#洗眼星期五 Tony:「那些年你在舞臺上表演都穿這些嗎?」Cap :「你聽過deep fake嗎?」Tony:「咁你着一次俾我fact check吓」(看過一些批評女性戰鬥服只露而不實用的文章, 我倒覺得男孩紙也可以一起露~ )
#messed_up_friday Tony 'You went on stage like this during WWII ?'
Cap 'No!!! It must be some Hydra's deep fake propaganda !!! ////'
(I read about complains towards armour designs of female characters being too sexy and not functional. To make things fair, let's drag the boys in the same pool www)
My friends keep browsing these amazing fashion and i adore their suggestions. Love u girls 💞 Let me know of your crazy fantasy and i will make it happen on messed up Friday
#americanass #That_Americas_Ass #Avengers #Endgame #captainAmerica #SteveRogers #chrisevans #stony