恭喜台北市立交響樂團歡慶成立50周年,以及即將啟程的美國巡迴音樂會!北市交將於11月14日在華府的史密森尼-佛利爾美術館美亞演藝廳、11月15日在華府近郊的史翠摩爾音樂中心、11月17日在亞特蘭大喬治亞州立大學麗愛圖表演藝術中心各演出一場音樂會。台北市立交響樂團向來以擅長將古典融合現代,製作創新跨界的節目著稱,正好與我們11月慶祝「創新與創業月」所鼓勵的創新與創業價值不謀而合。祝福北市交赴美交流演出圓滿順利!#AITat40 #AITat40Celebraton #EntrepreneurshipandInnovationMonth #TaipeiSymphonyOrchestra
AIT joined the Taipei Symphony Orchestra (TSO) in celebrating its 50th Anniversary and upcoming United States tour! The TSO will perform at the Meyer Auditorium of the Smithsonian Freer Gallery of Art in Washington DC on November 14, at the Music Center at Strathmore, near Washington, DC on November 15, and at the Rialto Center for the Arts at Georgia State University, Atlanta, on November 17. With its innovative musical collaborations, The TSO echoes the values celebrated in November’s AIT@40 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Month. We wish the TSO’s U.S. Tour great success!
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