This Informal Retreat has been called to discuss how Asia-Pacific can collaborate to move through the COVID health crisis, and to accelerate the post-COVID economic recovery. Chinese Taipei will address these two topics specifically.
On COVID-19, Chinese Taipei has had an excellent record so far. With a population of 23 million, over the last year and half, and in spite of a recent surge which has now abated, we have had a total of about fifteen thousand infected cases (.07% of the population), and 763 deaths (3 out of one hundred thousand).
We believe that our experience and know-how gained can help other APEC members. We have been, and continue to be willing to help. We have donated masks and other medical supplies to other APEC members in the past and are ready and willing to share our anti-COVID-19 know-how with you.
At the same time, WE NEED HELP! Our vaccination coverage at present is less than 20%. Although the U.S. and Japan have been generous in donating vaccines to us, and our private institutions have succeeded in procuring ten million doses of vaccines, we still need more vaccines, and need them sooner! Most other APEC members need help as well. We must ask for help from the APEC members that possess and produce more vaccines than they themselves need.
On re-vitalizing Post-COVID economy, Chinese Taipei urges free trade among APEC members and in the world, after giving consideration to vital national security needs.
In the past seven decades, free trade has enabled vibrant growth in most APEC economies. Free trade is merely a way in which each APEC economy contributes its own competitive advantage and every APEC member benefits.
Recently, however, we note with concern the tendency to want self-sufficiency or “on-shoring” of semiconductor chips. We must point out that in the past many decades free trade has greatly helped the advance of semiconductor technology. In turn, the ever greater complexity of the technology has caused the supply chain to go “off-shore”.
It would be highly impractical to try to turn back the clock. If it is tried, cost will go up and technology advance may slow. What may happen is that after hundreds of billions and many years have been spent, the result will still be a not-quite-self-sufficient, and high-cost supply chain.
We do recognize national security concerns, and believe that for security applications, a self-sufficient supply chain within one’s own borders is prudent. However, for the much larger civilian market, a supply chain substantially based on free trade system is by far the best approach.
In summary, on COVID-19, Chinese Taipei can help, is ready and willing to help with its know-how, but also needs more vaccines sooner, along with many other APEC members. On Post-COVID economic re-vitalization, Chinese Taipei urges free trade, after giving consideration to vital national security concerns.
同時也有9部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅Susie Woo 戴舒萱,也在其Youtube影片中提到,大家有想過東西方或不同國家的思考模式為何會有不同嗎? 除了語言本身的不同,在表達事物的邏輯與認知上東西方好像都存在著不小的差異,今天來跟大家分享一下關於這個話題我的一些經驗以及一些研究,歡迎大家留言分享自己的想法喔! 00:00 開頭 00:07 “以發話者為導向”與”以聽眾為導向的”的語言比...
advantage of中文 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
🌻本周末的估值會議(全程是用中文; 免費), 請有興趣參與的朋友看一下:
繼上次的年報導讀會議後, 讓我們再做另一個會議! 這次很榮幸邀請到一位對估值很有見解的股友前輩來帶大家了解估值(恩, 這次我會是主持人, 不是主講人).
主題: 估值(valuation)分享會(Cat: 這不算是基礎的估值會議)
主講人: 小揚(from安泰價值投資)
https://www.facebook.com/antaiinvestment (此為小揚的粉絲頁)
參與者: 具基本估值能力. 若打算參加者, 請事先跟我(請私訊)提出一個關於估值的case study, 到時候可在會議中分享(最好是以投影片形式呈現, 這樣到時候好跟大家分享). 若有估值的問題, 也可以提出.
Case study可以是美股, 也可以是台股.
(P.S. 因為主題有點難度, 所以不鼓勵旁聽, 因為吸收效果會不好. 不過若有讀者實在是很有興趣, 請私訊.)
時間: 台灣時間07/10 (周六)晚間9點. 預計一個小時(不會像上次那樣冗長了😅): 前30分鐘由小揚做分享, 後30分鐘大家分享估值案例&提問
進行方式: 以Zoom進行(之後會私訊會議資訊給參與者)
🌻好股介紹(不是推薦): Pool Corporation (POOL)
美股裡面最會漲的個股, 除了科技股外, 就是民生消費股了.
今天在整理資料的時候, 發現了一家好公司. 介紹(不是推薦)給有興趣進一步研究的讀者.
POOL是一家做游泳池的公司. 有競爭優勢(有市佔, 管理層好, 財務管理好). 過去五年漲了4.5倍.
公司網站: https://www.poolcorp.com/
Pool Corp. (ticker: POOL) is the nation's largest distributor of swimming pool supplies and parts, with a small irrigation business as well. It is larger than its next 52 competitors combined, but a fragmented industry means it still has a long runway for growth.
“Pool has everything we look for in terms of a sustainable competitive advantage: good core business, management team and financials," says Tim Holland, portfolio manager at Aston/Tamro Funds.
有人說, 今年科技股像是2010年, 漲不太起來.
好奇心驅使下, 我去挖了點資料.
結果發現, 2010那時候Netflix漲很多(226%), 還是當年最會漲的一隻股. 而那時候NFLX還是高成長股, 也有獲利.
—> 是不是營收成長越高, 股價就會越衝? 值得投資人思考.
所以原本就投資secular growth的投資人, 若不想換策略, 就還是專注在secular growth的個股. 只是挑股要嚴謹.
The Best-Performing Stocks of 2010
Top Performing Stocks of 2010
曾經有幾位股友問我平常會看甚麼資料, 訂甚麼刊物.
目前我有訂閱的是: Barron's, IBD(investors.com), WSJ, Seeking Alpha.
固定看的網站: CNBC
每季做的事情: 看&整理公司季報結果.
平常有空會看看公司的新聞(其實若重要的事件, 高層在發表財報的時候也會提).
Picture: 美國國慶日周末, 與朋友到湖邊烤肉, 順便消暑(熱熱熱!) 過去幾年, 每次去人都很少的湖邊公園, 這次竟然人滿為患! 美國人顯然悶壞了........
advantage of中文 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
🌻台灣仍在居家隔離期. 台灣居住空間較小, 居家隔離難度較高. 尤其這次面對的病毒也比較凶猛. 祝大家平安. 在此提供一些當時我居家隔離時所做的一些事情, 供大家參考:
--對家人睜一隻眼, 閉一隻眼. 一家人天天在一起難免會有不順的時候, 不過能夠在一起很珍貴.
--買香料公司已經調好的香料包做料理. 這樣省時間, 也可以不用傷腦筋, 也讓煮飯多了點變化(可參考這網站: https://www.mccormick.com/spices-and-flavors/recipe-mixes/mccormick-one)
--看書, 看劇, 在線上與股友聊天, 看年報, 整理財報內容
--研究園藝, 在家裡養了很多綠色植物
--整理家裡, 做收納, 移動家具
--晚上喝點小酒, 解壓助眠(不過要注意有可能會胡言亂語😅)
🌻Docusign(DOCU), Crowdstrike(CRWD)的電話會議內容已整理好. 有興趣的讀者可以到部落格那邊去看:
🌻U.S. 10-Year Treasury Yield Slips Below 1.5%
🌻俄亥俄州 躍全球太陽能重鎮
顧問公司Wood Mackenzie統計,去年美國太陽能新增發電量創新高,且2030年前將再增加三倍。First Solar表示,俄亥俄州太陽能面板園區未來主要供應美國市場。近年太陽能產業多數零件來自中國,尤其在去年疫情爆發後,美國重大產業過度依賴海外供應鏈的風險激增,令拜登政府誓言重振美國製造業,並大力推動綠能產業發展。
"其中一個受益者是CardFree Inc.,該公司為餐飲經營者設計和運營線上和移動點餐系統。CardFree的首席執行官Jon Squire稱,該公司的應用軟體讓餐館能夠更好地預測和管理收到的訂單,以優化人員和產能調配。"
🌻現金太多 美銀行業者向企業喊話:別來存款
最近花了不少時間看報紙, 發現報紙還真好看, 除了學到不少財經知識外, 華爾街日報(WSJ)有些文章都挺有深度的. 有時候還一邊看一邊畫重點.
Anyway. 發現這個中文網站, 會翻譯一些WSJ的好文章. 值得書籤(bookmark)起來:
🌻去年很多EV方面的新公司或是小公司. 這篇文章的觀點挺好, 說做EV, 要能夠scale(規模化地拓展)也很重要: https://www.wsj.com/articles/why-electric-vehicle-stocks-are-stuck-in-reverse-11622709998
"Still, the classic Silicon Valley disruption story isn’t playing out in the auto industry as once expected. With their big batteries, EVs are shaping up to be an industrial product that benefits from the kind of industrial scale 20th century manufacturers are good at. This advantage may not persist as other, software-based automotive technologies take off—in-vehicle internet and ultimately automated driving. But these are probably questions for another year."
Lordstown Motors的預警凸顯電動汽車初創公司的資金難題
這兩天看了一部電影and一本書的評論, 發現觸及的主題是一樣的: 信任.
電影是Disney Plus上面的"巡龍使者: 拉雅". 書是一本新書"The Power of Giving Away Power".
我發現一個團體要把事情做好, 重要的不是每個人的能力有多強, 而是彼此能否信任. 當大家都有共識(英文有個片語是, "on the same page"), 有同樣的目標的時候, 事情會好辦很多. 但這其實不容易做到(就像電影中的Raya一樣, 還必須先犧牲自己, 才能說服夥伴.)
Anyway. 覺得這題材挺有趣的, 也是生活中常碰到的事情. 分享給大家.
"巡龍使者: 拉雅"影評: https://movie1314.pixnet.net/coblog/post/353485640
"The Power of Giving Away Power"書評:
Pictures: 網路, Amazon, earningswhispers.com
advantage of中文 在 Susie Woo 戴舒萱 Youtube 的最佳解答
00:00 開頭
00:07 “以發話者為導向”與”以聽眾為導向的”的語言比較
01:18 寫作時的中英文邏輯差異
03:23 “語言差異”會影響人們思考與感知事物的方式?
04:07 東西方的”認知差異”
06:57 結尾
📌補充:有關 Sapir-Whorf 假說 (語言相對論) 的相關研究論文資料
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#語言差異 #認知差異 #東西方
advantage of中文 在 暗網仔 2.0 Youtube 的最讚貼文
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dw_kid12/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deepwebkid/?modal=admin_todo_tour
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/2LjUOH9T9j21GiX8jzytu6
訂閱: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8vabPSRIBpwSJEMAPCnzVQ?sub_confirmation=1
我最高觀看次數的影片 (我為何不再拍暗網? 只說一次): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbihKaqEEQw&t=127s
首支單曲: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UASHWB6Ai9Y
我的成長故事: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kdhtp6A6YJE
這位才是真正的網絡垃圾: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlJYDx1GP-U&t=263s
Billie Eilish出賣靈魂的方法: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfB1S2uy5Po&t=115s
日本最殘酷的直播節目: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E81OKVX7wc
我受夠了, 我的精神困擾: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQ6uxaQhiS4&t=7s
揭發用1億成本拍Youtube片MrBeast 3個暴富祕訣
利用1億成本拍Youtube片MrBeast 3個暴富祕訣
成本$14,337,100拍Youtube片的MrBeast XX的秘密
錢錢錢錢. 錢錢錢錢. 小時候看香港電影經常出現的設定是: 建築, 購物, 娛樂, 尊嚴也是離不開 ‘錢’ 這個字. 有錢字的電影名也大把: 借錢專家, 搶錢夫妻, 慳錢家族.
反以外國用 ‘Money’ 作為主題的經典電影通常只是用來作為包裝去講主角之間的友情親情或本來人性的弱點.
這個 ‘人性’ wuy chi到現今Youtube界會給10,000元美金貼士, 100,000美元cheuy手給lo sook者, 再以1,000,000美元買一盒燻肉? 這位草根出身的22歲Youtuber到底怎麼可以花14,337,100美金 (一千四百三十三萬七千一百美元) 即是一億一千一百一十一萬六千六百八十二元港幣, 拍Youtube呢? 這個數字不計他送藍寶堅尼給自己d friend, 建設史上最高的Lego玩具, 拿來破壞ja lan的戰艦或送100,000朵玫瑰花給自己女朋友作為情人節禮物那個budget.
大家好又是我暗網仔. 就用第13集網路傳記人物MrBeast導出3個讓你可以成為他一樣的戰略. 不是只做Youtuber那麼簡單, 是2020年如何處於一個控制到這麼多錢的有利位置.
3點: 破解youtube演算法/熱門影片/如何用錢做生意
YouTube algorithm - click through rate (title usually has shock value, and thumbnail is amateur by design) and watch time
8年拍了686條Youtube片的MrBeast大部分最高觀看次數影片都是自2017年pai錢/耐力choi等影片開始. 9500萬view, 7400萬, 6900萬. 都是Youtuber夢mei yi kuw的viral video [pause video] (“Viral” 這個字意味該影片能複製到很多不同地方. ). Youtube演算法viral就會整天讓你見到 ‘他’ 迫你按下去. 大家對演算法常常會用過於複雜甚至陰謀論的解釋, 但Youtube演算法只goo兩樣東西: 觀看分鐘和click-through rate. Mrbeast利用觀看分鐘由片頭馬上來個hook講述影片大gong之後10至20分鐘最適合有: 開始, 中段, 結尾| 的影片長度, 在片尾才揭露標題吸引你進來的那一個點, 因而令觀眾別需看到最尾, 得到結果. Click-through rate又分開影片標題和封面兩個部份. Mr beast標題除了直接還常常帶著shock value, 讓人有 ‘唔係啊話’ 會按下去的感覺. 封面yun用Youtuber paddy galloway分析 ‘amateur by design’ 去解釋: ‘donating $100,000 to streamers with 0 viewers’ 封面可能過於簡單, 某一些部分還不是crop得太好, 但2019年3月Mrbeast已經有30人員工的團體幫他工作, 怎麼做不好一個簡單的封面呢? 這個故意設定是為pooy合Youtube鬆散, 業餘的感覺. 最終影片得到4400萬views. 估計Mr beast一個月賺的廣告錢高達一百萬.
The viral video forumla. How he mixed several into 1.
一goon viral影片都會有以下6大元素: 跟錢有關/極端的反應/挑戰影片/惡搞/戲劇性影片/有大Youtuber的客chuen. Mrbeast內容聰明的地方是他將幾個不同會爆的元素kuw埋一chuy. 像之前那條 ‘donating $100,000...”影片 1 (跟錢有關) 2(極端的反應) 3有點惡搞) 這條 ‘last youtuber to leave wins $100,000 challenge’ 1(跟錢有關) 2(挑戰影片) 3(有大youtuber 客cheun) 好似jup yuek一樣. 露宿者
-his universal appeal and not niche . He appeals to mainstream youtube casuals , not just his loyal fans.
他影片不停viral成功也可以歸功於他影片是大jung化影片. 3歳到80的人也會被他的影片吸引. 由如初代youtube. 是這10年Youtube才被 ‘niche’ youtuber這樣東西ching ba. 我們比較Youtube第一人pewdiepie拍的重心也是遊戲影片. 品牌上有多個死忠但比較難像Mr beast有廣泛appeal.
再比較像pewdiepie一日一片的創作者Mrbeast 因為upload的片較少反以他的觀眾每一次看到有新片知道他們花10至20分鐘看這條絕對會是高質內容. 所以mrbeast條條都有這樣一個期望的時候好容易中到演算法最想要的東西.
-talk scarcity vs habit uploading. Talk in comparison to any market, early starters get a advantage in terms of being a personality because the space is vacant. Any coming up people to the market needs to be unique to set themselves apart. )
*the most main reason is money.
如何用錢the growth stage. Invest money back into yourself.
Mr beast如何用錢是他能在Youtube suen chook上位最重要一點. 他的資金分為兩種主要收入: 廣告錢和sponsor給他的直入廣告錢.
一定不是來自他自身家庭環境. 1998年5月7號出生的Mrbeast原名 Jimmy Donaldson長大於美國Kansas州, 13歳開始用 ‘Mrbeast6000’ 帳號在Youtube拍片. 2013至2014年上載超過100條遊戲影片但只有幾千views. 到2015年7月他才到達3000個subscriber.
有趣地他初時比較多人留意的影片系列 ‘How much money do youtubers make’ 也是將自己收入公開從估計其他大Youtuber的收入. 可見他從來對錢也不是十分juek緊.
(Show interview clip 3:25)
(Count to 100,000)
(show pewdiepie pewdiepie) (show yourself) 你知道連全港最面肥Youtuber暗網仔也要抄襲他概念就知道他利害. 但肥面Youtuber收到直入廣告Nordvpn收入後是買隻lo被自己lo mo架! 而MrBeast收到直入廣告是reinvest回自己business度.
(Casey interview 7:01) 每一次Mrbeast收到廣告soing給他的chuw lo他就馬上把那一but錢放進自己的影片作爲內容. 通常是做慈善捐給有需要的人. 雖然mrbeast是付出了這but錢但由於他已經精通自己創造viral video的formula影片dim gik通常夠他賺回這but錢有dut. 但又chuey yi再度擴大自己品牌.
在這一兩年他爆紅期間這chak略特別effective因為在5步business life cycle 中他當時處於第2步: Growth stage. 一poon生意這個成長階段應該盡量推出duk po推出新產品給顧客而不是集中在賺錢的部分.
advantage of中文 在 DREAM清醒夢LUCID Youtube 的精選貼文
The rise of China and the fall of the West. My belief is that Britain will be the first European country to fall. There will be shock and awe as the world watches parts of Europe become third world countries. Police overwhelmed. High levels of inflation, and daily riots. All China will have to do is to wait and pick up the pieces. Unfortunately one of those pieces will be Taiwan. The overblown welfare state, mass immigration from countries and of peoples not understood by the politicians that initiated the immigration policies. The resentment of the indigenous Brits and the weak police force will lead to bloodbaths in the streets. China despite all the wishes for it to collapse will not. There will be swift moves to take advantage of the gap in power. Taiwan will be the Suez canal of the United States of America. If Britain has a cultural revolution this is it. The dark ages saw a decline in life expectancy, innovation, creativity. The west is about to enter another dark ages. There is no telling how long it will last. The next proper comprehensive history written about the peoples of Britain will be written in Chinese. This is the strange death of Britain.
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#dr34mlucid #China #thedeathofbritain