We arrived in Romania's capital Bucharest on a public holiday, the city was dead! Luckily there's a 24 hour Carrefour next to our apartment where we accidentally spent 3/4 of our cash on food and some extra treats such as beer and cheese 🍺🍫🍪🍬 First time staying in AirBnb for me, finally no need to handwash first-time in 4 months!!! Although I didn't particularly like the fact we needed to meet the owner at an exact time, we missed out on her since we were buying train tickets for next ride and had to wait another half hour before she comes back...🕠 Nevertheless it was great to chill on a public holiday😄
昨天我們來到羅馬尼亞的首都 “Bucharest 布加勒斯特”,跟匈牙利的首都 “Budapest 布達佩斯” 超級類似😂 之前對東歐城市還不熟係時常常搞錯😜 我們到的時候剛好是國定假日,整個城市是死城。這樣剛好也讓我們有時間休息☺ 從窗外望出去老城也都沒人~旁邊倒是有一家24小時無休的家樂福👍 我們原本只剩不到一千臺幣的現金要過三天,結果不小心買了大約快 700塊的食物😂 結帳時完全傻眼,只不過多幾包 Lays,起司和啤酒啊🍪🍺🍫🍬
這是我第一次住 AirBnb (非常跟不上時代😂)只能說能夠有洗衣機真的是太棒了,四個月來第一次 York 不用手洗內衣褲!唯一目前覺得缺點就是有些主人會需要安排時間當面給你鑰匙,代表我們那天抵達後不能有變動。我們昨天因為到達火車站後跑去買車票,結果到的時候主人已經走了😵 必須用手機漫遊打電話給主人,她半個小時候才又趕來… 接下來兩個月東歐都是住 AirBnb,看看如何吧。畢竟大家來歐洲大部分都是住 AirBnb☺
Ps. 還沒參加的朋友也可以用我的連結來加入 https://www.airbnb.co.nz/c/winnyw10?s=8 ☺ 這樣下次訂房好像有大約 $800 臺幣的則扣。如果以參加的朋友也可以使用另一個 email 加入😄
public holiday 2023 在 Escambia county schools calendar - Gitanjaliptti.org 的美食出口停車場
Crawford Blanda school calendar. Alachua County Public Schools. 6121 Phone Escambia County School District (Pensacola, FL) calendars & holidays. ... <看更多>