👉🏼Poetic Devices👈🏼
Tale as old as time, a-a-ay
Tune as old as song, oh
Bitter-sweet and strange
Finding you can change
Learning you were wrong, woah
Certain as the sun
Certain as the sun
Rising in the east
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the Beast
1️⃣ RHYME (押韻)
1. song & wrong
2. strange & change
3. time & rhyme
4. east & Beast
🔧Function: 節奏感、好聽
可以跳行,例如east and Beast
同字唔當rhyme, 所以"sun"同"sun"唔係rhyme
“Certain as the sun
Certain as the sun”
🔧Function: 強調某個idea (大大joke: 可能佢填詞諗唔到多一句🤷♂️)
3️⃣ OXYMORON (矛盾)
“Bitter-sweet” (Meaning: Arousing pleasure tinged with sadness or pain 苦樂參半)
🔧Function: 造成具層次感的感受及意思
4️⃣ SIMILE(明喻)
➡️ 用"like", "as"把兩者扣起作直接比喻
1. Tale as old as time
2. Tune as old as song
3. Song as old as rhyme
5️⃣ HYPERBOLE (誇飾)
➡️ 用誇張手法來強調主意
"Certain as the sun rising in the east"
Meaning: (美女與野獸的愛)確切、永恆(everlasting)如太陽從東邊升起的定律。
大大: 早排睇beauty and the beast已經話想用首歌share poetic devices,講到依家終於出到post。想揾到beauty/其實好靚仔嘅beast就俾個like我地啦。<--打得咁辛苦係要呃下like㗎啦。🤦♂️
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simile meaning 在 遵理學校 Kenneth Lau Facebook 的最讚貼文
S.6 Regular 第 5 期精彩內容 recap:
5 期 1:
- LE 17: 社會轉變(對比、平衡)、用 worm 相關字及 idioms 貫穿全文、acrostic 的寫作技巧、社會問題及影響句構、中港矛盾的重點 points
- Reading: Paragraph Construction(句構、文法概念應用)、Dictionary Questions(字典特色及次序)、Literal & Figurative Meaning(兩者分別、修辭:Simile & Metaphor)
- Homework: Long Questions
5 期 2:
- LE 18: 社會轉變(對比、句內平衡)、兩款 inversion、引用事例的寫作技巧、諷刺結尾法、多個詞語搭配、新聞封鎖的重點 points
- Reading: Paragraph Construction(句構、文法概念應用)(2)、Literal Meaning (2)、Symbolic Meaning 的 key words、Filling in Charts、Long Questions (1)
- Homework: Long Questions
5 期 3:
LE 19:設問進階技巧、事例引入、反諷引入、層遞、Grammar Review - Compound Participles、關於技能及家務的詞語搭配、港孩的重點 points
- Reading: True/False/Not Given、Proofreading(內容及語文)、Long Questions (2)
Homework: Long Questions
5 期 4:
LE 20:事例引入方法、諷刺引入、眾所周知的表達方法、it 句式、thumb 的4個常用 idioms 及應用、contrast, responsibilities, obstacles 的詞語搭配、港孩的重點 points (2)
- Reading: Poems (Forms, Types, Poetic Devices [Rhyme, Alliteration, Assonance, Consonance], Metre, Figures of Speech [Simile, Metaphor, Onomatopoeia, Oxymoron], Imagery)、處理 poems 題目、Long Questions (3)
Homework: 2007-2011 CE, 2012-2013 DSE Past Papers, Mock Exam (Racism)
S.6 第六期精彩課程內容預告:
Paper 3: Listening & Integrated Skills
Part A 針對最難的 Form-filling 及 Sentence Completion 題目
Part B 主力教:
- 2012-2013 DSE 技巧分析
- Summarising Skills +One-sentence Summary
- Reasoning Skills
- Decision-making Skills
- Different Text Types in DF
- 重點格式:Editorial, Agenda, Letters (2), Profile
simile meaning 在 遵理學校 Kenneth Lau Facebook 的最佳貼文
S.4/5 Regular 4期1堂 recap 重要技巧:
- LE: 社會轉變(對比、平衡)、用 worm 相關字及 idioms 貫穿全文、acrostic 的寫作技巧、社會問題及影響句構、中港矛盾的重點 points
- Writing: 與時間相關的句構
- Reading: Summary Cloze & Guided Cloze - common sense anticipation & parts of speech
- Homework: Confusing Words
S.6 Regular 4期1堂 recap 重要技巧:
- LE: 社會轉變(對比、平衡)、用 worm 相關字及 idioms 貫穿全文、acrostic 的寫作技巧、社會問題及影響句構、中港矛盾的重點 points
- Reading: Paragraph Construction(句構、文法概念應用)、Dictionary Questions(字典特色及次序)、Literal & Figurative Meaning(兩者分別、修辭:Simile & Metaphor)
- Homework: Long Questions
simile meaning 在 Simile and Metaphor with Detailed Explanantion - Pinterest 的美食出口停車場
Feb 19, 2019 - The word Simile has been derived from the Latin word similis, which means, like and likeness. A simile is a comparison between two objects ... ... <看更多>
simile meaning 在 Simile Meaning - YouTube 的美食出口停車場
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