After spinal guasha, I try Internal Organs Recovery therapy this time, with therapist MeiXin’s healing hand, adjust organs in my stomach back to right positions, it’s so important to do this after giving birth to a child because organs gave out spaces for baby when inside mama’s body, by adjusting organs and womb back to their positions, my body will function better and recover well thru confinement month. Actually, for woman who already gave birth for some time, should do this as well, like once or twice a month, health care is important, love ourselves❤️. #TheMaterns #Rehabilitation #EstherPostpartumCare
Esther Postpartum Care - Confinement Center 伊詩特產後護理之家
thematerns 在 陳諭 That Mandy Chen Facebook 的精選貼文
Am so hungers after this one to one Pilates class provide by The Materns (same department which provide spinal guasha and organs massage). But I hold my appetite successfully ✌️. Gonna relain healthy diet and exercise as well in 2019. I can do it!
#TheMaterns #Rehabilitation #EstherPostpartumCare
Esther Postpartum Care - Confinement Center 伊詩特產後護理之家