來自中國香格里拉嘅葡萄香,試咗全新推出第一個vintage 嘅敖云紅酒2013年,係海拔2300米嘅高地種植,全球最高嘅葡萄園!支酒非常優雅,全人手製作,入口細滑,帶雲尼拿、香草、黑梅、橡木等味道,我從來未試過咁高質素嘅國產酒,仲係有機酒,盲試一定以為係波爾多列級莊!勁!全球只有限量25000支,香港只分到80箱,$2500一支,好happy可以率先試!令我對中國嘅釀酒技術大開眼界!
Just tried the 1st vintage of Ao Yun 2013 red wine made in Shangrila, China. The vineyard is situated on 2300m high, which is the highest vineyard in the world. The wine is organic & harvested by hand, it's very elegant, silky, with vanilla, herbaceous, black plum & oak flavors. I've never tried such a high quality Chinese wine before. U can easily judge that it's a Bordeaux classification wine if u do blind tasting. Bravo! It's limited to 25000 bottles & HK only has 80 cases. The price is HK$2500/bottle. I'm so happy to be one of the first crowd to try it! It really opens my eyesight to the viticulture in China!
#wine #redwine #winetasting #chinesewine #aoyun #aoyun2013 #moethennessy