附註:作為非洲之角兩個古老貿易城市的索非利亞城市柏培拉(Berbera)和Zeila(塞拉)(Zeila)長期以來一直受到全球大國的關注,因為它們的戰略位置位於巴布埃爾-巴布連接亞丁灣和紅海的曼德海峽(Mandeb Strait)。這一地理位置使索馬里蘭的沿海港口成為該地區最有價值的區域之一,並有潛力成為吉布提的替代者。吉布提是紅海和非洲之角,在貿易,發展,能源和水安全方面的關鍵角色。
Please join me in congratulating Ambassador Mohamed Hagi on the auspicious occasion of the September 9 opening of The Republic of #Somaliland Representative Office in #Taiwan.
!أهلا بك في تايوان
In his speech, Ambassador Hagi quoted Somaliland's President Muse Bihi Abdi who stated, "our relations are guided by a spirit of mutual assistance that will never cause any harm whatsoever to the interests of other countries, but rather, contribute to international #peace and regional economic activities.”
I am elated to know that Taipei and Hargeisa demonstrate an equally profound commitment to the betterment of the international system. We are peace-loving peoples. And even though it is deeply lamentable that so frequently, we are deprived of a seat at the table, neither Taiwan nor Somaliland is discouraged and we shall both persevere in our quest to promote the causes of #sovereignty, #anticolonialism, sustainable development and economic #prosperity.
Today, history was made. And I will continue to stand by our friends from Somaliland as we look into the future in unison. I look forward to inviting Ambassador Hagi to Taiwan NextGen Foundation and exploring how we can collaborate, especially in the areas of #education and #sustainabledevelopment.
anticolonialism 在 Thinking Against Empire: anticolonial thought as Social Theory 的美食出口停車場
... explored a tradition of social thought that grew alongside metropolitan sociology but has been marginalised by it: anticolonial thought. ... <看更多>