參加咗新開嘅K11 Atelier Quarry Bay綠色新年派對!充滿綠色植物嘅商廈,門口棵樹仲係倒轉嘅!好有型!😎參觀咗佢嘅展覽場地,樓底高,可以做藝術展或其他活動,天台仲有無敵海景同充滿植物裝置,十分K11嘅風格!係呢到邊飲酒邊睇風景perfect! 🥳🥂
Attended the newly opened K11 Atelier Green New Year Party! Soooo green with lots of plants around the commercial building! It’s so cool to see the reverse tree at the entrance! 😎 Visited the event space with high ceiling. U can host art exhibition or other events here. The roof top garden has panoramic sea view with many plants, it’s very K11 style! It’d be so chilled to sip wine & enjoy the nice view here! Perfect! 🥳🥂
#K11Atelier #VerticalSustainabilityCity #Sustainability #K11HACC #CreatingSharedValue #CSV #NewWorldSustainabilityVision2030 #ccwinevoyage #詩詩酒樂園