Love is in the hAIR❤️
Sticking to organic hair dye, low lights & regular hair treatments this year - that means less chemicals inhaled or absorbed through the skin, a break from the monthly grown-out roots problem & more nourishment for my hair!
@EmmanuelFHK #OneStopOrganicBeauty #OrganicColourSystems #ChooseHealthy #JoyceNHealthDiary
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選擇健康♡ 即使係美容產品,包括護髮!
咁你又知唔知其實我哋有更健康嘅選擇呢? 🙂 我今次試嘅染髮劑係用盡可能低嘅PPD去減低過敏反應嘅風險,並且不含氨,pH值比較低所以冇咁傷頭髮。染髮劑仲含有天然同經過認證嘅有機成分,可以係染髮嘅過程中同時滋養同埋強化頭髮。#OrganicColourSystems #同韵芝一起尋找健康啲嘅選擇 #健康意識 #選擇健康 #韵芝之選 #生活座右铭 #美麗從健康開始❤️