最近上課時學到一個新單字「positionality」,讓我想到當前社群媒體上,不停看到的「fake news」——假新聞。
簡言之,「positionality」(位置性) 被定義為於種族、階級、性別、性取向以及能力等狀態中,創造你身分的社會與政治背景。位置性還描述了你的身分如何影響你對世界的理解與看法,以及潛在的偏見。
positionality 位置性;定位
以下是我對「positionality」與 「fake news」的些許觀點:
“Fake news” has permeated all facets of life, ranging from social media interaction to presidential elections. Fake news can be defined as “fabricated information that mimics news media content in form but not in organizational process or intent” (Lazer et al., 2018, p. 1094). The creators and outlets of fake news do not ensure the accuracy and credibility of information, but rather disseminate misinformation or disinformation for purposes ranging from personal amusement to creating deceptions to achieve political aims. At times, fake news is created and disseminated by state or non-state actors using social media accounts and networks of bots designed to hijack feed algorithms of platforms such as Twitter or Facebook (Prier, 2017, p. 54). In the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, Facebook estimated that up to 60 million bots were used to post political content. Some of the same bots were then used in an attempt to influence the 2017 French election (Lazer et al., 2018, p. 1095). Such campaigns can be understood as a form of information warfare, a comprehensive attempt to control and influence every facet of the information supply chain, thereby influencing public opinion and behaviors. (Prier, 2017, p. 54). Often, fake news is not directly created by actors that seek to manipulate but by journalists or content creators whose content favors or aligns with the narratives of these actors (Doshi, 2020).
從社群媒體的互動到總統選舉,「假新聞」(fake news)已滲透至生活的各個層面。假新聞可被定義為「在形式上而非組織過程或意圖上,模仿新聞媒體內容所捏造的資訊」(Lazer et al., 2018, p. 1094)。無論是出於個人愛好或為達政治目的而有所欺瞞,假新聞的製造者與傳播管道並不保證資訊的準確性與可信度,反而是為了散播錯誤訊息(misinformation)或扭曲訊息(disinformation)。有時,假新聞是由國家或非國家行為者(state or non-state actors)所製造與傳播,藉由社群媒體帳號及網絡機器人來劫持諸如臉書與推特等平臺的推送演算法(Prier, 2017, p. 54)。在2016年的美國總統大選中,臉書估計有多達6千萬個機器人被用來發布政治貼文。其中,有部分機器人被用於影響隔年的法國大選(Lazer et al., 2018, p. 1095)。此類行動可視為資訊戰(information warfare)的一種形式,一種對控制與影響資訊供應鏈各環節的全面嘗試,從而影響公眾輿論與行為(Prier, 2017, p. 54)。假新聞通常是由記者或內容創造者(content creators)所創造,而非試圖操弄的行為者,前者的內容偏好符合後者的敘事(Doshi, 2020)。
Nevertheless, while the term “fake news” is commonplace, there is no universal, measurable way to quantify the fakeness or truthfulness of news. There are many fact-checking and media-bias detection tools, but they cannot objectively detect and clarify the more subtle and nuanced aims of manipulative actors that play a crucial role in news production. It can also be argued that the veracity of news depends not only on the actors that seek to manipulate it, but also on the positionality of its consumers. Therefore, one’s initial line of defense against misleading news lies not in the plethora of fact-checking devices but more in one’s pre-existing dispositions and skills to think and act in response to misleading information. This ability can be referred to as critical thinking, which can be more concretely expounded as “reasonable and reflective thinking focused on deciding what to believe or do” (Ennis, 2011, p. 15).
然而,即便「假新聞」一詞隨處可見,卻沒有統一、可衡量的方式來量化新聞的虛假性或真實性。目前有許多事實查核與媒體偏見檢測工具,但它們無法客觀地檢測與說明行為操弄者更狡猾、更細緻的目標,而這些操弄者往往在新聞的生產中發揮著重要作用。我們也可以說,新聞的真實性不僅取決於試圖操弄它的行為者,同時還取決於新聞受眾的位置性。因此,一個人對抗誤導性新聞的第一道防線,不在於這些五花八門的事實查核方式,反而在於個人所固有的性格,以及針對誤導性資訊的思考與行動等相關技能。這種能力可稱為批判性思考(critical thinking),意即「專注於決定相信什麼或做什麼的理性思考與反思性思考」(Ennis, 2011, p. 15)。
Taiwan, also known as the Republic of China (ROC), is at the forefront of information warfare. It is wedged between the geopolitical struggles of global and regional hegemonies such as the United States and China, the People's Republic of China (PRC). Compounding the matter are the Taiwan’s own political actors vying for influence and power. This struggle seeps into all aspects of life and practice, mainly manifesting itself on social media, a battleground of information warfare. The Ministry of Education of Taiwan is cognizant of these information campaigns, and efforts have been made to introduce media literacy into all parts of its education system. According to the ministry, the government has tried to promote media literacy education since 2000 (MOE, 2002, p. 1), with one of its primary goals to cultivate its “citizens” abilities for independent learning, critical thinking, and problem solving” (MOE, 2002, p. 2).
臺灣,也被稱為中華民國,正處於資訊戰的最前線。這是全球霸權與地區霸權之間——如美國與中國(中華人民共和國)——的地緣政治對抗。使問題惡化的是臺灣自身的政治行動者對影響力與權力的奪取。這場對抗遍布於現實生活的各個面向,主要於社群媒體中——資訊戰的戰場——展露無遺。臺灣的教育部注意到了這些資訊的煙硝,並已努力將媒體素養引入其教育體系。據該部稱,自2000年以來,政府一直試圖推展媒體素養教育(MOE, 2002, p. 1),其主要目標之一是培養「公民獨立學習、批判性思考以及解決問題的能力。」(MOE, 2002, p. 2)。
閱聽人應意識到,他們在網路上看到的每個資訊都有特定立場。是否真有毫無立場的新聞文章?為了對抗操弄性或強制性資訊(coercive information),我們必須意識到權力於個中的作用,以及我們自身的位置性如何形塑我們的詮釋。這是我們的第一道防線。
Doshi, R. (2020, January). China steps up its information war in Taiwan. Foreign Affairs. Retrieved March, 21, 2021, from https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/china/2020-01-09/china-steps-its-information-war-taiwan
Ennis, R. H. (1985). A logical basis for measuring critical thinking skills. Educational leadership, 43(2), 44-48.
Lazer, D. M., Baum, M. A., Benkler, Y., Berinsky, A. J., Greenhill, K. M., Menczer, F., ... & Zittrain, J. L. (2018). The science of fake news. Science, 359(6380), 1094-1096.
MOE (Ministry of Education), Taiwan. (2002). White paper on media literacy educational policy. Retrieved March, 21, 2021, from http://english.moe.gov.tw/public/Attachment/ 2122416591771.pdf
Prier, J. (2017). Commanding the trend: Social media as information warfare. Strategic Studies Quarterly: SSQ, 11(4), 50-85.
教育時評: http://bit.ly/39ABON9
相關詞彙: https://bit.ly/2UncrfI
TED相關影片: https://bit.ly/3BDsDKl
「battleground states 2016」的推薦目錄:
- 關於battleground states 2016 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於battleground states 2016 在 小胖子的陽春麵 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於battleground states 2016 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於battleground states 2016 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於battleground states 2016 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於battleground states 2016 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文
battleground states 2016 在 小胖子的陽春麵 Facebook 的最佳貼文
2011年蔡英文去美國面試不成功, 2012年妥妥敗選
2016年, 美國還沒投票, 蔡英文就急忙表態, 還派李應元送溫暖給希拉蕊! 各國媒體都看著綠營甘願做龜婊!
2016年川普勝選, 綠營份子還在昏頭轉向如喪考妣, 是李大維等"老藍男"硬是讓蔡英文熱線撥通川普表忠
2020年蔡英文陣營在連任就職時的影片還刻意刪減了民主黨陣營的祝賀詞, 明顯選邊站, 搞到事後道歉
2016~2020這幾年, 綠營上下無不夾著卵蛋舔爆川川大腿, 把拜登罵成中共同路人, 還是公開罵, 公開表忠心, 甚至駐美代表還公開助選川普, 恐怕是被私下警告才慌忙刪文, 後續就是綠營林濁水爆料綠營代表根本不受拜登陣營待見, 可說是自己把自己蠢死的!
什麼豺驚魍美, 焦糖陳, 王O宇, 碎鏡八七等等洗地水龍頭都在罵拜登, 捧川普, 指控大選舞弊, 綠營甚至還放任野狗一般的滋事份子出征美國在台協會AIT的臉書? 笑死, 嫌命長??
拜登當選後, 蔡媓急忙想搶在全世界之前祝賀拜登, 綠營忙說出征AIT的都是機器人, 都是在野黨跟親共人士做的, 跟綠營沒關係, #這等急撇清卸責表效忠的行為, 誰人不知在搞三小? 這種樣子還能跟新科美國總統通話嗎? 駐美團沒被請出境算你好運吧?
現在蔡英文陣營忙著表演自己很中立, 沒有越線干涉美國內政, 台美關係穩固, 沒有押錯寶, 民主黨拜登好棒棒, 一切都是國民黨的錯, 催眠自己未來台美關係會更好....
大笑, 做著雜碎的身分還想操主子的心? 蠢到撞見墓碑才知死, 現在想甩鍋給別人, 你當別人都白癡嗎?
還想甩鍋? 甩你老木, 雖然應以中華民國利益為優先, 但老子現在就是看綠營笑話, 真不愧是舉世聞名的蠢蛋團體! 蠢! 蠢爆! 蠢到全體智商歸零!!
所有反對民進黨選邊站的人早就勸過講過, 你們自己不聽, 只好等著看你們忙成一團, 現在知道你們這些王八蛋想甩鍋, #當然要幫你們死透! 垃圾渣!
台灣台北市— 2011年底,台灣總統候選人蔡英文在華盛頓會見了兩名奧巴馬政府官員,這是在嚴重依賴美國安全的島上求職者的慣常做法。她沒有得到他們的認可。
In late 2011, Tsai Ing-wen, a presidential candidate in Taiwan, met with two Obama administration officials in Washington, a customary step for office-seekers on an island that depends heavily on the United States for its security. She didn't win their approval.
Officially, Taiwan's government has stressed that it does not favor any candidate. "No matter which party in the United States wins the election, the Taiwanese government will continue to steadily deepen the Taiwan-U.S. partnership on its currently robust and sound foundations," Taiwan's Foreign Ministry said in a statement, pledging to maintain neutrality.
但觀察人士注意到,台灣政府的推特賬戶分享了右翼布賴特巴特新聞網站上的一篇文章,並在周二轉發了第一夫人梅拉尼婭·特朗普(Melania Trump)的帖子,助選賓夕法尼亞州戰場。
But observers have noted Taiwanese government Twitter accounts sharing an article from the right-wing Breitbart news site and, on Tuesday, retweeting first lady Melania Trump's post appealing to the battleground state of Pennsylvania.
When Tsai was inaugurated for a second term in May, editors compiling a video montage of congratulatory messages cut Democrats and added emphasis on Republican well-wishers such as Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.), said two people familiar with the matter. The result was striking enough that Taiwanese officials later apologized to Democrats, one of the people said.
Taiwanese support for Trump extends beyond the government.
2020年連任賀詞遭刪? 傳台灣官員向民主黨道歉
吳斯懷稱 若真有刪文一事 拜登當選恐後遺無窮
駐美代表貼川普助選文 吳釗燮: 有刪掉了啊
駐美代表貼川普助選文 "我不小心的" (北爛)
綠營甩鍋 都是柯粉韓粉出征AIT (公開騙人)
黨政高層宣稱沒押錯寶 都是國民黨的錯 (公然騙人)
綠營稱民主黨總統會出兵救台灣 (自欺欺人)
蘇貞昌稱台美關係將越穩固 (騙人騙神騙自己)
battleground states 2016 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答
[時事英文新聞] 2016 United States Presidential Election
presidential election 總統選舉
head to the polls 前往投票所
polling station 投票站
hotly contested 競爭激烈
contentious debate 有爭議的辯論
at each other’s throats(兩人)激烈爭吵
election day 選舉日
cast the first vote 投第一票
media outlets 媒體
the press 報刊;新聞界
reported…leading the polls 報導…的民調遙遙領先
trail by... 落後於...
…percentage points …個百分點
recent polls 最近的調查 (民調)
battleground states 戰場州
swing states 搖擺州
Democratic Party 民主黨
Republican Party 共和黨
two camps 兩個陣營
campaign headquarter 競選總部
independent candidate 獨立候選人
front-runner 最有可能獲勝者;領先者
presidential candidate 總統候選人
former secretary of state 前國務卿
running mate (競選副總統的)競選夥伴,競選搭檔
voter turnout 投票率
hit a record high 創歷史新高
landslide victory 壓倒性勝利
registered voters 已登記的投票人
electoral college 選舉人團
winner-take-all 勝者全拿
district system 區域計票制
electoral system 選舉制度
electoral votes 選舉人票
election result 選舉結果
senate results 參議院選舉結果
Federal Election Commission 聯邦選舉委員會
absentee ballot 缺席投票
minority group 少數團體
exit poll 票站調查,出口民調
respect the results 尊重結果
constitutional system 憲政體制
the ruling party 執政黨
the opposition party 在野黨
brace for the possibility that… 防備…的可能性
rigged election 選舉舞弊
disputed ballots 有爭議的選票
voter fraud 選舉舞弊
voter intimidation 恐嚇選民
accept the results 接受結果
move the country forward 推動國家前進
step down 辭退
serve two consecutive four-year terms 服務兩個連續四年任期
美國第58屆總統大選結果(實時更新): http://edition.cnn.com/election/results
Learn some vocabulary words while looking over the results!!!
Election Promises 候選人選舉承諾 (中英對照): https://goo.gl/3PKTbF
時事英文新聞 (Breaking News): http://goo.gl/3EnOO6