between the layers. Really like it. Reco to eat at room temperature rather than straight out of the fridge :) @sugarcraver
📍: @leelanuch_official .
🍭: 4.2/5
💰: It’s my birthday cake!
🚗: Delivery only
#sugarcraverX #red #sweet #sweettooth #dessert #desserts #dessertporn #dessertlover #food #foodporn #foodie #foodgasm #foodlover #delicious #yummy #yumyum #raspberry #chocolate #icecream #raspberries #chocolates #chocolatecake #birthdaycake #cakes #cake #fruits #fruit #redvelvet #berry #berries
best birthday cake delivery 在 9bulan10hari Facebook 的最佳貼文
10 April adalah ulangtahun kelahiran isteri saya. Tadi, pada tarikh yang sama, isteri saya dibawa masuk ke kamar bersalin. Saya menunggu di luar. Tidak dibenarkan menemani isteri bersalin sebab nak elakkan penyebaran covid-19.
Siap saja melahirkan anak, dia beritahu saya, proses bersalin tadi senang dan sekejap saja. Lebih kurang 10 minit saja. Alhamdulillah.
Saya senyum baca text whatsapp-nya. Dia tak tahu yang suaminya ini membacakan sesuatu untuknya di luar kamar bersalin.
Amalan ini dikongsikan oleh seorang ilmuwan islam, Maulana Hamid. Ini amalannya semasa dijangkiti virus Covid-19 dan baik.
Alhamdulillah, berkat amalan ini, proses kelahiran bayi perempuan kami tadi berjalan dengan baik. Senang dan sekejap saja. Saya baca surah Yaasin dan diikuti dengan bacaa ini:
1. Selawat 3 kali.
2. Baca surah Al Fatihah 3 kali.
3. Baca surah Al-Ikhlas 3 kali.
4. Baca "Hasbunallahu Wani' Mal Wakil 313 kali.
5. Penutup dengan selawat 3 kali.
Dan maafkan isteri. Maafkan isteri. Maafkan isteri.
Kita ada Dia. Dia sebaik-baik penolong. Kita doa pada-Nya. Tak kira yang kecil atau besar ujian itu , semuanya dari Dia.
Alhamdulillah. Kami dikurniakan satu lagi amanah dari-Nya. Anak perempuan seberat 2.8kg. Mudah-mudahan tanggungjawab ini dipikul sebaiknya.
Haris Darus
Tahun depan Papa jimat duit beli kek besday. Beli satu saja dan sambut besday mama dan kamu.
Kredit : Haris Darus.
April 10th is my wife's birth anniversary. Just now, on the same date, my wife was taken into the maternity room. I'm waiting outside. It is not allowed to accompany wife to avoid the spread of covid-19.
Ready to give birth, she told me, the delivery process was easy and easy. Just about 10 minutes. Alhamdulillah
I smile reading the whatsapp text. She didn't know that this husband was reading something to her outside the maternity room.
This practice is shared by a Muslim scientist, Maulana Hamid. This is the practice when infected with the Covid-19 virus and well.
Alhamdulillah, thanks to this practice, our baby girl's birth process just went well. Happy and just for a moment. I read surah Yaasin and followed by reading this:
1. Visiting 3 times.
2. Read surah Al Fatihah 3 times.
3. Read surah Al-Ikhlas 3 times.
4. Read ′′ Hasbunallahu Wani ' Mal Deputy 313 times.
5. Cover with 3 times.
And forgive the wife. Forgive the wife. Forgive the wife.
We have Him. He is the best helper. We pray to Him. No matter small or big the test, it's all from Him.
Alhamdulillah We are blessed with another trust from Him. Daughter weighs 2.8 kg Hopefully this responsibility is carried as well.
Haris Darus
Next year Papa saves money to buy a birthday cake. Just buy one and celebrate mama and you're birthday.
Credit: Haris Darus.Translated