#葉郎每日讀報 #一週大事版
「Quibi 入圍今年10項艾美獎,
— 艾美獎主持人Jimmy Kimmel
我們還在用來路不明的 Disney+ 數據來胡亂分析《Mulan 花木蘭》的串流實驗到底是大賺還是大賠的時候,唯一掌握標準答案(並且拒絕給鄰座同學偷看)的 Disney 同學正悄悄地塗掉了自己考卷上的其他每一題解答。
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全世界的電影院產業上週又迎來另一顆震撼彈:Disney 再度延後多部大片的上映日期,而且有的電影延後的時間甚至長達一整年。
延後幅度比較大的包括本來11月馬上要上映的《Black 黑寡婦》將延後到明年5月,原本明年2月要上映的另一部 Marvel 電影《Eternals 永恆族》延後到明年11月,Steven Spielberg 的音樂劇《West Side Story 西城故事》則從今年12月一口氣延到明年12月。其他也有多部電影檔期微幅調整。值得注意的是沒有任何一部電影被直接取消檔期,改成上Disney+ 串流服務。
雖說是震撼彈,但其實過去幾週外界早已傳得沸沸揚揚,說 Disney 準備在《Tenet 天能》和《花木蘭》之後開始調整多部電影的發行策略。
幾乎可以肯定的是《天能》和在部分市場採取傳統電影院發行的《花木蘭》票房表現都不如多數專家預期。而且美國三大票倉洛杉磯、紐約和舊金山目前電影院都還沒有恢復營業。對於女性為主角的超級英雄電影來說,來自美國國內的票房佔比又遠比其他電影高。一般來說Marvel電影的美國國內票房原本佔比僅有30%,但《Captain Marvel 驚奇隊長》卻高達60%,連外國觀眾並不陌生的DC電影《Wonder Woman 神力女超人》美國國內票房佔比也高達50%。這使得《黑寡婦》不得不等待美國市場進一步復甦才能放寬心上映。
目前為止 Disney 仍然沒有公佈任何《花木蘭》在 Disney+ 上的銷售數字。不過從這一波大風吹沒有任何電影被吹去 Disney+ 來看,也許《花木蘭》不是一次成功的實驗,所以 Disney 才沒有打算立刻複製。
唯一啟人疑竇的是今年11月的 Pixar 電影《Soul 靈魂急轉彎》還留在原定檔期上沒有異動。問題是這種闔家觀賞的親子電影被認為是疫情當下最難恢復票房吸引力的片種。也許該片就是那部還不知道自己即將被送養去串流家的孩子。
產業媒體 IndieWire 早在 Disney 正式延後《黑寡婦》檔期的前幾天,就分析說這個一定會來的延期決定有可能製造對片廠和電影院的雙贏結果:
電影院將會面對一個非常空曠的第四季,除了《No Time To Die 007:生死交戰》和《Wonder Woman 1984 神力女超人1984》之外,已經等於沒有大片可言。然而對洛杉磯、舊金山和紐約的電影院來說,硬強迫政府立刻讓他們開門不一定是好事。第一是觀眾不一定願意回來,第二是政府不許可開門反而成為他們跟房東的房租減免談判手段。只要電影院的財務狀況能挺過今年,開門或不開門不一定是當前的重點。
對 Disney 來說《黑寡婦》換一個新檔期至少還可以減少另外一個不可測的風險因素。IndieWire 注意到原本上映日期正好是美國總統大選投票日的三天後。而現任總統 Donald Trump 上週已經拒絕承諾選輸後願意和平轉移政權,勝算較大的民主黨候選人 Joe Biden 也已經成立了由上百個律師組成的應戰兵團研究到時候的對抗方案。美國政局有不小的機會在投票日後陷入大亂,沒有人有辦法預測在一個理都理不清的政治亂局(內戰?!)之中觀眾會不會需要一部 Marvel 電影。
當然,大家(尤其是放映業)能不能活到明年夏天 Natalia Romanova 女士和我們約定的新日子,又是另外一個問題了......
Quibi 可能挺不住了
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「Quibi 入圍今年10項艾美獎,包括喜劇/戲劇短類最佳短劇,以及燒掉10億美元的最蠢方法」主持人 Jimmy Kimmel 在日前的艾美獎頒獎典禮上嘲弄。
對中年創業的 Jeffrey Katzenberg 來說,冷言冷語大概是人生的家常便飯。當年他憤而離開 Disney 並揚言成立一家足以打敗 Disney 的片廠(DreamWorks) 時,冷言冷語肯定也不比現在少。所以當Kimmel 在把他的新串流 Quibi 當成笑柄時,Katzenberg 肯定是左耳進右耳出,完全不當一回事。
頒獎典禮第二天,我們立刻從報紙上獲知 Katzenberg 真正當一回事的煩惱是什麼。
華爾街日報獨家報導指出,主打10分鐘短影音的新串流平台 Quibi 已經傳出可能要賣掉自己。做為串流大戰中極少數的新創公司,Quibi 擁有Disney 和 DreamWorks 老將 Jeffrey Katzenberg 和 Meg Whitman 掌舵,並有幾乎每一家好萊塢片廠和BBC以及阿里巴巴的投資。但他們主打的零碎通勤時間市場卻因為疫情而完全從地球上消失,付費訂閱的消費者坐在自己家中客廳裡還驚訝地發現 Quibi 居然還不提供投放到電視上的功能。種種因素致使該串流服務自四月上線以來,訂戶數和觀看次數都遠不及預期。
資本額10億美元的 Quibi 預估今年全年可能虧損高達5.5億。雖然 Quibi 官方說法否認有求售的打算,但華爾街日報的消息來源指出該公司已經做了最壞的財務打算。而目前出得了手買 Quibi 這樣的新串流平台的人也不多,估計大概不外 Apple、Amazon 或是 At&T 等集團。我們或許很快就會知道沒有萬貫家財大集團撐腰的 Quibi 會不會成為好萊塢串流大戰中第一個倒下的選手。
Quibi 拒絕評論關於公司財務的細節,只有駁斥報導中關於該公司現金剩不到5億美元的細節。
讓人心酸的是隔一天就傳出 Quibi 董事長 Jeffrey Katzenberg 賣屋套現1.25億美元的消息。
這個天價是加州歷來第三高的豪宅交易,而豪宅記錄上的第一名正好是 Katzenberg 當年 DreamWorks 的創業夥伴,另一位娛樂業大亨 David Geffen 賣出的 1.65 億美元豪宅(買方則是 Amazon 的 Jeff Bezos)。
早先傳出 Katzenberg 豪宅的買方是來自英國的豪族,但最新消息則釐清應該是 WattsApp 的共同創辦人 Jan Koum。烏克蘭工程師出身的 Jan Koum 自從把 WhatsApp 賣給 Facebook 並從公司離職後,就積極投資房地產。顯然這實在是比創業更輕鬆賺錢的機會,因為 Katzenberg 自己持有該豪宅僅12年期間,就賺得9000萬美元差價。
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Disney的《花木蘭》在新疆取景爭議還沒燒完,現在換另外一個影視產業龍頭 Netflix 家的後院起火。
Netflix 月初才風風光光地宣佈《Games of Thrones 冰與火之歌:權力遊戲》的兩位節目統籌 David Benioff 和 D.B. Weiss 將為 Netflix 操刀改編劉慈欣的雨果獎得獎作品《三體》。然而上週美國田納西州參議員 Marsha Blackburn 和另外四名共和黨參議員突然聯名發出一封信給 Netflix 共同執行長 Ted Sarandos,呼籲該公司儘速停止籌拍《三體》。
他們在信中列出來的理由是原著小說作者劉慈欣曾公開捍衛中國政府對於新疆維吾爾族和其他穆斯林的囚禁和強迫勞動。2019年劉慈欣在接受 New Yorker 紐約客雜誌訪問時,曾說「中國政府是在幫助他們提升經濟發展,讓他們擺脫貧窮」。
參議員警告 Netflix 如果繼續籌拍根據劉慈欣小說改編的《三體》,等於是在將這種侵害人權的強迫勞動政策「正常化」,將和劉慈欣一樣成為中國政府幫兇。
Netflix 則在上週五回覆參議員的質疑:「劉慈欣雖然是這本小說的作者,但他不等於是這個節目的創作者。一方面我們無法苟同他的評論,二方面我們也認為這些評論跟他的小說或Netflix的這個節目完全沒有關聯。」
Netflix 的公關用語明快而態度堅定。但他們遺漏了劉慈欣仍然擔任了該科幻劇集的製作顧問角色這個事實。也或者在可預見的未來,劉慈欣恐怕就會被強迫辭任這個才坐了兩個星期的新板凳,悄悄登出劇組。
A ‘Black Widow’ Delay Might Benefit Disney in the Short Term — If Theaters Can Survive(https://bit.ly/335HEFr)
Quibi Explores Strategic Options Including Possible Sale(https://on.wsj.com/3hZQbhK)
Quibi may be for sale. But what is it worth, and who would buy it?(https://lat.ms/3j2UZEa)
Jeffrey Katzenberg Sells $125 Million Beverly Hills Mansion to WhatsApp Co-Founder(https://bit.ly/2EpCD12)
‘Black Widow,’ ‘West Side Story,’ ‘Eternals’ Postpone Release Dates(https://bit.ly/2FZGjah)
Disney, signaling coronavirus effects will last well into next year, announces months-long delays for its biggest movies(https://wapo.st/3hWxFXj)
Republican Senators Push Back Against Netflix Over ‘Game of Thrones’ Creators’ New Series(https://bit.ly/3i0A9nK)
Netflix Sends Firm Response to GOP Senators Over Chinese Sci-Fi Adaptation Controversy(https://bit.ly/2GivZdq)
Netflix Stands Firm on Its Plan to Adapt Chinese Sci-Fi Novel(https://bloom.bg/2G2BtcI)
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กรณีศึกษา Casper ธุรกิจขายที่นอน ออนไลน์ /โดย ลงทุนแมน
“ไอเดียนี้แย่มาก ไม่มีใครซื้อที่นอนทางอินเทอร์เน็ตกันหรอก”
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Continue ReadingCase study Casper. Online / Investing mattress business.
′′ This idea is terrible. No one will buy internet mattresses
This is the quote of a group of investors who refuse to get money for Casper company to start an online mattress business.
Maybe because in the past, people are still familiar with buying beds in front of the store.
But Casper finally can erase those beliefs
And make online mattresses widely popular
How do they use DISRUPT mattress market
Investing man will tell you about it.
Blockdit. Analytical article source.
Deep content penetrating
Podcast feature recently.
Casper is an online retail business from USA
Founded in 2014 or just 6 years ago
The main products that the company has chosen to sell are ′′ bed ′′
Because it's something to use regularly because humans sleep average of 6-8 hours a day.
However, Casper in the early stages couldn't convince investors to care about their business.
Y ' all don't believe consumers buy site mattresses that often.
Because it's quite expensive and the product has been used for years.
This industry is also a large market worth around 1,200,000 million baht.
With a lot of retail players competing fiercely
Making the owner of the company to pay personal money. Try to produce the product first. Until it's in debt of 3 million baht.
Casper's mattresses are designed with good quality materials like Memory Foam, which fits the user's body, so it reduces pressure and makes us sleep better.
The sale price is between 11,000 to 35,000 baht, which is not expensive like various retail stores.
Including the company is open to return within 100 days and warranty for 10 years.
When businesses look into form, there is a group of Venture Capital investors coming to support funding.
Make Casper finally able to launch the platform
Originally, they predicted the first year of income at around 60 million baht.
But the result appears that just the first 2 months, sales have gone through the target.
If you ask me why Casper mattresses are selling well.
The answer would be a marketing strategy that attracts consumers in this era.
Casper's most highlights. Apart from quality and price.
It's packing small boxed mattress products to be shipped to customers.
When the box is removed, put it on the base of the bed, the mattress will gradually blister up as if it lives.
This unique creates a trend of posting video clips, unpacking boxes and placing Casper mattresses on social media platforms.
Especially when famous people post like Kylie Jenner's case talking about their Instagram and YouTube casper mattresses generated over 870,000 likes.
Therefore, companies are primarily focused on advertising on social media
By hiring actresses and influencer to make casper product containers
Later, when the brand is famous, there are more interested in investing.
Target major retail malls, A-Grade Investment. Ashton Kutcher's fund.
Or entertainment industry people like Tobey Maguire, Leonardo DiCaprio, Adam Levine etc.
The company therefore puts future vision to step into a virtual Nike of sleep.
By expanding the business to other sleep related items such as pillow, bed sheet, lamp.
Also invested to build over 200 storefronts
And expanding services to foreign countries such as Canada, Germany, England.
Performance of Casper Sleep Inc. Continuing to grow
Year 2017 Income 7,900 million baht. Loss of 2,300 million baht.
Year 2018 Income 11,200 million baht. Loss of 2,900 million baht.
Year 2019 Income 13,800 million baht. Loss of 2,950 million baht.
Casper used to be evaluated by business value at 34,500 million baht. It is a starter cuddle Unicorn decoration.
And on February 2020, the company got the IPO listed into the New York Stock Exchange.
But the latest stock value has gone down to around 11,300 million baht.
This may be the result of Casper's losses and marketing advertisement costs quite high.
Assemble Casper's success, it has resulted in competitors selling online mattresses for less than 175 companies.
Including big ones like Walmart and Amazon
Online mattress selling has become a new trend in the market which makes the largest US mattress firm retailer named Mattress Firm who has been in business for 33 years. Sales of 107,000 million baht. Bankruptcy announced in 2018
This is an interesting case study
Although the product doesn't seem to fit online sales.
But did you know that when we walk in the mall to buy a mattress, we listen to the sales staff speak differently than we see online reviews. Trying with a real mattress may not affect the decision that we initially thought.
If you can make a point of selling by letting people review the products.
So that there is a trend. Let's talk about it widely.
Maybe we can sell the kind that people don't think they can sell like Casper's bed..
Blockdit. Analytical article source.
Deep content penetrating
Podcast feature recently.
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Continue ReadingHand Tea is the best marketing / by page invest man
Boring products
Sometimes I can come back to life.. If the owner "intends to do it"
A can of tea brand. Everyone should have seen it.
Old-fashioned products are suddenly famous.
Is this a fluke or skillful?
Back to 2468 or almost 100 years ago
The Ancestor of "Ruangrit" across the water across the sea from China. Founded a hot tea shop in yaowarat.
Later, Mr. Dithaphong Ruangrit has established the siam tea factory in 2537 to buy tea leaves from Chiang Rai Province.
Hand Tea is the trade name of tea powder successfully cooked by Siam FB. Cuddle Kor Co Ltd.
60 % domestic sales proportion and export 40 %
And did you know that PTT's "Amazon" Coffee Shop? Order Company Tea for cuddle tons up to 88.5 tons per month..
How much does hand tea earn?
Year 2555 Income 85 million baht
Year 2556 Income 114 million baht
Year 2557 Income 206 million baht
Year 2558 Income 268 million baht
Year 2559 Income 366 million baht
It can see that the company's revenue grows in a leap.
What's behind the scenes to grow income like this?
In addition to focusing on selling tea successfully to drill a group of water seller.
In the past 10 years, hand tea has developed a business with the 3th generation of heir through the opening of "Hand Tea" drink shop to reach the end user directly to sell our raking drinks such as iced tea, Black Tea, cold tea. Now.
Even though beverages are not a major business that make money for the company, opening the store makes hand tea products more known among the drinkers is a great brand awareness.
If you remember at the beginning of the year, the hand tea shop created a phenomenon that is considered talk of the town. That was "Rose Tea" that came out during Valentine's festival.
Based on consumer reviews through social media that spread quickly with the benefits that say drink and excretion until it's gone. Belly is called tea.
People want to try this rose tea drink to make the front row.
It's a great success in creating word of mouth
Now, there are more than 60 branches in Thailand. It is a famous department store, including bts train station. Every branch is an investment of the company.
Also opened a branch in ASEAN REGION THROUGH FRANCHISE SALES IN MALAYSIA, Singapore and Brunei, which has a taste of drinking similar to our home. Recently opened in South Korea.
For foreigners
Mobile Chatra is a souvenir to buy back to my hometown.
By the way of hand tea expanding at airport and attractions, it makes foreigners know more about the brand. It is a trend of mouth to mouth to write in the travel guide that if you come to Thailand, you must try to drink cha-Yen of hand tea.
What makes hand tea come back so popular?
1. Adjust the image to match the era.
Cracking line. Products that are ripped away like soft ice cream. Serve Thai tea and green tea, but still the taste of tea leaves that we are very familiar with.
For an old client is a novelty from what he is accustomed to new clients. That means creating a perception of what a hand tea is.
2. Some products are for sale in a few branches.
That means creating products to find. The more rare items, the more consumers want to try.
Hand Tea understands how to play with consumer feelings very well.
3. Online World Spread the trend
Famous Hand Tea in the online world through customer reviews who actually eat until the hashtag #chatra in the famous online media like twitter and Facebook.
In addition, using influencer from famous pages in the food industry, the more it stimulates the desire for customers.
Everything that says should be the way of business of the new generation, the 3th generation of hand shatra.
Make an old brand that seems to be instantly rected into a brand.
If many people don't notice, they won't understand the change, but when they look into each product, the marketing campaign this brand has done.
I will find out that what the hand tea got is not because of luck, but because of the skill that "brand owner intended to happen"
If you want to invest, man ranked, then hand tea should get the best marketing " position of Thailand this year..Translated
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I have never been on the Gumball 3000 rally before and was excited to here the rally this year was going from London to Tokyo. With my good friend Team Salamone; Bryan and Conc on the rally and Japan's infamous Insane LED Lamborghini Crew in Tokyo, I figured I had to be there to put the groups together and enjoy some time together in Tokyo. I borrowed a Lamborghini SV for myself to use; covered in LED lights and strobes and got Japan's famous Outlaw Morohoshi and his Tokyo Midnight LED Lambo crew together with Bryan Salamone, Shmee150 and and many others as Gumball's Rally finish was taken over by the most colorful and infamous Lamborghinis and Supercars the world has ever seen!!!
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Steve's never owned or driven a Delorean before. With the 30 year anniversary of the movie Back to the Future now upon us, Steve took the opportunity to test drive a low mileage beautiful 5 speed DMC. He didn't waste anytime getting a test drive and chance to relive the movie that made this car famous! Back to the Future 30 years later!
Editing and visual effects by https://www.youtube.com/b3films
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