[TAIPEI - 漢來名人坊 台北敦化店 / Celebrity Cuisine Taipei Dunhua 😋]
香港總店過去都去過好幾次。這一家新開在台北的敦化店經熟客好友帶來吃。 而這一頓飯是我過去在台北吃過的粵菜餐廳中最好吃,也最像真正粵菜的其中一次。
I have already been to the originally restaurant at Kau U Fong in HK a number of times over the years, and this is the first time coming to this newly opened one in Taipei. And this meal is one of the best Cantonese food I’ve ever had in Taipei, and it’s also one of the most authentic.
This time we did not order any high end signature dishes like roasted chicken wings with marinated bird’s nest, but just some basic dishes like fried chicken and stir fried tofu that can differentiate the skill of the chefs.
As a quick summary, I finally found a Cantonese restaurant in Taipei where I have the desire to revisit.
Although not Cantonese dishes, the chow Chiu style brine snacks are not bad, but not wow!
味道人生級別 / TastesInLife (TIL) Index:
😍: 非常好 - 必須再去 / Excellent - Must revisit regularly
😋: 滿意 - 應該要再去 / Satisfactory - Should revisit regularly
☺️: 不錯 - 可以再去 / Not bad - Can revisit once a while
😌: 一般 - 不去也沒損失 / Average - No lost for not going
🤐: 不行 - 不值得去 / Bad - Not worth the visit
😭: 災難 - 噩夢一場 / Disaster - A nightmare
#tastesinlife #味道人生 #