「1/28 小姬老師來了❤️❤️❤️❤️」
<📌2021/1/26~2021/1/30-Winter Workshop>
小姬老師來自RAGGA FLU,也是Dancehall之中的元老啊!!
陳玉姬(小姬)—Jill Chen
Dance Style: Dancehall、Hip-Hop、Freestyle、Afro
Dance Crew: ATTENTION(before2009)、Street Monster、RAGGA FLU
📌個人教學經歷 :
鶯歌高職, 喬治高職, 恆毅中學, 治平中學, 忠孝國中, 淡水商工, 再興中學, 新莊高中, 松山家商, 靜心中學, 桃園武陵高中, 台中醫學大學, 元智大學, 台北大學, 國北師, 長庚大學,中原大學, 虎尾科技大學, 桃銘傳, 北銘傳, 華梵大學, 師範大學, 東吳大學致理技術學院, 政治大學, 東吳大學, 新竹中國科技大學, 世新大學, 真理大學, 東海大學 等熱舞社及台北舞狂工作室, SEER Dance Studio, Dazzle Dance Studio, Supreme工作室, OR Dance Studio, Revolution Dance Studio, TBC Dance Studio, Dancesoul Dance studio , IP Dance Studio, SBC舞蹈工作室及中壢DADA工作室, 中壢Mr.Frog, 中壢美國派舞蹈工作室, 新竹KGB舞蹈工作室, 新竹MIX舞蹈工作室, 新竹MM舞蹈生活館外聘指導老師
致理技術學院, 靜宜大學 熱舞社外聘指導老師, 及授課於台北Merry Monarc Dance Studio, 高雄YO!BBS Dance Studio
2008.4 Attention 受邀Dance2XS 在芝加哥參與演出
2008.5 擔任OBS Girl style battle評審
2008 "Street Monster" 成軍 成員包括 Joy 泓龍 雪球 Nike 小陸 小姬
2009.6~9 赴NY及東京進修
2009~2011. MM及IP, HRC舞蹈工作室成果展編舞老師
2010.08 成軍 “RAGGA FLU” , 參與多項比賽與擔任許多活動表演團體
2010.8.19 Merrymonarc六週年Dance Union party表演團體
2011.1.23 Dance@live表演團體
2011.3.6 參與台大盃初賽 晉級決賽
2011.3.27 Hip-Hop饒舌活動表演團體@華山藝文特區
2011.4.3 參與台大盃決賽
2011.4.9 Max Party Rountine 比賽 亞軍
2011~12 受邀為各高中大專院校成果展與各大活動表演團體
2012.3.16 MUAH PARTY Vol.2--Dancehall Party主辦單位及表演團體
2012.05 參與G-Shock 2012新錶型錄拍攝
2013.5 邀請法國知名舞者Camron One-Shot來台灣開設Dancehall Workshop課程
2013.5-7 受邀為各大專院校及高中職學校成果展表演團體
2013.8.17 台中Funkzilla game表演團體
2013.1~6 擔任多場街舞比賽 Freestyle Battle Judge
2013.7.27 Wind Da Hip Vol.1第一屆Dancehall Battle Judge
2013.8.8~12 前往馬來西亞開設Dancehall Workshop
2013.8.15~27 前往法國進修
2013.8.31 Dance for High 全國高中生街舞大賽Freestyle 1 on 1 Battle Judge
2013.9.7~11 前往日本進修
2014.1~7 前往中國福州, 新加坡, 澳門 香港 等地 開設Dancehall Workshop
2014.6 Street Monster 受邀至馬來西亞擔任Battle Guest
2014.7 受邀至澳門擔任China Dance Delight 排舞比賽 Judge
2014.8 Ragga Flu主辦第一屆全台灣大型Dancehall Summer Camp “Fyah To Di
World” , 邀請牙買加及法國老師來台分享 此活動參與總人數超過180人
2014.9 前往牙買加進修
2014.10 擔任馬來西亞女力Judge
2014.10~11 前往馬來西亞 香港 澳門 開設Dancehall Workshop
2015.1 二度牙買加進修
2015.2 Ragga Flu 主辦台灣“Fyah To Di World” Vol.2-Valentine Edition Dancehall Event
2015.3 擔任OBS “Team by Team Freestyle Battle” Judge
2015. 8 Ragga Flu 主辦台灣 “Fyah To Di World” Vol.3 Dancehall Summer Camp
2016.1 與Man Power合作主辦台灣 “Fulla Vybez” Dancehall Event
2016.3 受邀擔任新加坡RF Jam Dance Camp All style battle Judge
2016.4 受邀至泰國普吉島擔任 “Dansters Phuket Spring Dance Camp” 授課老師
2017.2 受邀至法國擔任 “ Dancehall Master World” 授課老師及排舞賽評審
2017.8 Ragga Flu主辦 台灣 “Fyah to Di World” Vol.4 Dancehall Event
2018.1 受邀至菲律賓擔任 “Dancehall Manila” 活動的授課老師及評審
2018.1 南姬金果主辦 台灣 “Hall 4 Real” Vol.1 Dancehall Event
2018.4 受邀至馬來西亞擔任 “Who Is The Champion” 活動的授課老師及Dancehall battle評審
2018.6 受邀至中國福州擔任 “Dancehall In China” Vol.2 活動的授課老師及評審
2018.9 Ragga Flu主辦 台灣 “Fyah To Di World” Vol.5 Dancehall Event
2018.10 受邀至中國重慶開設舞蹈訓練課程
2018.11 受邀至澳門及香港 開設Dancehall 及 Afro Workshop
2018.12 受邀至廣州 擔任 Dancehall Fiesta Vol.1 授課老師及Dancehall Battle Judge
2019.3 受邀至中國上海擔任 俄羅斯著名活動 Dancehall International Asia Vol.1 授課老師
2019.6 受邀至馬來西亞 TJD Jam授課老師及Bun It Up Vol.1 Dancehall Battle Judge
2019.8 台灣 Mask主辦之Underbridge Freestyle Battle Judge
2019.8 受邀至日本沖繩擔任第一屆Dancehall In Asia 授課老師及評審
2019.9 台灣 Tek Yute Time Dancehall Battle Judge
2019.9 台灣 Battle In Taoyuan Freestyle Battle Judge
2019.10 台灣 Suprernova Freestyle Battle Judge
2019.10 受邀至中國濟南擔任“Dancehall In China”活動的授課老師及評審
2019.10 台灣 新竹扶輪盃 Freestyle Battle Judge
2019.11 台灣 Yeh Man Dancehall Battle Judge
2019.12 受邀至中國廣州擔任“Dancehall Fiesta” 活動授課老師
2020. 1 台灣苗栗五食盃 Freestyle Battle Judge
2020.1 Ragga Flu 及南姬金果 主辦“Hall 4 Real” Dancehall Event, 邀請來自牙買加的老師 Orville and Shelly Xpressionz 來台分享
2020. 8.1 擔任 UnderBridge Freestyle 1 on 1 Battle Judge
2020.8.28 擔任高雄可可幫 Dancehall 1 on 1 Battle Judge
2020.9.5 擔任新北FUN街頭 “女力” Freestyle 2 on 2 Battle Judge
📌Artists' Showcase & Performance:
2002.3擔任歌手許慧欣首張專輯專屬舞者 參與許慧欣多場校園簽唱會及大型演唱 會的演出
2004.10 張惠妹 “也許明天” 專屬舞者
2005.9~ 羅志祥 “催眠show”專屬舞者
2005.11~S.H.E “不想長大”專屬舞者
2005.12 張惠妹跨年活動舞蹈部分編排老師及專屬舞者
2006.4 Sony-BMG Concert舞者
2007.1.25張惠妹上海"Channel V"華語音樂榜中榜頒獎典禮 舞者及排舞老師
2007.4~ 哈林香港演唱會舞者
2007.6 張惠妹新專輯MV與廣告排舞老師及專屬舞者
2007.11~2008 張惠妹 “STAR TOUR” 世界巡迴演唱會 專屬舞者
2009. "阿密特"金曲獎表演舞者
2010. 擔任 藝人"周筆暢" 巡迴演唱會 排舞老師 舞監及舞者
2010.6 擔任 張惠妹 美西"Amway安利研討會"晚會嘉賓 專屬舞者
2010.10 "阿密特"北京MTV音樂盛典 表演舞者
2010 張惠妹台北跨年晚會表演舞者
2011. 張惠妹 “你在看我嗎”專輯 專屬舞者
2011~2013. 張惠妹“ AMEIZING” 世界巡迴演唱會 專屬舞者
2014. 張惠妹 “偏執面”—“跳進來” MV拍攝 及 “飛高高” 排舞老師
2015~2017. 張惠妹 “UTOPIA” 世界巡迴演唱會 專屬舞者
2005.2 TBC主辦之Freestyle Battle (2-on-2)冠軍
2009.11 The soul 2 on 2 battle 八強
2009.12 Showbiz舉辦crossfire freestyle battle 四強
2009.12 Merrymonarc舉辦Dance Union “girl style” battle 冠軍
2010.3 Street Monster獲得 The Soul Dance studio 舉辦之--Soul Stage “team by team” battle 冠軍
2010.4 Max Party VIII hiphop battle八強
2010.8 Street Monster 獲得 Soul Stage team battle 二連霸
2012.3 Street Monster Doobiest 街頭文化祭 3 on 3 Freestyle battle 冠軍
2012.9. Bboy world Asia Festival “女力”2 on 2 Freestyle battle 冠軍
2013.2 Dance@Live Taiwan 第二戰 Freestyle 亞軍
2013.8 France Bigupkemp Dancehall 1 on 1 battle 八強
2013.11 Bboy world Asia Festival vol.2 “女力” 2 on 2 Freestyle Battle亞軍
2014.04.20 Dance@Live 第三次預賽 Freestyle組 冠軍
2014.08.30 桃園 “Who Is Monster?” 1 on 1 Freestyle Battle 四強
2014.10.11 台中 “Zero Four” 街舞比賽 2 on 2 Freestyle Battle 亞軍
2014.11.09 香港澳門主辦 “Rootsrider” Dancehall 1 on1 Battle 冠軍
2015.06 台灣 “Wah Gwaan” Dancehall Battle 1 on 1 冠軍
2016.02 OBS Dancer High 5 on 5 (Ten Brothers) 亞軍
2018.7 高雄苓雅盃 Freestyle 2on2 battle 季軍
2019.2 法國 Dancehall Master World Choreography 排舞賽 冠軍
「all on 4長庚」的推薦目錄:
- 關於all on 4長庚 在 YiDen Studio歪低街舞工作室 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於all on 4長庚 在 小P Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於all on 4長庚 在 Yim Mau-Kun Studio 冉茂芹畫室 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於all on 4長庚 在 [問題] 植牙和假牙的選擇(長庚) - 看板teeth_salon - 批踢踢實業坊 的評價
- 關於all on 4長庚 在 我有嚴重牙周病-有人聽過All on 4嗎 - Mobile01 的評價
- 關於all on 4長庚 在 all on 4植牙費用長庚的評價和優惠,MOBILE01、PTT 的評價
- 關於all on 4長庚 在 all on 4植牙費用長庚的評價和優惠,MOBILE01、PTT 的評價
- 關於all on 4長庚 在 All on 4 全口無牙或少牙一日重建達人 - Facebook 的評價
- 關於all on 4長庚 在 長庚植牙費用ptt在PTT/mobile01評價與討論 - 醫院診所健康懶 ... 的評價
- 關於all on 4長庚 在 長庚植牙費用ptt在PTT/mobile01評價與討論 - 醫院診所健康懶 ... 的評價
all on 4長庚 在 小P Facebook 的最佳解答
Mix Tempo/Evolegend/Mix Crew
KOD Taiwan八強
OMA BTD FreeStyle Battle VOL2 冠軍
The Soul Royal Combat Vol.6 FreeStyle 2 on 2 冠軍 (with 菜脯)
OBS VOL.5 四強
玄清交 Free Style冠軍
Soul of Dance Hip Hop Battle 冠軍
MIX Party vol.6 Battle 冠軍
Juste Debout Taiwan Hiphop 4強(with AJ)
女力BboyAsiaHipHop團對團 亞軍
Dance Union vol.98 Hip Hop 1on1 Battle 冠軍
Max Party XVII 亞軍
KOD11 中國站 Hip Hop Best4 (with MixTempo)
Juste Debout中國站 HipHop亞軍 (with AJ)
OBS vol.10 Best 16
CSD超級舞者街舞菁英賽Vol.4 Best 8(深圳)
台大盃熱舞大賽 第七名(with Evolegend Family)
OBS vol.11 Hip Hop Best 16
Juste Debout中國站 HipHop Best 4 (with AJ)
OBS vol.12 Best 16
Battle-ism Hip Hop Team Battle Best 4 (with Mix Tempo Hip Hop)
Battle-ism Hip Hop 1 on 1 Battle Best 4
Soul Session 2 Hip Hop 1 on 1 Best 16(香港)
Juste Debout中國站 HipHop Best 4 (with AJ)
HHI Taiwan Qualifier All Style 2 on 2 冠軍
Juste Debout Thailand Hip Hop Best 8
Mix Tempo Studio(中壢)
Miki Studio Workshop(新竹)
Mix Studio(新竹)The Soul Studio(台中)
Hurricanes Studio Workshop(台中)
YiDen Studio Workshop(台中)
Climax Studio Workshop(台中)
Peeps Studio Workshop(台南)
MAX STUDIO Workshop(高雄)
Push Hand StudioWorkshop(高雄)
蘋果家族Studio Workshop(高雄)
Departure Studio Workshop(京都)
Studio Friends Workshop(北海道)
PHAT Studio Workshop(和歌山)
Nowz Studio Workshop(澳門)
Zero Style Dance Camp Workshop(北海道)
GOS Vol.2 Workshop@CD Studio(福州)
Zero Style Evolegend Workshop (北海道)
Zoo Studio Workshop(香港)
Studio X Workshop(上海)
CollegeHighVol7個人賽HIP HOP組
DOD HighSchool Fight排舞賽
One Night'z Dance Vol.3 (澳門)
Mix Party Vol.5 Judge
One Night'z Battle Judge(澳門)
Get Fight Vol.2 Judge
One Style Vol.5 Battle Judge(北海道)
A Kids Hip Hop 1 on 1 Battle (Tokyo)
College High Vol.11個人賽Judge
GetFight Vol.3 Battle Judge
第八屆真愛盃FreeStyle Judge
清交梅竹賽Battle Judge
Hip2Hop Vol.8 FreeStyle Battle Judge
扶輪陽光盃 青春尬舞大賽 Judge
Hit Da Beats Vol.4 HipHop 2on2 Judge
BIMC Vol.6 FreeStyle Battle Judge
第九屆真愛盃FreeStyle Judge
Beat Street Battle Game Judge
Hit Da Beats Vol.7 Hip Hop Judge
Mix 10.5盃 Hip Hop Battle Judge
四中五校 FreeStyle Battle Judge
BeatstreetXHiphop4ladyXJapan Fresh!?Judge
College High 個人賽 Judge
亞洲中學生校際嘻哈舞蹈大賽Judge (澳門)
Hit Da Beats Vol.9 Hip Hop Side Judge
2018Dance for High Asian Final X UDC 亞洲街舞公開賽 X 大專熱舞大賽 Freestyle Battle Judge
The Joint嘻關節Free Style Battle Judge
Play Session Vol.2 Judge
第六屆澳門街舞節Dance Competition Judge(澳門)
HHI Taiwan Qualifier Mini Crew/Varsity Performance Judge
The Home Brand Jam Judge
OBS Vol.13 Judge
all on 4長庚 在 Yim Mau-Kun Studio 冉茂芹畫室 Facebook 的最佳貼文
My Mother 我的母親
Oil painting 油畫 75x47cm 1982 Hong Kong 香港
My mother’s maiden name was Huangpu Daoan and she was born in Taoyuan County, Hunan. The Huangpu family had fallen upon hard times, but her father was an avid reader who counted an original copy of the Twenty Four Histories in his collection. My mother attended the Zhounan Women School in Changsha then fled an arranged marriage to study at Daxia University in Shanghai. She quit the university after marrying my father. Together they had six children and when the Japanese invaded, she fled to Chongqing with relatives. When my father went to Taiwan in 1949 with Chiang Kai-shek’s government, the cross-strait separation meant they never did meet again in this life. When her children grew up and moved to different parts of the country, my mother applied to become a primary school teacher. She kept me and my little brother by her side and made the ends meet as best as she could.
My mother’s health was always poor and underwent many operations. She even fainted once at the front of the classroom. In 1950, she took me to the countryside to seek refuge with her brother. My uncle was a “small landowner” who had been persecuted by the farmers’ co-operative during the land reforms to cough up his “ill-gotten gains.” My grandma was so terrified that she chose to drown herself. My mother also tried to drown herself one night but I immediately woke my uncle up. He lit a torch and we fished my mother out of the dam with a bamboo pole. Many years later, my mother told me that it seemed so bright under the water that she thought the Guanyin Goddess had come to save her. On a pillar of the simple wooden house used as a dormitory by the primary school, she had pasted a picture of the Guanyin Goddess sitting in the lotus position from the packaging of a cigarette box.
We waited and waited, but when we finally received word from Taiwan in 1978, it was bad news. My father had passed away in Taipei! In 1980, I received permission to go to Hong Kong. Five years later, my little brother accompanied her to Taipei where she could finally burn incense at my father’s grave….Four years later, she moved with me and my big sister’s entire family to Taipei. She fell sick a short while later; when we took her to the Chang Gung Hospital in Keelung, the doctor said that it was organ failure.
I was very busy at the time and I didn’t realize how serious my mother’s condition was at first. As I was massaging her icy-cold hands during one visit, she asked me, “Mau-kun, was your mother great or not?” I was taken by surprise and did not know what to say. I eventually answered: “Let’s not use the word great. You are a wonderful example…” My mother patted the back of my hand…
I almost choked on my tears during the simple funeral in Keelung. Oh, mother, how much you suffered! You even donated what little wages you earned towards flood relief. You taught me to write in a neat hand, to be fluent in my writings, and to lead an earnest life….My mother was a truly great woman. We refurbished my father’s tomb and placed the urn with my mothers’ ashes inside the coffin by my father’s shoulder….They can now talk about ancient Chinese poetry for all time.
all on 4長庚 在 我有嚴重牙周病-有人聽過All on 4嗎 - Mobile01 的美食出口停車場
只要植四根植牙就可以支撐了嗎. All on 4之前有爬過文,似乎也不是一個新的假牙方式,穩定性似乎還不錯 高雄長庚似乎也有做這項治療,不過這位劉醫師還算蠻有耐心的 ... <看更多>
all on 4長庚 在 All on 4 全口無牙或少牙一日重建達人 - Facebook 的美食出口停車場
國立陽明大學臨床牙醫學研究所贋復組碩士前林口長庚醫院牙科醫師台北醫學大學牙醫系學士. All-on-4 植牙訓練課程指導講師植體固定三層式假牙結構(IBZ 設計)創作人. ... <看更多>
all on 4長庚 在 [問題] 植牙和假牙的選擇(長庚) - 看板teeth_salon - 批踢踢實業坊 的美食出口停車場
照鏡子後發現,下顎第一臼齒,怪怪的。https://ppt.cc/CqaC 第一臼齒說明圖。
醫生是建議我,可以做假牙(傳統牙橋) or 植牙。
金額較便宜。最低金額:6000*3顆=18000。 (一般+加瓷)
價目表: https://ppt.cc/4i5o
https://www.igotmail.com.tw/home/36631 此篇文章的截圖 https://ppt.cc/vlQj
只是要損傷旁邊2顆牙齒 & 清潔不易,讓我比較猶豫>"<
4.去大醫院好? 還是去小診所? 術後的回診方面。
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 fantasyna:有六折當然是直接植牙,不然等你畢業以後後悔,想要折扣 06/04 16:07
請問有推薦的長庚醫生嗎? 謝謝!
※ 編輯: blener 來自: (06/05 21:30)
※ 編輯: blener 來自: (06/09 23:14)
... <看更多>