這次來到日本其中最期待看的展覽是如今人氣爆紅的東京Team Lab 「Borderless 無界」展。因為此展最近人氣高,人潮擁擠是預期之內的狀況但我看完整個展之後,沒有預料到會有ㄧ種強度的空虛感。
展的技術,科技,與美感是無話可說值得稱讚。很多作品確實會令人欣賞與覺得驚艷. 我空虛的感覺反而不是作品給我的,而是「人」給我的。
我發現現在的人注重「自媒體」到有點走火入魔 (maybe even包括我自己)。展覽的人都來自世界各地。老老少少,每位擺pose的技術都不輸給線上的模特。
我喜歡人有自信,但我不能認同人變地「自大」。看到周圍的人都推來推去搶著要「最佳網拍位置」,都忘了排隊與禮讓,顯然滿腦都在想「哪個點會讓我拿到更多的 《讚》?」。
但,講那麼多,我也還不是一樣照了幾張?沒辦法,I am 現代人 too.
My visit to Tokyo’s TeamLab “Borderless” Exhibit this time was a bit disheartening. The art itself was very innovative and impressive, but the disheartening aspect was more because of the visitors of the exhibit.
I think in modern day, the emphasis of creating an “online persona and reputation” has gotten to our heads too much (I’m guilty of this as well) that it feels like we tend to become a bit self-absorbed.
At the exhibit, I just couldn’t help but feel a weird emptiness. Seeing everyone running around , forgetting to line up and pushing people aside just to pose and take countless selfies next to exhibits without stopping to actually LOOK at the art and running off to the next piece was more than disheartening. We all just want pictures that give us more “likes” that we don’t really actually stop to admire other peoples’ works. We in fact see ourselves as the pieces of art that are worth-seeing.
But with all that being said, I’m still gonna take a few selfies myself cuz, dude, that’s the world we live in now.
#amirightoramiright @ teamLab Borderless / チームラボボーダレス