電動車的時代來臨了!新能源車的資安挑戰!!外貿協會到2035年鎖定電動車為目標,今年10月會有線上線下的台灣國際智慧移動展,展出電動車與自駕車的生態系,鴻海也受邀了這個活動!車輛工業遇到百年來的變革,電動車聚焦核心概念有:01. Move(車體及系統解決方案),02. Connect(5G、車聯網及自駕車資安軟體),03. Interaction(車載娛樂系統及相關服務),04. Share (共享平台及應用解決方案)!而即將在6月舉辦的「E-Mobility Demo Day」,鴻海也加入了這次活動,促成國際鏈結全球智慧移動供應鏈生態系,節目特地邀請到『鴻海研究院 執行長 李維斌』與主持人對談,來聊聊電動車中最重要的資安問題!另外『鴻海集團技術長 魏國章』在【大咖來科普】單元開講,談的是消費者對電動車時代有什麼期待?鴻海成立MIH聯盟平台的原因與未來。要掌握科技產業最先端的動態與趨勢,你就一定要繼續收看收聽『I See夢想家』!!
『I See夢想家』節目
由【鴻海集團】贊助播出 科技主播 路怡珍主持(沈雲驄 代班主持)
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#飛碟聯播網 #ISee夢想家 #沈雲驄 #鴻海集團
#李維斌 #鴻海研究院 #電動車 #資安 #魏國章 #MIH #大數據 #AI人工智慧 #IC半導體 #科普
「apple mobility data」的推薦目錄:
apple mobility data 在 馬克先生德國搗蛋記 Facebook 的最佳貼文
根據Apple Maps的資料,蘋果公開了全世界眾多城市這幾個月的mobility data,分為Driving / Transit / Walking,查了台北、東京、柏林、巴黎,前兩者真的相對自由很多,巴黎整個慘兮兮。
巴黎我就不懂了,一二月的Transit幾乎沒影響 ,但Driving Walking 已經大幅降低,巴黎人是一月開始就有在怕嗎🧐
我沒用Apple Maps沒有直接貢獻data,但他們到底搜集了什麼就...呵呵。
apple mobility data 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文
高盛今天跟美國一家投資網站Motifinvesting.com推出了以主題為主的ETF. 大家可以從中看一下產業趨勢. 也可以從ETF的持股中, 去挑選自己想要投資的個股.
This morning, Motif and Goldman Sachs have launched a suite of five exchange-traded funds based off of thematic trends that Goldman Sachs researchers identified as critical.
“They gave us 25 innovations and we packaged them into five ETFs that have consistent relevance,” Walia says.
這些是關於ETF的詳細說明, 以及其中的最大持股(資料來源: https://247wallst.com/investing/2019/03/07/goldman-sachs-targets-5-thematic-etfs-for-next-wave-of-innovation-with-motif/):
24/7 Wall St. has identified each new thematic ETF here, showing a simplified strategy and target from the Motif site. We also included the top 10 constituents listed in their subindex data as of February 28.
Data-Driven World (GDAT) targets data and the impact on the lifecycle of data delivery and processing. This includes artificial intelligence, big data, cybersecurity, Internet of Things and data infrastructure. The top index constituents as of February 28 were Intel, Microsoft, Alphabet, Nvidia, IBM, Amazon, Apple, Oracle, Cisco and SAP.
Finance Reimagined (GFIN) targets structural changes in the support and delivery of financial services. This includes technologies like the digitization of finance, blockchain and the rise of passive investing. Top constituents as of February 28 were MasterCard, Visa, PayPal, American Express, Square, Intuit, Fiserv, Fidelity National Information, Fleetcor and Wirecard.
Human Evolution (GDNA) targets the development of new knowledge, medicines and technologies for the treatment of human conditions. This spans precision medicine, robotic surgery, genomics, digital health and life extension. Its top constituents were Intuitive Surgical, Medtronic, AstraZeneca, Boston Scientific, Abbott, Fresenius, Johnson & Johnson, Novartis, Roche and Align.
Manufacturing Revolution (GMAN) targets the so-called factories of the future. This includes new materials and energy sources, robotics, 3D printing, renewable energy, drones and future mobility. The manufacturing revolution ETF’s underlying index included the top constituents as Dassault Systems, Tesla, ABB, Rockwell, Schneider Electric, Amazon, Honeywell, Toyota, Emerson Electric and Intel.
New Age Consumer (GBUY) targets consumer preferences of digital natives and their evolving tech-enabled lifestyle. These fall under e-commerce, the evolution of education, experiences over goods, health and wellness, social media, online video and music, and online gaming. The new age consumer index had among its top constituents Alibaba and Amazon of course, followed by Facebook, Tencent, Nike, Netflix, Pinduoduo, Adidas, Weibo and Booking Holdings.