This painting is one of my oil pastel series that i did before 2010. Will try to post some of my older stuff for those who never seen any of my old works. Till then.. Stay safe people..
Title : Journey to Happy Land
Medium : Oil Pastel on paper
Size: A2
Current owner : @richard simon
Everyone have their own version of happy land. This thought or emotion happens randomly. It could be because of time, certain situation, surrounding environment or “just because”. So they do a journey to a certain goal that they set.
The green character depicted without arms is a representation of people that feels, think that they are missing something in their life. (It can be anything, nothing in specific). Most of the time they looking for that feeling of joy, happiness, achievement or a sense of fulfillment. During this time is where the doubt, excitement, paranoid kicks in and that's why he’s walk with a slouch with eyes open.
The smiling creatures or monsters on the sides is a representation of people around. Some will give encouragement or support, some will say good things in front and bad things at the back. But most of the time they will just look and thats about it. Your journey is their entertainment.
The road or path is colored in yellow is an adaptation of “the yellow brick road from the wizard of oz” that brings a meaning the road to success or happiness..
The jack in a box “Swindler, cheater” is a representation of the challenges that usually happen along the way, when a person is in search of their happy land.
This whole painting are basically everyone’s journey in life. You can’t see the goal here because (its a personal “something” to everyone, not all of us have the same happyland” but the “journey” that’s the most important part of life.
Bahasa pasar/ sembarang sabah.
Semua orang ada angan-angan/ mimpi/ impian pasal dorang punya tempat/ keadaan hidup yang best. Ni fikiran pandai datang tiba-tiba. Mungkin pasal ada barang yang jadi dalam hidup dorang, mungkin pasal keadaan keliling dorang atau sengaja mau cuba. Jadi mulalah diorang mencari jawapan.
Tu orang hijau tiada tangan macam perumpamaan orang-orang yang rasa, fikir yang dorang ada kekurangan dalam hidup. (Ni boleh jadi apa saja, tiada 1 jenis jawapan). Biasa dia, yang kana cari tu perasaan gembira, semangat, pencapaian atau kepuasan. Ni masa lah datang tu perasaan/ fikiran tidak yakin, telebih semangat, fikir yang bukan-bukan (Ni kali maksud paranoid yang simple). Pasal tu dia jalan bongkok trus mata dia tingu-tingu. (ni yg part paranoid. Takut salah, takut orang cakap bukan-bukan.. macam-macam lah)..
Yang monster senyum-senyum di siring tu umpama orang sekeliling. (yang dekat kah yang jauh kah). Ada yang tolong, support. Ada yang cakap bagus-bagus di depan tapi kasi buruk-buruk di belakang. Biasa dia ada saja yang tingu tu biarpun ko tidak tau (macam drama tv).
Tu jalan warna kuning kana guna reference “the yellow brick road “jalan batu warna kuning” dalam wayang wizzard of oz). Maksud ni ayat jalan kejayaan atau kegembiraan.
Di depan tu jalan ada clown dalam kotak “Jack in a box”. Maksud jack in a box ni orang yang menipu. Dia jual kotak kosong sama orang yang beli barang. Jadi dalam ni perjalanan mau sampai tu “happy land” ada saja cabaran.
Jadi ni lukisan cerita dia pasal semua orang punya perjalanan hidup dalam mencari erti. Dia punya hujung tiada dalam ni lukisan sebab lain orang lain yand dia cari. Tapi perjalanan, pengalaman mo kasi sampai, itu yang paling mahal.
「bad things about cuba」的推薦目錄:
- 關於bad things about cuba 在 The Artworks of cracko Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於bad things about cuba 在 9bulan10hari Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於bad things about cuba 在 Pakar diari hati Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於bad things about cuba 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於bad things about cuba 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於bad things about cuba 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文
bad things about cuba 在 9bulan10hari Facebook 的最佳貼文
Salam, sy Farid. Nak tanya pandangan para suami di page 9bulan10hari ni, ada tak isteri ngidam mcm ni?? Sy ingat isteri nak ngidam nasik goreng ke beger ke.. tak sangka ngidam gini..
Masa sy larang isteri jgn ngidam pelik2 isteri nangis..
Dia kata abg tak faham perasaan dia...
Dlm 2 bulan jugak isteri merayu nak makan sabun, tayar & kiwi kasut... dia kata nak rasa sikit je...
Sy terbaca bab mengidam masa hamil dlm
Ustaz Don kata mmg org mengandung ni akan ada perasaan2 nak makan macam2 masa mengandung.. Ada kes minta nak makan daging b*b* ... Jadi nasihat Ustaz Don dlm ebook 9bulan10hari ni, dia minta suami terangkan dgn baik kpd isteri sebab masa mengandung emosi dia bergolak...
Kadang dia tak faham pun benda2 tak baik ni. Jadi sy terus bg isteri yg baca apa yg ustaz Don terangkan tu... Alhamdulillah.. isteri dapat terima & dia minta doa byk2 utk tak ngidam pelik2...
Dari apa yg saya baca dlm ebook 9bulan10hari ni, isteri kita ngidam pelik2 ke tak pelik2 ke sebab mulut & lidah dia rasa kelat pahit.
Dia lapar tapi dia tak tahu nak makan apa. Jadi bila dia rasa bau ke rasa sesuatu benda tu sedap, dia nak cuba makan tanpa dia fikir panjang.
Jadi kita sebagai suami ni yang kena terangkan..
Aku tak setuju kalau org kata isteri yg kena baca ilmu mengandung semata2..
Sebab bagi aku biar suami yg ambil tahu sama2 ilmu mengandung, sebab yg nak hadap perubahan2 pelik mcm apa yg isteri aku lalui ni bukan jiran depan rumah, tapi kita ni suami dia...
Semalam isteri ngidam nak makan kerang rebus tepi jalan....
Nasib jugak aku sempat baca makanan utk ibu hamil dlm
Kalau tak mmg boleh buat isteri cirit birit kalau dia makan kerang yg tak bersih & tak dimasak sampai betul2 masak..
Lagipun masa awal2 mengandung, elakkan makan makanan mcm ni termasuk sushi.. 1 lagi.. jgn makan kat luar. Kalau nak makan kat luar, pastikan tempat tu bersih.
Banyaklah.. mmg banyak benda nak kena ambik tahu pasal org mengandung ni..
Kalau tanya aku, sebagai suami, banyaklah membaca.. lengkap panduan utk suami isteri dari awal kahwin, rancang hamil, hamil, bersalin, pantang, susukan anak2 & didik anak2...
Lengkap.. siap ada 90 videos lagi yg Ustaz Don, Ustaz Ebit Lew & total 12 orang pakar terangkan dalam ebook 9bulan10hari ni..
Pelaburan yg sangat berbaloi.. ilmu kot.. penting...
Banyak benda yg aku tak tahu aku dh tahu skrng & sebenarnya mudahkan aku & isteri..
Tadi tanya isteri...
"Sayang ngidam apa2 tak harini"
Isteri cakap ngidam nak peluk abg kuat2 & cium ketiak abg... 😂
huhu.. ni mmg ayat paling best sepanjang isteri mengandung 4 bulan ni sbb mudah...😂
Nasib baik syg ngidam mcm ni.. senang keja abg walaupun bau ketiak abg ni abg pun xtahan 🤭
Greetings, sy Farid. Want to ask the views of husbands in page 9 months 9 today, there is no wife craving for this?? I remember my wife who wants to eat fried rice to beger to.. I don't expect to want to be like this..
When I forbidden my wife, don't crave weirdly, wife is crying..
He said that I don't understand his feelings...
In 2 months the wife begged to eat soap, tyres & kiwi shoes... she said she just wanted to feel a little...
I read the chapter of craving for pregnancy in
Ustaz Don said that this pregnant person will have feelings to eat all sorts of pregnancy.. There's a case of asking to eat meat b *b*... So Ustaz Don's advice in the ebook for 9 months today, he asked his husband to explain it well to him wife because when she was pregnant she was angry...
Sometimes he doesn't even understand the bad things. So I immediately gave my wife who reads what Ustaz Don explains that... Thank God.. the wife received it & she asked for more prayers to not cravings weirdly...
From what I've read in the ebook 9 months today, our wife is craving weirdly or not weird because her mouth & tongue feels bitter.
He's hungry but he doesn't know what to eat. So when he feels like the smell of something is delicious, he wants to try to eat without him thinking long.
So we as husbands have to explain..
I don't agree if people say that the wife who has to read the knowledge is pregnant only..
Because for me to let a husband who knows about pregnant knowledge, because those who want to face strange changes like what my wife goes through is not the front of the house, but we are her husband...
Yesterday the wife was craving to eat boiled clams on the roadside....
Luckily I was able to read food for pregnant mothers in
If you don't really can make your wife diarrhea if she eats clams that are not clean & not cooked until she cooks properly..
Besides when you're pregnant, avoid eating food like this including sushi.. 1 more.. don't eat outside. If you want to eat outside, make sure the place is clean.
Many things, many things, they will be ambik tofu, the articles of this person contains..
If you ask me, as a husband, read a lot.. complete guide for husband and wife from the beginning of marriage, planning to be pregnant, pregnant, maternity, abstinence, milk and children...
Complete.. there are 90 more videos that Ustaz Don, Ustaz Ebit Lew & a total of 12 experts explain in the ebook 9 months..
Investment that is very worth it.. knowledge.. important...
There are many things that I don't know that I already know now & actually make it easy for me & my wife..
Asked the wife earlier...
′′ Honey craving for anything is not today ′′
Wife said that she wants to hug you strongly & kiss your armpits... 😂
huhu.. this is the best sentence for all the wife pregnant in 4 months because it's easy... 😂
My good luck is craving for this.. I am happy to go to abg even though the armpit smell of abg ni abg also xtahan 🤭Translated
bad things about cuba 在 Pakar diari hati Facebook 的最佳貼文
April lepas, Haikal hilang 2 gigi depan.
Dan sejak tu, macam2 saya dengar orang cakap pada dia--
dah tak handsome,
dah tak comel,
macam dracula,
macam terowong,
Dan tadi, ada sepasang suami isteri minta nak selfie dengan Haikal. Macam biasa, Haikal tak pernah menolak bila ada strangers nak bergambar dengan dia.
Dah elok posing, tetiba si isteri tu cakap--
"Alamak Haikal. Senyum tutup mulut boleh tak? Buruk la gigi takde. Seram aunty tengok."
Aku kat tepi tu cuba bertenang walaupun dalam hati rasa nak sumbat kaki kat mulut dia 😑
Betul lah.
Di mata anak2, takde yang dilihat buruk pada diri mereka--
sehingga lah KITA sendiri yg ajar betapa buruknya mereka.
Maka membesarlah anak itu dengan rasa diri tak sempurna, tak cukup putih, tak cukup tinggi, tak cukup sado, tak cukup comel, tak cukup flawless.
Benih2 insecurities itu--
KITA yang tanam.
Habis selfie, suami isteri tadi happy lalu beredar sambil lambai2 pada Haikal.
Hilang je mereka dari pandangan, saya terus tanya Haikal--
"Haikal ok?"
Tapi di wajah dia jelas, dia TAK OK.
So saya tanya lagi--
"Ada apa2 yang Haikal nak share dengan mama?"
Sambil tunduk dia jawab--
"Hmm. Orang tadi cakap Haikal buruk. Bila gigi baru Haikal nak tumbuh ni, ma?"
Begitu2 sahaja benih insecurity berjaya ditanam. 😩
Selama ni Haikal tak pernah rasa yang proses ganti gigi ni sebagai satu nightmare--
sampai lah tadi.
Dear parents & adults sekalian.
Before running your mouth, remember to plug in your brain. Setiap butir kata yang keluar dari mulut kita ni akan jadi inner voice dalam diri anak2.
It can either make them or break them.
Segala provokasi, ejekan, makian, leteran, hamburan, sindirian, dari mulut kita, walaupun bergurau--
Ingat, kita nak tanam benih2 self-esteem, confidence, self-worth, dan empathy dalam diri anak2. Bukannya benih insecurities yang buat mereka semakin lama semakin hilang diri sendiri.
Fikir-fikirkan lah.
Oh I should've said thank you kat pasangan suami isteri yang minta selfie tadi.
Kalau takde diorang, takde lah post ni. 😂
So thank you guys for this lesson you've taught us today.
Kredit Adlil Rajliah
Last April, Haikal lost 2 front teeth.
And since then, I heard people talk to him --
Not handsome anymore,
Not cute anymore,
like a dracula,
Like a tunnel,
sorts of things.
And just now, a couple of husbands asked to take a selfie with Haikal. As usual, Haikal never refuses when there are strangers to take pictures with him.
Posing well, suddenly the wife said --
′′ Damn Haikal. Can a smile shut up your mouth? It's bad that there's no teeth. Aunty is scary looking at it."
I'm at the side trying to be calm even though I feel like putting foot in his mouth 😑
That's right.
In the eyes of children, nothing is seen bad in themselves --
until we ourselves teach how bad they are.
So grow up the child with an imperfect self, not white enough, not tall enough, not sad enough, not cute enough, not flawless enough.
Those seeds of insecurities --
WE are the ones who plant.
After selfie, husband and wife are happy and leaving while waves at Haikal.
They are gone from sight, I keep asking Haikal --
′′ Haikal ok?"
′′ Ok."
But in his face it's clear, he's NOT OK.
So I ask again --
′′ Is there anything Haikal to share with mama?"
While he was down he answered --
′′ Hmm. The guy said Haikal was bad. When Haikal's new tooth is growing, ma?"
Just like that the seed of insecurity is successfully planted. 😩
Haikal has never felt the process of changing teeth as a nightmare --
Until now.
Dear parents & adults all.
Before running your mouth, remember to plug in your brain. Every single word that comes out of our mouth will become the inner voice in our children.
It can either make them or break them.
All provocation, mocking, craziness, scattering, scattering, sarcasion, from our mouth, even though we joke --
Remember, we want to plant self-esteem seeds, confidence, self-worth, and empathy in the children. Instead of seed insecurities that make them get longer and more lost themselves.
Think about it.
Oh I should've said thank you to the couple who asked for selfie earlier.
Kalau takde diorang, takde lah post ni. 😂
So thank you guys for this lesson you've taught us today.
Adlil Rajliah CreditTranslated