27 March – 2 May 2021
課程大綱 (一)
The 100-hour Pre- and Post-natal Teacher Training
Syllabus (2)
Yoga prop usage:
•Study the proper use of a yoga chair, belt, blanket, blocks, bolster, and yoga mat
•Learn quick use of props for flow classes
-Learn more methodical use of props for slower study of asanas
•Use props for injuries and to investigate poses from different approaches to go deeper Anatomy & Physiology
Introduction to yoga anatomy – organs and systems of the body, skeletal system, muscular system, and the biomechanics intelligence of the body
•Study all the major joints – movements, restrictions, muscular system, physiology, postural muscles
•Understand the muscular system – muscles for movement and alignment in asana Philosophy
Anatomy and special condition during pregnancy
· General anatomy and the anatomy of pregnant women
· Anatomical and yogic point of view
· Various condition during pregnancy: common aches and pains, pubic symphysis, breech, etc.
· The important of pelvis floor for pregnancy and new mothers
· Meditation and relaxation techniques
· Therapeutic benefit of asanas, meditation and relaxation
· Pranayama for pregnancy and labour
📸 @ear_will
skeletal system 在 JJDD 學學。Teach My Monsters to Learn Facebook 的精選貼文
1. skeletal system
2. muscular system
3. digestive system
4. excretory system
5. respiratory system
6. circulatory system
7. nervous system
8. endocrine system
skeletal system 在 王姿允醫師。我的無齡秘笈。 Facebook 的最佳貼文
之前敲碗的 #高蛋白質v.s高脂肪的文出來囉!
(1) 低脂肪+酪蛋白組(10% kJ Low fat diet (LFD)+ 20% KJ casein)
(2) 高脂肪+酪蛋白組(45% kJ high fat diet (HFD)+ 20% KJ casein)
(3) 高脂肪+20%乳清蛋白(45%kJ HFD + 20% kJ WPI)
(4) 高脂肪+30%乳清蛋白(45% kJ HFD + 30% kJ WPI)
(5) 高脂肪+40%乳清蛋白(45% KJ HFD + 40% kJ WPI)
最後發現 「高脂肪+ 40%乳清蛋白」這組體重的上升 #幾乎跟低脂肪飲食一樣少,顯示拉高蛋白質跟碳水的比例到40:15時,可以抑制高脂肪的體重上升。身體組成方面:
脂肪的比例: (2)>(3)=(4)>(5)>(1)
肌肉的比例: (1)>(5)>(3)=(4)>(2)
1️⃣蛋白質/碳水的比例有一個 #劑量閾值(threshold)的關係,也就是一定要到某個程度才能有顯著意義的效果,這跟
2️⃣吃低脂肪飲食比高脂肪飲食的老鼠擁有更高的瘦肉比例,顯示 #高脂肪對肌肉不利,除非把蛋白質拉高才能彌補。
⚠️腓腸肌(Ga)、脛前肌(Ta)和比目魚肌(Sol)的質量分別 #減少了23%,11%和16%。
⚠️Ga,Ta、Sol肌肉纖維的大小和四肢的握力也 #分別顯著下降了20%,28%,16%和22%。
⚠️ #肌肉萎縮相關基因Mafbx,Murf1,Foxo3,Lc3b和Klf15在骨骼肌中的表現上調,幫助肌肉合成的基因如Igf1, Myod1的表現下降,此研究發現 #KD抑制了肌肉蛋白質的合成。
腓腸肌(Ga),脛前肌(TA)是所謂的 #快肌,非常容易因為 #壓力賀爾蒙可體松(glucocorticoid,GC)的分泌而降解,通常在斷食24-48小時之後GC就會結合相關受器(glucocorticoid receptor,FOXOs11 and KLF15)來啟動 #肌肉萎縮相關基因(muscle atrophy-related genes)例如: muscle-specific ubiquitin ligases, MAFbx, MuRF1)來 #誘發分解蛋白質的自噬系統(autophagy pathway)跟 #分解蛋白質的泛素-蛋白酶體系統(Ubiquitin-proteasome system, UPS),而高脂肪造成的自由基產生的 #氧化應激反應基因(oxidative stress-responsive gene,如Sod1)上升,使肌肉中的氧化壓力增加,也是除了高皮質激素血症,低胰島素血症和IGF-1降低之外,造成肌肉萎縮的原因之一。
先說說人體有 #5種可以生糖也可以生酮的胺基酸,還有 #2個純生酮胺基酸,這 #7種胺基酸都可以完全或部份分解後跳過檸檬酸循環,在肝臟中變成酮體。
過去研究發現富含 #生酮氨基酸的替代食品(KAAR)可以 #改善高脂飲食 引起的 #脂肪肝變性,而2018年這篇也是針對餵食高脂肪小鼠(30%脂肪)的腓腸肌和比目魚肌,發現高脂肪會造成 #粒線體形態變化 和 #相關的粒線體功能障礙,以及參與蛋白質合成跟細胞保護的磷酸化AKT and 4EBP1的表現下降。但加入生酮胺基酸後,可以調解快肌和慢肌中的AKT / 4EBP1和自噬路徑,改善了高脂肪誘導的肌肉跟粒線體損傷。
其實不只腓腸肌和比目魚肌中會因高脂肪出現粒線體缺陷, #肥胖也是看到粒線體的失能,而這個研究告訴我們,🔆KAAR可能是對抗肥胖跟高脂食物引起的粒線體功能障礙的新策略,這也就能解釋,為何吃4+2R的受試者都能在低脂情況下利用高生物利用率蛋白質(high-biological-value protein)中的7種生酮胺基酸達到對身體有好處的酮體,同時也避免氧化壓力(發炎指數下降),現在多了一個可研究的機轉---可能修復受損的粒線體🌈,讓我們拭目以待🤩
1. McAllan L, Skuse P, Cotter PD, Connor PO, Cryan JF, et al. (2014) Protein Quality and the Protein to Carbohydrate Ratio within a High Fat Diet Influences Energy Balance and the Gut Microbiota In C57BL/6J Mice. PLOS ONE 9(2): e88904.
2. Nakao, R., Abe, T., Yamamoto, S. et al. Ketogenic diet induces skeletal muscle atrophy via reducing muscle protein synthesis and possibly activating proteolysis in mice. Sci Rep 9, 19652 (2019).
3. Li J, Kanasaki M, Xu L, et al. A ketogenic amino acid rich diet benefits mitochondrial homeostasis by altering the AKT/4EBP1 and autophagy signaling pathways in the gastrocnemius and soleus. Biochim Biophys Acta Gen Subj. 2018;1862(7):1547-1555. doi:10.1016/j.bbagen.2018.03.013
4. L. Xu, M. Kanasaki, J. He, M. Kitada, K. Nagao, H. Jinzu, Y. Noguchi, H.Maegawa, K. Kanasaki, D. Koya, Ketogenic essential amino acids replacement diet ameliorated hepatosteatosis with altering autophagy-associated molecules, Biochim Biophys Acta, 1832 (2013) 1605-1612.
skeletal system 在 human skeleton | Parts, Functions, Diagram, & Facts | Britannica 的相關結果
Human skeleton, the internal skeleton that serves as a framework for the body. This framework consists of many individual bones and cartilages. ... <看更多>
skeletal system 在 Skeletal System: Anatomy and Function, Diagram, Diseases ... 的相關結果
The skeletal system is the foundation of your body, giving it structure and allowing for movement. We'll go over the function and anatomy of ... ... <看更多>
skeletal system 在 Skeletal System – Labeled Diagrams of the Human Skeleton 的相關結果
The skeletal system includes all of the bones and joints in the body. Each bone is a complex living organ that is made up of many cells, ... ... <看更多>