[English Time]教授分享的知識~
如果你是老闆,你會hire哪種員工?以下這兩種人stepford worker(盲目死忠型)和clocksucker(摸魚鬼混型)的人,想想身邊的同事,你是不是覺得似曾相識?
Stepford Worker
Stepford一詞來自於小說 The Stepford Wives,也有被製作成同名電影,台灣譯為《超完美嬌妻》,由妮可基嫚(Nicole Kidman)主演。故事描述紐約市郊區一個小鎮裡,有一群完美的賢妻良母,事實上卻是肉身的機器人,毫無個人思想而效忠於丈夫。
職場上(corporative world),Stepford Worker是指那些「盲目效忠於公司、主管、政策,賣命工作,但卻毫無想法的員工」: an employee who follows the company line so closely as to become a thoughtless clone.
例句:I’m afraid we have to let someone go. However, we’re between the devil and the deep blue sea. Jack’s a compliant Stepford Worker, who’d go along like a good old Stepford. Derek’s energetic, spunky and original, but he has a mind of his own.(恐怕我們必須裁掉一名員工,但兩者真的很難抉擇。傑克是個順從的超完美員工,總是附和公司的決定和政策。德瑞克精力充沛、敢作敢為又有原創性,但太有主見。)
Clocksucker / clockwatcher
這種員工就真的讓老闆頭痛了!這類型,當初應徵時會被雇用,可能是仗著有點小聰明,但又不是絕頂聰明。從老闆眼中看來,clocksucker任職後,a clever, but not terribly subtle employee who does no work and wastes company money.(沒有顯著工作表現,耗了許久也只能完成一件小事,好像在浪費老闆的錢。)
The new employee is a clocksucker. He takes an entire day to complete a small task.(新來的那個員工沒效率又白領薪水,他得花上一整天來處理這麼一件小事。)
另一個角度來看這類型,也不完全混水摸魚,但若要他們多工作個幾小時,就會急著要求加倍的報酬:someone who works more hours to make the boss happy but really just wants more money. 有趣的是,clocksucker也可以用在非職場上,說某人真是「浪費時間、毫無進展」:After two years of dating, he didn't propose. She said, “You are such a clocksucker!”( 交往了兩年,他遲遲未求婚。於是她說:「你真是浪費我的時間!」)
as follows例句 在 英文多一點 A Little More English Facebook 的最佳解答
於前幾日5/24,大法官釋憲文第 748 號宣布民法違憲,須於兩年內完成修法,預期未完成者,同性伴侶可依現行民法規定辦理婚姻登記。
法官: judge
大法官: justice
在法庭要稱呼法官 Your honor.
民法: Civil Code
大陸: Civil Law (可參閱 https://goo.gl/MSn7mO )
權責單位、主管機關: competent authority
依據: in pursuance of / in accordance with
e.g. Two persons of the same sex shall be allowed to have their marriage registration effectuated at the competent authorities, by submitting a written document signed by two or more witnesses in pursuance of the Marriage Chapter of the Civil Code. (相同性別之兩人可依據民法婚姻章節提交一紙書面文件,並經兩人或以上之見證人簽屬,主管機關應允許其兩人完成婚姻登記。)
憲法: constitution
憲法法庭: constitutional court
釋憲: constitutional interpretation
申請釋憲: file a petition for constitutional interpretation
判決: ruling
e.g. The Constitutional Court announced the J.Y. Interpretation No. 748 at 4 PM on May 24, 2017. (憲法法庭於民國106年5月24日宣布司法院釋字第 748號釋憲文。)
e.g. The Taipei City Government filed a petition for constitutional interpretation, regarding the constitutionality of same-sex marriage. (台北市政府申請釋憲,有關同性婚姻之合憲性。)
e.g. The rulings of the Court are as follows. (本法庭之判決如下。)
修正: amend / amendment
立法: enact
e.g. The relevant laws shall be amended or enacted within two years. (相關法令應於兩年內修正或制定。)
※本貼文例句是基於司法院釋字第 748號釋憲文新聞稿英文版撰寫,因學習需求有進行些微之修改,完整版請參閱 https://goo.gl/3ehSQQ
圖片來源: Ted Eytan https://goo.gl/bLc5ya (CC BY-SA 2.0)
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