「~する」を表すmakeの使い方(make + a/an + 名詞)
電話をしたり、提案をしたり、大騒ぎをしたりなど、何らかのアクションを起こす時は「make + a/an + 名詞」の形式で使い、日本語の「〜する」を表します。
Make a mistake(ミスをする)
Make a suggestion(提案する)
Make a call(電話する・電話をかける)
Make an effort(努力する)
Make a fuss(大騒ぎする)
Make a silly/funny face(変顔をする)
He makes a lot of careless mistakes.
Can I make a suggestion?
I’m going to make a quick call to my office.
I’m making an effort to stay in touch my parents more often.
He always makes a fuss over little things.
Let’s take a selfie. Make a silly face!
その他、予定や計画を立てる時や予約するするとき、または決定する時にも make が使われます。ちなみに、美容室や歯医者など「人と会う約束をする」場合は make an appointment、レストランやホテルで「部屋や席など場所を予約する」場合は make a reservation が使われます。
Make a plan(計画を立てる)
Make an appointment(アポを取る)
Make a reservation(予約する)
Make a decision (決断する)
I’d like to make an appointment for a haircut tomorrow.
I'd like to make a reservation for 2 at 7 tonight.
食べ物や飲み物を作る時にも make が使われます。例えば、「夕食を作る」は make dinner、「パスタを作る」は make pastaと言います。料理を作るときは cook も使いますが、cookは一般的に焼いたり煮たりなど、火を使って料理する時に使われます。そのため、「ステーキを焼いています」は“I’m cooking a steak.” と “I’m making a steak.”の両方で表すことができますが、「サラダを作っています」という場合は“I’m making a salad.”を使いましょう。“I’m cooking a salad”と言ってしまうと、「サラダを焼いています」という意味になってしまうので気を付けましょう。その他に、コーヒーやお茶をいれる時には“Make coffee”や“Make tea”と言います。
I’ll make you a nice cup of coffee.
I’m going to make some tea. Do you want some?
Make は「お金を稼ぐ」意味としてもよく使われます。
Make money(お金を稼ぐ)
Make a living(生計を立てる)
Make a profit(利益を得る)
How do YouTubers make money?
Apparently, she makes over $5,000 a month on Instagram.
She makes a living as a yoga instructor.
That company made a profit of a million dollars last year.
1) 誰かを「~の状態にする」は「make + 人 + 〇〇」
人を幸せな気持ちにさせたり、悲しませたり、怒らせたり、笑わせたりするなど、相手の気持ちやムードを変化させる時にも make が使われ、誰かを「~の状態にする」と表現する場合は「make + 人 + 〇〇」の形式が使われます。
Make someone happy(幸せな気持ちにさせる)
Make someone angry(怒らせる)
Make someone laugh(笑わせる)
My cat makes me happy.
You always make me smile.
He said that? That makes me mad.
That movie made me cry.
Your haircut looks great. It makes you look younger.
2) 誰かに「~を(無理やり)やらせる」は「Make + 人 + 動詞の原形 + something」
人に何かをさせたり、やらせたりすることを表すときは「make + 人 + 動詞の原形 + something」の形式を使います。この表現には、相手がやりたがらないことを無理矢理やらせるニュアンスがあります。例えば、宿題をやりたくない息子に強制的に宿題をさせる場合は「I made my son do his homework.」と言います。
My boss made me do a speech in front of everyone.
My mom made me study English when I was young.
Make itの代表的な3つの使い方
1) 「時間に間に合う」を表すmake it
Make itは日常会話で主に3つの使い方をしますが、そのうちの一つが「時間に間に合う」です。電車や飛行、ミーティングやイベントなどに間に合う、または間に合わないと表現するときに使います。例えば、「終電に間に合った」は “We made the last train."、もしくはシンプルに「間に合った」と言う場合は “We made it.”、「終電に間に合わなかった」は “We didn’t make the last train.”、もしくはシンプルに “We didn’t make it.”と表現します。
ちなみに、「〜へ無事到着した」の意味として使うこともでき、友達に「ロスに無事到着したよ」と言いたい場合は“We made it L.A. safely.”と言い、「到着する」を意味するarriveに置き換えて使うことができます。
The show is starting in 10 minutes. Do you think we’ll make it?
There’s so much traffic. I don’t think we’re going to make it.
We still have 30 minutes. If we hurry, we’ll make it.
2) 「都合がつく」を表すmake it
二つ目の意味は、「都合がつく」または「都合がつかない」です。例えば、週末に食事に誘われて「行けるよ」と返答する場合は“I can make it.”、他の予定が入っていて「行けない」と返答する場合は“Sorry. I can’t make it.”と言います。逆に相手に「来れる?」聞くときは “Can you make it?”と言います。
Can you make it to dinner tonight?
Can you make it to international exchange party tomorrow?
If you can’t make it to the meeting, no worries at all.
3) 「乗り越える」や「回復する」を表すmake it
三つ目の意味は、「乗り越える」や「回復する」です。特に重体の人の命が助かる、助からないといった表現をする際に使われます。“He is going to die.(彼は死んでしまう)”はストレート過ぎる言い方になるため、代わりに“He is not going to make it.(彼は助かりません)”のように表現することがよくあります。
Don't worry. We are going to make it.
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過114萬的網紅JinnyboyTV,也在其Youtube影片中提到,The days of MCO are over and the nation is opening up. People are finally free to go out and socialize (while following SOPs, of course). But when you...
an angry cat 在 IELTS Nguyễn Huyền Facebook 的精選貼文
TỪ VỰNG IELTS CHỦ ĐỀ FAMILY [Kèm cụm từ hay + idioms/phrasal verbs + hình vở ... rất chi tiết]
- to have a laugh together: cười cùng nhau
- to spend quality time with your family: dành khoảng thời gian chất lượng cùng gia đình
- to get on well with each other: hòa thuận với nhau
- to look up to my father: noi gương cha tôi
- to put your family first: đặt gia đình của bạn lên trên hết
- to set a good example: nêu gương tốt
- to balance your work and home life: cân bằng giữa công việc và cuộc sống gia đình
- to read someone like an open book: hiểu rất rõ ai đó
- to get married: cưới ...
- a loving and caring family: một gia đình tràn đầy yêu thương và sự quan tâm
- to hang out together: cùng nhau đi chơi
- to make a living: kiếm sống
- your own fresh and blood = a person or people that you are related to: máu mủ
- to fight like cat and dog = often have angry fights: cãi nhau như chó với mèo
- there's little/no love lost between them = they don't like each other: không còn chút tính cảm nào
- close ranks = If people close ranks, they join together to protect themselves, especially -when they are criticised: sát cánh
- turn on somebody = attack somebody suddenly and unexpectedly: tấn công ai đó
- (as) miserable as sin = used to emphasize that somebody is very unhappy: khốn khổ
- account for something = be the explanation or cause of something: giải thích điều gì
- take somebody for granted = be so accustomed to somebody that you don't appreciate them: không trân trọng ...
- blood is thicker than water = relationships and loyalties within a family are the strongest and most important ones: Một giọt máu đào hơn ao nước lã
- like father, like son = used for saying that a man or boy has the same attitudes as his father or behaves in the same way: cha nào con nấy
- run in the family = if a quality, ability, disease, etc. runs in the family, many members of the family have it: di truyền
- the black sheep of the family = a person who has done something bad that brings embarrassment or shame to his or her family: thành viên cá biệt trong gia đình
🎗PHẦN TỪ VỰNG FAMILY PROBLEMS + HÌNH VỞ page mình xem chi tiết tại đây nhé: https://ielts-nguyenhuyen.com/tu-vung-chu-de-family/
an angry cat 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳貼文
The Great Power of Master Dai Hu
文 / 吳女士
Written by: Ms Goh
非常感恩菩薩的慈悲,明明之中通過姐姐的介紹,讓我有機會認識師父。 姐姐介紹我看師父的臉書視頻,也跟我說有機會一定要撥電話給師父。
起初,我第一次看見師父的視頻, 沒有想到師父是那麼的年輕、英俊的師父😍。 心想這位師父這麼年輕,會厲害嗎?
將近15年來,我的胃因為工作的原因而出現了問題。 這問題看了好幾位醫生都沒法解決,可說是無藥可救。 我的身體就好比住了一隻活貓。 不能控制的,時不時就會發出貓叫聲,不騙你。 有時就像小貓肚子餓找食物的聲音,有時就像大貓要打架的聲音。同事聽了都會開玩笑,還給我取小名為貓貓 "Kitty"。在去年,新上司一聽到就皺眉頭,今年,年頭也因為這怪聲而被罵,哭到我眼睛腫到幾乎不能打開。工作的壓力、身體的問題,讓心情、心靈越來越不好。有時就想拿把刀切開肚子,把那只貓給抓出來。每當想起被罵的那一次,眼淚就不受控制的留下。😭
幾次試著撥電話給師父都打不通。天天在想, 天天心裡祈求,師父幫我。
我非常的贊嘆師父的厲害!對於玄學、看八字非常的厲害。 他比我更瞭解我自己。
我對師父說,師父好像裝了閉路電視在我家。 師父所說的句句都對。百發百中!🎯
我看到了改變! 最讓我開心的是不用吃藥,跟隨我多年的"貓"病,這兩個多月都沒出現了。😄
I'm very grateful for Bodhisattva's Great Compassion for playing the role of a middleman. Through my Elder Sister, I got to know Master Dai Hu. My Sis encouraged me to look at Master Dai Hu's Facebook’s posts and told me that I should try to make a call to Master Dai Hu.
When I first saw Master Dai Hu's Facebook video, my first impression of Master Dai Hu was, he was so young and handsome-looking. I was thinking in the back of my mind, what great power will he have, for him being so young?
Gradually, after watching many Master Dai Hu's videos, my craving to want to look for Master Dai Hu's help grew greater. I wish that he could help me.
For the past 15 years, I developed gastric issue due to the nature of my work. I had sought help from many doctors but they couldn't seem to cure me. There was literally no cure to my condition. My stomach often involuntary made cat meowing sounds. It wasn't a joke. Even my doctors was puzzled by my sounds. But no treatment and medication could totally cured it. I often laugh and tell people that I swallow a cat alive. And this "cat" is living inside me. The involuntary sounds I made can seem like a small kitten looking for food from its mother. Sometime, it will sound like angry big cats going to engage into a fight. I often got teased by my colleagues. They even gave me a nickname "Kitty".
Things started to get worse this year, after I got transferred to a new department. Although I had explained to my "cat" issue to my new manager, she didn't seem to empathise with my condition. She would frown whenever she heard my meowing sounds. I felt so alien.
In the beginning of this year, there was an incident that happened, I was scolded by a senior for the sound I made. I felt so sad that I cried so bad. Both my eyes swelled until I couldn't even open them the next day. The stress from work and worsening health condition put me on the verge of depression. I was so angry, negative and frustrated with myself. I would often think of taking a knife to cut open my stomach to take that "cat" out of my body. Even till now, whenever I think of the scolding incident that happened, my eyes will well with tears.
After failing to call through Master Dai Hu a couple of times . I pray daily, prayed that one day Master Dai Hu will answer my call for help.
I want to thank Bodhisattva & Master Dai Hu for my wish comes true. On 4th August, the phone call didn't end in voicemail. It was Master Dai Hu's calming voice coming from the other end of the phone. I was so rejoiced! Tears of happiness kept flowing down my cheeks during my conversation with Master Dai Hu.
I am very impressed by the great power of Master Dai Hu. His accuracy in Chinese Metaphysics and Bazi is more than superb! He knows more about me than I know myself. I laughed telling Master Dai Hu, he must have installed CCTV at every corner of my house. Whatever he said, was so right! He deserves more than a round of applause 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Master Dai Hu told me that I'm suitable to eat any types of food, for example western food, Japanese food. All types of food except noodles. Noodles doesn't suit my five elements. I didn't even tell him that due to my stomach issue, I consumed noodle soup almost daily, as it is warm and light to my problematic stomach.
Ever since I adhered to Master Dai Hu's advice, I had stopped eating noodle, cut away my 20+years of long hair and did some changes that suited my five elements, and began reciting the name of Bodhisattva.
I saw changes! Without taking any medication, the "Cat" that lives within me seem to vanish! For more than 2 months! Even my colleagues notice. They said they had not heard my cat cries. I finally behaves normal, Good normal. My work is smoother. My mood seems calmer, peaceful. Life is more positive. I'm really happy. ❤️😇
I'm really very grateful for Master Dai Hu. ❤️
Thank you Master Dai Hu for creating Master Dai Hu Channel 988; for giving me a chance to learn.
an angry cat 在 JinnyboyTV Youtube 的最佳解答
The days of MCO are over and the nation is opening up. People are finally free to go out and socialize (while following SOPs, of course). But when you have an Asian mom, what's the difference?
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an angry cat 在 MUJI SAMA Youtube 的最讚貼文
ในวันที่หัวร้อนแบบนี้ สมาร์ทฮาร์ท โกลด์ ซีเลกต์ ช่วยได้นะ ???
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MUJI むじ ???
ผมชื่อน้องมูจิครับ เป็นหมาพันธุ์ปอมเปอเรเนียน
น้องชายสุดท้องเป็นแมว?ชื่อว่าน้อง "มูมารุ" พันธุ์ เอ็กโซติกช๊อตแฮร์ครับ
ส่วนน้องชายอีกคนเป็นกระต่าย? ชื่อว่าน้อง "มิกุ" ครับ พันธุ์ฮอลแลนลอป
MUJI むじ ???
I am a cream pomeranian.
I have two brothers. The cat? is Mumaru.
He is an exotic shorthair and the rabbit is Miku.
? Miku is a holland lop.
We live in Thailand.
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