Flattening The Curve: Quasimodo
我不懂法語,但女導演Claire Devers似乎不在意。
她在片場經常全速用法語指揮大局,我大部份時間都不明白她說甚麼,而且她常把 “Quasimodo,Quasimodo”掛在咀邊。
我以為自己一直在拍一齣同志黑白片,不是重拍《鐘樓駝俠》。那Quasimodo是怎麼一回事?電影裡沒有駝子,在劇本也找不到Quasimodo這個字。(Quasimodo,加西莫多原是 《鐘樓駝俠》主角的名字)
Gabrielle向我派定心丸。「你的導演接受過古典教育,時不時想賣弄一下。『Quasimodo』 是拉丁文,導演跟她的同學從小學便學會了。她說『Quasimodo』,其實就像我們想說,你知的……差不多啦。這個字就像我們想帶出……自己沒法子用詞語表達實際想說甚麼的意思。」
I had shot only one feature film “That day on the Beach”.
They gave it Golden Horse Best Cinematography award.
How could that be?
I knew nothing. How come they didn’t notice?
But how best to get to know something?
I tried to get into French film school. They wouldn’t have me.
But French friends pulled a few strings and I was asked to photograph a woman student director’s first film "Noir et Blanc".
I didn’t speak French, but director Claire Devers didn’t seem to notice.
She kept talking full speed ahead giving directions I mostly couldn't follow, and “ Quasimodo , Quasimodo” was her signature phrase.
I thought we were making a black and white gay film, not a remake of The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. So what’s all this Quasimodo stuff ? There are no hunchbacks in the cast and I can’t find “ Quasimodo ” in the script . (Quasimodo was the main protagonist of the The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. )
French girlfriend Gabrielle couldn’t work it out either. So she came by to sort it out.
After ten minutes on set listening and watching my director, she burst out laughing, then took me aside. Quasimodo is not a character ” she explained “ this is not an experimental version of Phantom of the Opera and the set is definitely no Notre-Dame. ”
“ So what’s Quasimodo ? ” I asked.
Gabrielle re-assures me: “ Your director has had a Classic education, and she likes to show it off. ‘ Quasimodo ’ is Latin, which her class of students studied since primary school. She says “Quasimodo” when most of us would say something like, you know … actually means MORE OR LES. It’s when we say something like…. like when we can’t quite find the words to express what we really want to say. “
#黑與白 #NoiretBlanc #ClarieDevers
Photo:Still from The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (1939)
aside from用法 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最佳貼文
#你不知道的美國大小事 #hardnut
Food Idioms 💬 美國生活用語之其他食物:Nut
1⃣ sb. is a nut
2⃣ work for peanuts
3⃣ from soup to nuts
4⃣ in a nutshell
5⃣ sb./sth. is a hard nut
Other than fruit, what else makes a healthy snack? Nuts! While there may not be as many nut-related idioms (unless you include those related to a certain part of the male anatomy, but we won’t go there), there are still enough to tide you over till the next meal.
Let’s start with the word nut itself. Aside from being a tasty snack, 1⃣ a nut can be a strange or crazy person: Just ignore that guy—he’s a nut. A nut can also be an enthusiast: Tom is a tennis nut—he plays every day. Or add an “s” and you have an adjective meaning “crazy”: You’d have to be nuts to go skydiving!
我們先來談談nut這個字。它除了很好吃,nut還可以指「瘋子或怪人」,如: Just ignore that guy—he’s a nut.(不要理那個人──他是個瘋子)。nut也可以指「對某事相當狂熱者」,如:Tom is a tennis nut.(湯姆是個網球愛好者。)也就是說他天天打網球。在nut後面加個s就變成形容詞用法,指「瘋狂的」,如:You’d have to be nuts to go skydiving!(你一定是瘋了才去跳傘!)
Technically, peanuts aren’t nuts (they’re actually legumes), which may be why they’re so cheap. So cheap, in fact, 2⃣ that “peanuts” can mean “a very small amount of money”: Students often have to work for peanuts.
嚴格來說,花生雖然有nut幾個字,但並非堅果類(其實是莢豆的一種)。所以其實花生很便宜,因為太便宜了,所以peanuts可以指「非常便宜,花不了幾毛錢」,如:Students often have to work for peanuts.(學生常為了幾斗米折腰。)
At one time, a formal dinner started with soup and ended with port and nuts, so 3⃣ “from soup to nuts” came to mean “leaving nothing out, from beginning to end”: That store sells everything from soup to nuts.
以前的正餐是以湯品開始,以波特酒與堅果為結尾,所以from soup to nuts後來有「任何東西都有;從頭到尾」的意思。如:That store sells everything from soup to nuts.(那間商店的商品包羅萬象。)
If you’re a tree, what’s inside a nutshell—a nut—is both small and important. For this reason, 4⃣ “in a nutshell” has come to mean “in sum, in brief”: It’s a long story, but in a nutshell, I got fired. Another thing about nutshells is that they’re hard, which makes a nut tough to crack. 5⃣ If a person, problem or situation is “a tough/hard nut to crack,” it means they’re difficult to deal with or understand: I’ve known Bob for a year, but he’s a tough nut to crack.
如果你是一棵樹,堅果外殼裡面會有什麼──既小但又很重要的堅果。因此in a nutshell延伸為「簡單來說,一言以蔽之」。如:It’s a long story, but in a nutshell, I got fired.(說來話長。不過一句話,我被炒魷魚了。)另外,堅果殼太硬,常要花很大力氣才撬得開,所以我們如果說某人事物是a tough/hard nut to crack,就是說他們「很難搞,或很難捉摸」。如:I’ve known Bob for a year, but he’s a tough nut to crack.(我認識鮑伯一年了,不過他真的很謎。)
🔔 按下「搶先看」,每週五【美國大小事】,由 Judd 編審分享最即時美國新鮮事!想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉 http://bit.ly/EZTalk嚴選
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