#1. 常見中式英文(一二七) - 美語達人Mike劉- udn部落格
1. Please let me know your availability (, thank you). 2. I'd appreciate it if you could let me know your availability.
非常正式Could you please let me know if you are available for a meeting on April 12? 簡單明瞭Can you get back to me ASAP? 5. ㄧ表搞定.
#3. kindly let me know your availability or please let ... - TextRanch
The phrase "please let me know your availability" is a polite way of asking someone for their schedule. EXPLANATION PROVIDED BY A TEXTRANCH EXPERT. Example:.
#4. please let me know your availability vs kindly advise your ...
please let me know your availability is the most popular phrase on the web. kindly advise your availability. 16,410 results on the web. please let me know your ...
#5. let me know your availabilities | English examples in context
At your earliest opportunity, please contact me and let me know your availability so that we can schedule a date and time for your interview".
#6. What is the proper answer to the question 'let me know your ...
What is the proper answer to the question 'let me know your availability' for a phone call interview? Should I tell the specific time or just date?
#7. Let me know your availability [closed] - English StackExchange
When someone suggests making a video call someday and you reply it is a good idea (even unsure he/she is just being polite) and he/she says let ...
#8. Please let me know your availability - WordReference Forums
So, Can I ask in business mails such as 'Please let me know your availability to discuss about my role in XXX project. Please share your ...
#9. 職場英文Email五大萬用金句 - 世界公民文化中心
Please let me know if the time is okay for you and Ben. 我建議我們今晚九點半電話會議,你和Ben有沒有空? I would like to call a meeting in the afternoon ...
#10. How to Ask for Availability for a Meeting (with examples)
If not, let me know what dates/times would work better for you. Thank you,. [Your name]. You should use that template with a relevant subject ...
#11. How To Send Your Meeting Availability in an Email -
Using a booking link from a meeting scheduling tool is one way to share when you're available for meetings, but some people prefer just to list out available ...
#12. Schedules - Board of Regents State of Iowa
Good Afternoon,. Would you please let me know of your availability for a two or three day block of time during the week of June 11, 2007 ...
#13. 22 “Could You Please Confirm…” Statements For Chat And ...
Common “Could You Please Confirm” Situations; Tips For Using A “Give Me A Moment” Statement ... such as the day and time of your next business meeting.
#14. 7 Best Examples of How to Ask for a Meeting by Email
Check out the best samples for emails to schedule meetings or schedule meeting examples to ... Please, do let me know when you're available.
#15. Business Email: Functional Language Reference Sheets
Please let me know when you are available to meet me. I would be grateful if you could let me have your availability over the coming weeks.
#16. How to Schedule a Meeting Via Email -
If any of the above times work for you, please let me know by [deadline]. If you can't make these times, please send a few dates you're ...
#17. 14 Email templates to ask for a meeting politely - Leadmonk
Can you please let me know who I should speak with in order to set ... to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact me at [Your ...
#18. You suck at asking for people's time - Mighty Introvert
At the end of your email, you write: “Let me know your availability. ... help but wonder if it was something you said or if they were just leading you on.
#19. How To Write A Meeting Request Email (With Example) - Indeed
Writing these request emails to schedule meetings can be challenging if you have never ... Would you please let me know your availability?
#20. Do We Really Know How to Schedule Meetings via Email?
Please let me know what works best with your schedule. Please let me know when would be a convenient time for you to meet. Please let me ...
#21. How to Answer Interview Questions About Availability for Work
Unless you have an agreement that defines your schedule, the employer can change it at any time. What the Interviewer Wants to Know. Especially ...
#22. I would like to get a demo of your time sheet ... - OfficeTimer
We can schedule a Demo session for you via WebEx at a mutually convenient time. Please let us know your availability (dates and time slots) and I shall ...
#23. let me know your availability - French translation - Linguee
Many translated example sentences containing "let me know your ... to update your volunteer availability information from last winter, please let us know.
#24. Request for meeting email with samples and templates - Flowrite
Please let me know suitable dates and times for us to meet. Thanks, (Your name). 3. Business meeting request email example. This is a more ...
#25. Useful Phrases
Please have a look at the enclosed report and let me know what you think. If you could organize the meeting for next Tuesday, I'll send everyone the details ...
#26. 7+ Perfect Examples of a Meeting Request Email - UpLead
Please let me know if you'd like to meet at a different time. Kind regards,. [your name]. Make sure you're personalizing the email with the correct name, ...
#27. Email Template to Schedule a Meeting: 6 Examples You Can ...
If there is anything I can do to improve your experience, please let me know. I'd like to schedule a meeting with you to see how things are ...
#28. Scheduling a meeting by email: what to include with samples
Email templates to schedule a meeting on the Revenue Grid Blog. ... Please let me know when and where you would like to meet.
#29. Looking forward to our meeting email
We look forward to the meeting and discussing your oversight of NOAA's ... Nov 20, 2020 · Please let me know if we can have a brief, 15 minute call in ...
#30. How to Write a Meeting Request Email (9 Great Examples)
In a meeting request email, your goal is to have the recipient ... If not, could you please let me know who the appropriate person for me to ...
#31. Meeting Request Email - A Step-by-step Guide With Examples!
For those new to writing meeting request emails, let's start with the basic ... Please let me know your availability or any other time or ...
#32. Please let me know your convenient time. Is this ... - HiNative
"please let me know a time that is convenient for you" or "please ... if you don't give a reason why you want to know their availability.
#33. Request Someone's Time in English [How to Ask for Meetings ...
Ask your boss for a meeting, request help from a coworker, or make a cold ... Please let me know a day and time that is convenient for you.
#34. Business English: Making Appointments
Please would you indicate a suitable time and place to meet? (neutral) ... Thank you for your email. ... Can you let me know if this is OK for you?
#35. Sample email asking for update
Even if you know your previous employer very well, it's best practice to ... is important for your goals; ask to schedule a meeting or say that you will be ...
#36. Dear David I am writing to ask if we could meet with ... - GOV.UK
Please let me know if you wish us to explore availability direct. Also, we can set up a teleconference facility is this would be most practical for Pere.
#37. How to Make Saying No Through Email Easy with 9 Different ...
Whether it's for yourself or your boss, sometimes saying no to a meeting request ... Please let me know which date works best for you and I'll get it on the ...
#38. How To Ask If Someone Is Available For A Meeting
Please let me know what time would be convenient for you. 5. I would like to invite you to a meeting for a short introduction. Please share your ...
#39. How to write an email to make somebody attend a meeting ...
Thanks for letting me know that you can't attend the meeting on Friday ... Please advise me of a time and a date which is more suitable for your schedule.
#40. How to Politely Share Your Scheduling Link on ... - Entrepreneur
Let's say you're at your favorite coffee shop catching up on some work. ... appointments aren't convenient for you, please let me know.
#41. How to confirm a meeting informal - Smile Ravenna
Thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to meet with me next Monday, ... The office address is the following:[Office Address]Please let me know if ...
#42. How to Respond to an Interview Request (Email Samples)
You want to make it easy for the employer to schedule your interview when you ... If none of these times work, please let me know and I'll be happy to come ...
#43. 10 Expressions for Business Emails - EnglishClass101
If you have any questions or if there's another expression that you like to use in your business emails, please let us know in the comments. Thank you very much ...
#44. writing great e-mails - e-quip training
Therefore, I would like to schedule a meeting to discuss this with you tomorrow afternoon. Would you be available at 3pm? Please let me know.
#45. 8 Polite Follow-Up Email Samples & Mistakes To Avoid
Let me know if you have any questions about the quote. Thanks, [Your Name]. Tip: Be brief and ask a question instead of saying you're just ...
#46. Dear Academic Chairs and Directors, Thank you for sending ...
Thank you for sending your availability so that we can schedule our meetings. I do realize that this is ... Please submit your requests to me,.
#47. How to respond to an interview request (with sample templates)
If you're interested in this job, the next step is to schedule some time for ... Please let me know if you have any other questions or if I can provide any ...
#48. how to suggest time for a meeting in email - Gallarate Sposi
20 abr 2022 How to schedule a meeting via email · Have a clear and concise subject ... Please let me know if this timing will fit in with your schedule.
#49. How to Write a One-on-One Meeting Request Email: 7 Samples
And when you're trying to schedule a meeting, whether with an employee or manager ... please let me know when would be a good time to meet.
#50. Meeting Follow Up Email Template (Copy&Paste) | LiveAgent
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, [Your name]. [Attachment – Meeting Notes]. Copy to clipboard. Meeting recap.
#51. Best Meeting Request Email Examples And Tips -
Just a reminder: if you think a 15-minute talk about your [Restate a recipient's pain point] makes sense, let me know what your calendar looks ...
#52. Email template to request an intake meeting From a recruiter ...
Please let me know which of the following time slots suit your schedule better and once you pick one, I will send you an invitation. Tuesday 5/15, 10-11 AM ...
#53. Most Effective Call-to-Action Phrases in Business Emails
Certain phrases are used widely to ask for a meeting to be scheduled politely and ... Please, let me know your availability by the end of this week.
#54. please let me know your availability.の意味・使い方・読み方
please let me know your availability.の意味や使い方 あなたのご都合を教えて下さい。 - 約1553万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。
#55. How to Respond to a Job Interview Email (With Examples)
If you need anything from me, please let me know. Your Name. Example 5. Dear [Interviewer],. Thank you for considering me for the [name of ...
#56. Unit 5: Making arrangements | LearnEnglish - British Council
Think about these points when the purpose of your email is to make an arrangement. ... What time would you like to meet? ... Could you please let me know?
#57. are these sentence correct | ESL Forum
1) Please let me know when you are available so we can make arrangement. 2) Please let me know your availability for next week.
#58. Best practices for sharing your Calendly link
Tips and tricks to share your availability and schedule meetings quicker. ... Please let me know if you have any questions!
#59. Making Appointments | Global Bridge Online
If not, please tell me when would suit you better. ... b) To schedule a meeting with Mr. Chimes c) To inform Mr. Chimes of Teruko's availability.
#60. 職場英文咁寫已過時?學識用清新自然Email用語/開場白
有事情還要跟進的話可直接點明“Please let me know if you are available/if you can help/if you need to… ” 按情況作結,而不下下用“I look forward to hearing ...
#61. Meeting Request Email Templates + Subject Lines - Mailshake
“Let me know what your schedule looks like and we'll go from there.” Also, make sure you limit your CTA to just one request or action to reduce ...
#62. How To Respond To An Interview Request (With Examples)
As requested, I will call tomorrow morning to schedule an interview time with your secretary. Please let me know if there's anything else ...
#63. The Cleverest Follow-Up Email Templates - 1 Per Scenario
If it makes sense to talk further, let me know how your calendar looks for the next ... ✨Tip: Be sure to schedule a follow-up meeting or call while you're ...
#64. How to write a one on one email request: 6 examples
I was hoping it would be possible to schedule a meeting with you to discuss my current performance. Please let me know if this is possible ...
#65. How To Write a Follow-Up Email After a Meeting - Autoklose
With a bit of careful thought and planning, your follow-up email ... Please let me know when it would be convenient for you to meet so we ...
#66. Let me know your - Translation into French - examples English
Translations in context of "Let me know your" in English-French from Reverso Context: Let ... Please visit the website bellow and let me know your opinion.
#67. Interview availability email template - Workable resources
Please let me know which of the following options you prefer. I will send you a calendar invitation once I receive your reply. [Monday 6/1, 3 p.m.] [Tuesday 6/2 ...
#68. Tips & Tricks: Composing Professional Emails - LinkedIn
Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional ... for phone interview availability: “My availability is as follows: ...
#69. Please Advise—Eleven Formal and Casual Alternatives
Did you hear anything about the upcoming changes to our schedule? Please let me know. 8. Please keep me posted. This phrase is another casual and friendly way ...
#70. How to write an email stating your availability?
I am available this Wednesday at 1:30 pm, and I look forward to meeting with you to discuss this position in more detail. Please let me know if ...
#71. Communicating with Professors: Sample Emails
Please let me know when you may be available. Thank you for your consideration, I look forward to hearing back from you. Regards,. Your name. Student ID.
#72. Write an Email to Someone Who Missed a Meeting | Routine
To schedule the meeting, you can access my calendar here [CALENDLY LINK]. Please do let me know if there is a change. Best,. [YOUR NAME] ...
#73. How to Write a Meeting Request Email to Your Client/Potential ...
Therefore, it's vital that you know everything about meeting request ... a different time and date for the meeting, please let me know.” ...
#74. How to Write a Meeting Request Email - Glassdoor
Let me know when would be a good time to meet. Sincerely,. Maria Walters. Example 2. Dear Ms. Myers,. My name is Amber Jennings and my manager, ...
#75. How to Write a Reschedule Meeting Email - Glassdoor
Please let me know if this timing will fit in with your schedule. If not, I will be happy to discuss a time that is more favorable to you.
#76. 11 Interview Invitation Email Templates | Freshteam
If you could let us know your availability in any one of the time slots ... Please reply to this email to let us know your preferred option so that we can ...
#77. 7 Meeting Request Email Examples - MeetFox
For example, you may say, "Kindly let me know your view concerning the suggested venue and time as soon as you can," or "please get in touch ...
#78. How to Politely Share Your Scheduling Link on Calendar
Additionally, disclosing “your schedule and routine to a stranger gives them ... aren't convenient for you, please let me know.
#79. 16 Templates for Follow Up Emails After a Meeting ...
Happy to discuss the book or my approach if you'd like. Just let me know! [Signature]. Use Case 2: To ...
#80. Business English: Scheduling a Meeting
No matter what line of work you're in, there's one thing almost everyone needs to do at some point or another: schedule a meeting.
#81. 初入職場,如何用英文優雅地寫郵件?
Please kindly reply at your convenience. Please share us a feedback as early as ... Should you have any questions, please let me know.
#82. How To Arrange A Meeting By Email - Business English
... Business English lesson and learn how to arrange a meeting using a formal and an informal sty... ... Your browser can't play this video.
#83. 10 Great Examples of a Business Meeting Request Email
If so, click here to schedule a call [link to scheduler]. If not, just tell me you're not interested – I don't offend easily. Looking forward to ...
#84. How to Create an Email Meeting Invite (+6 Templates) - Dialpad
This will let your attendees know what to expect, what to prepare, ... comments about the schedule or any technology you need to bring, please let me know.
#85. 10 Ways to Use “Please Advise” in Business Correspondence
Please advise your [availability/convenient date and time/current ... In case I missed anything, kindly let me know soon so I can comply.
#86. 5 Meeting Confirmation Email Templates - Cabinet
Per the calendar invitation, [Executive Name] will dial your number at XXX-XXX-XXXX. Please let me know if this meeting time is still convenient for your or ...
#87. how to request a meeting on behalf of your boss
Let me know a suitable time and place as I am willing to accommodate to your schedule. I am waiting for your reply with a convenient meeting time.
#88. 3 Emails Recruiters Send—and the Responses They Actually ...
I'm available to speak at [insert dates and times you're free for a phone interview]. Please let me know if you need anything else in the meantime. Looking ...
#89. Follow Up Email After Meeting: Writing Tips and Templates
Just like any email, your follow up message should have a clear ... If you'll need an introduction to anyone in tech media, let me know.
#90. Managing your availability in Microsoft Teams
But now that more of us have to work remotely, ... Set the expectation and let people know about your working style and how to determine ...
#91. C4C/Partnerships - WikiEducator
5) Get Board of Directors approval - report your meeting to the ... If yes, please let me know what your availability is like if we can ...
#92. How to Schedule Meetings With Very Busy People ... - GetGist
How to Schedule Meetings With Very Busy People (and a Case Study Teardown) ... for me,” but without Chaz letting him know beforehand, Chaz may just reply, ...
#93. 『絶対に使える英文eメール作成術』例文150公開 - KADOKAWA
I would like to set up a meeting to discuss your new project ... If you cannot attend, please let us know ASAP. ... Subject:Expected Delivery Schedule Your ...
#94. Share Your Availability on Calendar for All Occasions - Medium
Since he's just a little guy, he gave me a perplexed look before replying ... last words in the message are, “Let me know your availability.
#95. Writing clear emails: Asking somebody to do something
Here's a quick tip to help you structure your emails. ... Action – Tell them what you need them to do. ... Please let me know if you have any questions.
#96. How to Write an Email Asking a Manager for a Meeting
By using email to schedule the meeting, you have a record that not ... Please let me know by the end of the day if that meeting time works ...
#97. Meeting Request Email Templates (Schedule A Call Using ...
Let's say you need to schedule a call with someone. ... Please contact me with an opening in your schedule so that we can arrange a meeting.
#98. How to Send Better Email: Try These Ready-to-use Templates ...
How do you end your conversations on email? Seems like we typically choose one of these cookie-cutter signoffs. “Please let me know if you ...
please let me know your availability for the meeting 在 How To Arrange A Meeting By Email - Business English 的美食出口停車場
... Business English lesson and learn how to arrange a meeting using a formal and an informal sty... ... Your browser can't play this video. ... <看更多>