Teringin nak makan macam bawak bekal. Tapi tak kerja pun.
Tapau dalam mangkuk tingkat,bentang tikar Kat lantai. Feeling piknik tepi pantai. Pasang kipas laju2.
Ahhhhhhh kuatnya angin 😆
Tadi ada yang minta taipkan resipi nasi ni...
Resepi Nasi Dagang Terengganu:
Untuk Nasi: -
•4 cawan beras (Saya guna basmathi)
•1 cawan beras pulut
•3 cawan santan cair + sedikit gula dan garam
•1½ cawan santan pekat + sedikit garam
•1 sudu halba
•2 ulas bawang merah
•2 inci halia
Cara cara :
1. Beras dicampur dengan beras pulut di rendam semalaman (kalau tak sempat 2-4 jam pun okey)Saya rendam 2 jam jer sebab nak cepat.hehe
2. Kukus beras dan pulut tadi selama 25 minit.
3. Angkat dan masuk semua nasi ke dalam bekas yang agak besar dan digaulkan dengan ½ santan cair sehingga rata. biar seketika hingga semua santan meresap. Masukkan lagi santan sehingga resap. Elok habiskan semua santan cair. Biar sebentar.
4. Kukus semula selama 20-25 minit lagi.
5. Sambil2 tu hiris bawang dan halia halus2. Masuk santan Dan bawang,halia Dan halba.masak santan aagak2 masak. Tutup api dapur.
6. Angkat nasi kali ke-2. Tuang santan tadi atas nasi dan kacau2 tekan(aron) dengan santan pekat hingga rata.
7. Boleh dihidangkan
Gulai Ikan Aya :
Rebus Ikan bersama beberapa asam keping,beberapa hirisan lengkuas dan juga garam..
Jangan buang air rebusan.
👆 Kalau rebus awal lagi sedap,contohnya pagi ni nak masak,malam tadi dah rebus siap2. Tujuannya untuk kurang kan hanyir. Sebab ikan aye ni bau hanyir Dan berlendir.
Bahan-bahan gulai :
2 hiris lengkuas (dikisar)
1 hiris halia (dikisar)
1 biji bawang besar (dikisar)
3 ulas bawang putih (dikisar)
1 paket rempah gulai cap bunga Ros 15 gram...jika tiada. Guna jer adabi ke apa ke.hehe
1 liter santan
1/2 buku kecil gula melaka.
10 biji cili padi
sedikit garam
Cara-cara :
1. Masak Santan sehingga naik minyak.
2. Masukkan semua bahan-bahan yang dikisar, rempah gulai cap bunga ros, dan gula melaka
3. Masak lama, biarkan mendidih. Api perlahan
Craving to eat like bringing food. But I don't work.
Tapau in a floor bowl, presenting the mat on the floor. Feeling picnic at the beach. Install the fan fast.
Ahhhhhhh the wind is strong 😆
Someone asked to type this rice recipe earlier...
Terengganu Nasi Dagang Recipe
For Rice: -
• 4 cups of rice (I use basmathi)
• 1 cups of rice glutinous rice
• 3 cups of liquid coconut milk + some sugar and salt
• 1½ cups of thick coconut milk + some salt
• 1 spoon of fenugreek
• 2 review of red onion
• 2 inches of ginger
Way to go:
1. Rice mixed with rice glutinous rice in soak overnight (if you don't have time for 2-4 hours it's okay) I just soak it for 2 hours because I want hehe
2. Steamed rice and glutinous rice just now for 25 minutes.
3. Lift and enter all the rice into a pretty large container and made with ½ coconut milk liquid to the flat. let it be for a while until all coconut milk absorbs. Put in more coconut milk until it's fade. It's better to finish all the coconut milk. Just a moment.
4. Re-steamed for another 20-25 minutes.
5. Meanwhile slice of onions and ginger smooth. Enter coconut milk and onions, ginger and fenugreek. Cooking coconut milk while cooking. Close the kitchen fire.
6. Lift up the 2. th time of rice. Pour coconut milk just now on rice and stir up press (aron) with thick coconut milk to the flat.
7. Can be served
Aya Fish Gulai:
Boil Fish with some sour pieces, a few slices of galangal and salt..
Don't pee.
👆 If you boil it early it's tasty, for example I want to cook this morning, last night I boiled it. The purpose is to reduce the fishy Because this fish smells fishy and slimy.
Ingredients of gulai:
2 slices of galangal (ground)
1 slices of ginger (ground)
1 big onions (ground)
3 review of garlic (ground)
1 packages of rose cap gulai spice 15 gram... if not. Just use Adabi or what. hehe
1 liter of coconut milk
1/2 small books of melaka sugar.
10 pieces of chili chili
some salt
1. Cooking Coconut Milk until the oil increases.
2. Insert all the ingredients that are grounded, rose cap curry spice, and melaka sugar
3. Old cook, let it boil. Slow fireTranslated
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