幾個禮拜前被歌詞夥伴TK通知說他們公司鮮乳坊會和台客劇場 TKstory合辦淨灘活動。相信有很多朋友都有看過台客的影片,也有可能有喝過鮮乳坊的牛奶。兩方的理念都那麼棒,怎麼可以不參與呢?!😄
還記得我和先生去度蜜月時在蘭卡葳海島上也突然得自己進行淨灘活動。看到美麗的沙灘到處都是垃圾真的會非常非常火大😡。 我們的公德心到底消失到哪裡去啊!
Some moments from the beach clean EDM party I was at this weekend. This series of environmental clean up parties are the brain-child of VLogger Alex aka Taike. He's been working with different organizations to push for these fun meets for a great cause. What a great way to use his influence as a social media personality!
It was a tough, dirty task but totally enjoyed meeting different people working hard at an important cause together. Thanks to my lyrics partner TK for the heads up about the event!
Hope to work with and learn from such inspiring ppl in the future!
「beach clean up organizations」的推薦目錄:
beach clean up organizations 在 P-LaLa Facebook 的最佳解答
我們接受了 #春宴挑戰 , 上次颱風結束之後去淨灘...
We took the #springbreakchallenge and helped clean up after the last Typhoon...
Have you been challenged yet?
Take the challenge and make a difference by drawing attention to the environmental cause of your choice. Please check out one of the organizations listed below and donate something! \
當你接受挑戰時,你有三天的時間來製作一個小影片,讓朋友們知道你是如何為了參加全台灣最大的沙灘派對做準備。在臉書PO文後把影片的連結PO在現在最熱門的2017夏都春宴的活動頁! >>https://www.facebook.com/events/1798482887071546/<<
When you’ve been challenged, you have 3 days to make a video to show how you’re preparing for Taiwan’s Biggest Beach Party in your own way. Upload to FB. Then post a link on the Spring Break on the Beach event wall where over 1,000 people are already clicking attending. >>https://www.facebook.com/events/1798482887071546/<<
給你的三位好朋友3天的時間製作他們自己的 #springbreakchallenge #春宴挑戰 影片,或捐300塊給你支持的環境保護公益團體,來保護台灣生態。或更好的選擇,拍影片加捐款!
Give 3 of your closest friends 3 days to make their own #springbreakchallenge videos, or donate NT$300 to an environmental organization of your choice… Or do both!
Remember, if we want to continue to enjoy the Beach, we have to think about clean air and clean water!
環保公益團體參考連結 Suggested environmental organizations:
與聯絡這個粉絲頁,你的資料也可以列在這裡唷 Please contact this page to be featured:
Song: Sardines - The Junkyard Band